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Everything posted by Sky_Pilot071

  1. Anyone else notice a significant power boost with the latest update? Also the G3000 is looking real good. sp
  2. Not sure why reinstalling is still such a fad. I gave up on that route years ago as I always ended up in the same place. Uninstalling is a different story. My take on MSFS is that it is a good design because the important stuff is in the cloud so a reinstall is a dead end. Since I can't remember a CTD I can now usually associate one to something I did such as new drivers, new scenery ecetera. I'm not special but observant. sp
  3. A Cessna 441 Conquest with a proper power curve. Flight model is secondary to the engines. sp
  4. Just to add that Jorg is awesome and has the insight and backing to add great resources as required. If we need a Michael Jordan on the team I'm sure he could make it happen. Great interview with MJ: sp
  5. Denial seems to be the fad these days. Sure you may be able to get XP up and running in 1 or 2 hours but then plan on 10 hours and lots of cash to make it look like a 2022 sim. sp
  6. Doesn't that depend on your monitor settings? MSFS looks perfect to my eyes on my setup out-of-the-box. sp
  7. Probaby a Hanger Chat item but since I'm an MSFS fan was wondering how much time you need for your simming fix. I find that only a few hours ever few days is enough to keep me happy because I appreciate the time way more Used to sim all day every day. I do like watching a good MSFS tube however. sp
  8. Reinstalls are pointless. Think about it. sp
  9. It may be a matter of trust. Will MS do anything to sabotage it's online gamig platform? Probably not. However some nefarious players might. So we need to have a certain level of trust to enjoy our favorite sim. MS is not the enemy IMO. sp
  10. My last CTD was a year ago after I installed a new airport. Resetting the cache fixed that one. sp
  11. There may be some merit in the suggestion to run Windows updates as I always do this before running MSFS. Lately the only upfates I get pn a daily baisrs are for security upfates. This may or may not tell you something. sp
  12. It figures that hackers would luv to get their grubby fingers into a popular Chinese MSFS tool. I still remember what happened to the Russian app, EZDOK for FSX. It took me a long time to figure that one out. sp
  13. I'm using an old old version of the Google App with no problems. sp
  14. I don't get CTDs, no PG, no CACHE and only fly in the Amercan West. Doing a flight from KTEX to KAVX and will report back if any crashes. sp
  15. That would be too much like going to the dentist - lol sp
  16. Could be the tile server that is being used. ARCGIS probably has a low load. sp
  17. Just loaded up the HJET at ORBX KORS for a flight to Bella Colla CYBD. SU9 / AMD 5900x FPS ~70. No issues other than asked to start in Safe Mode again. I suspect there is something happening internally that I'm not seeing. Live weather is OK. Old nVidia driver - 472,14 3060TI. Also using the Google map tool with ARCGIS tiles. OK for now on this end. 30 minutes in the flight is going well at FL265. Live weather looks excellent. Nothing odd. Even some nice high level clouds. FPS holding at ~67. Scenery is awesome and no LOD 200 popping. After about an hour I changed my FPL to PAJN a fav airport. At FL325 weather looks good. No CTDs I guess. sp
  18. Memory access is probably the bane of the PC environment. Hackers use access errors to great advantage. sp
  19. I haven't flown for several days. Maybe I'll wait several more. 🤫 Weird thing was it always asked to start in safe mode but no visible crashes. sp
  20. Edge has caused no issues here and I always run Windows update before MSFS. Win 10. sp
  21. Coming by next year is good enough for me. I feel we are in good hands. sp
  22. I have an 5900x. In general terms why does SU10 prefer AMD? IOW what does AMD offer over Intel systems? sp
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