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Everything posted by Sky_Pilot071

  1. I have the Alaska mesh and see the spikes. Wonder if I need to reinstall it after WU11? sp
  2. The title of this thread should be "Why not the HJET" which has no good reasom to not enjoy this plane. sp
  3. Just had another great flight from CYBD (post World Update 11) to PAJN. FMS work flawlessly. Thing I always do though is activate the leg to my IAF. DX12 (latest studio driver), DLSS Quality (no blurry gauges) No VSYNC with frames in the low 60's. Smooth all around with no stutters. Not sure but the water looks improved with DX12. Edit: I actually saw the altitude tape go blurry for a few seconds but it was going so fast it looked natural to me. Cheers sp
  4. The Cessna 441 Conquest had equal or better perfomance than the Mustang. sp sp
  5. HJET is a joy if you just want to enjoy MSFS from up there! sp
  6. The HJet is one of the sweetest planes to fly so the Avionincs which are very nice play second fiddle IMO. sp
  7. Looks realistic. The ORBX one is an old port so I may prefer the ASOBO official one. sp
  8. Locking at 60 is the ticket for me anyway. MSFS keeps the FPS pretty constant, about 70 without VSYNC. Way different than FSX. sp
  9. FPS monitoring is pointless when using VSYNC so I prefer not to use it. The result is the best FPS my system can achieve for any given configuation / situation. After that I can choose to enable VSYNC which is usually 60 FPS. sp
  10. Like it or not FPS is the primary way that ALL gamers judge the performace of their systems. Meaning that every hardware / driver / Windows change not to mention game setting change will usually lead to an FPS check. Its what we do. sp
  11. It could be due to the lower cost of entry or the game itself. My son is too smart for himself some times but glad he got me going the AMD route. sp
  12. Another way to ask the question, as my gamer son reminds me, is most serious PC gamers prefer AMD. Why is that? sp
  13. Asobo is doing internal optimizations for the XBOX. Do they offer anything to AMD PC users? sp
  14. I get that but are there techy reasons to make the right decision? sp
  15. FSX simmers know that it favored Intel systems. Is it now true, given the attention to XBOX, that we should be buying AMD computers? Note: I have a 5900x system and it runs MSFS like a champ. sp
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