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Everything posted by Sky_Pilot071

  1. No 22H2 update today. Back on track I guess. sp
  2. XMP hasn't worked for me since the 90's. sp
  3. I only run MSFS after installing the latest Windows 10 updates. Has anyone noticed that these are installing every day? Just wondering because it takes a bit of time. sp
  4. The beauty of MSFS is that it runs great on almost anything which attests to the modern development tools that ASOBO has adopted. I' d like to think that MS .NET plays a big part here since it was my framework of choice before retirement. Anyway to repeat what many have already said flight simmers are having their cake and eating it too these days. sp
  5. I'm getting FPS in the mid 80's with a 5900x, 3060ti and LOD 150 with DLSS balanced in DX12 1440 res. SU10 really rocks. sp
  6. Just like Intel used to be. Sign of the times I guess. sp
  7. More or less because Intel was the sole player on gaming systems in the early days. I see AMD today as a more innovative platform while Intel continues to dish up not so much in the way of performace improvements. Most gamers attest to that fact while Intel continues to lose market share in the gaming industry. Of couse pricing has a big impact which drives most system builds these days. My own take is that AMD offers better perfomace with lower power requirements. Something important to me since I run off solar. sp
  8. MB changes always require a system change decision. What prompts that change and at what cost? Like many I reserve comment with an AMD preference. sp
  9. What are your impressions? Is it cost competitive? Perfomance? sp
  10. I ran Intel stuff for many years until my son turned me on to the 5900x which I am currently running. Seems my previous Intel builds always required overclocking and generated too much heat and fan noise. Not so with the 5900x which runs MSFS straight out of the box cool and quiet - no muss no fuss. Note, I''m not talking about AMD GPUs which have suffered due to bad drivers in the past but things may be changing there also. Is there an AMD system coming for Intel users? Beyond that the XBOX is AMD so won't that suggest going AMD? Finally, FSX always prefered INTEL but that may no longer be the case with MSFS. sp
  11. Anyone figure out to permnently delete the AS Twin Otter? sp
  12. The way the world is today, and I guess like always flight simming isn't such a bad addiction. sp
  13. Probably like anything online it is but I only play a few hours every month. Actually hoping it is. I luv this game. sp
  14. Just something that ASOBO needs to shoot for. sp
  15. Also the HJET is the best MSFS plane for a fun experience but that is probably just a me thing. sp
  16. AMD is the answer. Forget about overclocking which is something to do with the 90's due to bad system design. My 5900x rocks all by itself so no need to appy black magic. sp
  17. Be safe - go AMD and forget about overstressing your system. sp
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