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Everything posted by Sky_Pilot071

  1. FPS monitoring is pointless when using VSYNC so I prefer not to use it. The result is the best FPS my system can achieve for any given configuation / situation. After that I can choose to enable VSYNC which is usually 60 FPS. sp
  2. Like it or not FPS is the primary way that ALL gamers judge the performace of their systems. Meaning that every hardware / driver / Windows change not to mention game setting change will usually lead to an FPS check. Its what we do. sp
  3. It could be due to the lower cost of entry or the game itself. My son is too smart for himself some times but glad he got me going the AMD route. sp
  4. Another way to ask the question, as my gamer son reminds me, is most serious PC gamers prefer AMD. Why is that? sp
  5. Asobo is doing internal optimizations for the XBOX. Do they offer anything to AMD PC users? sp
  6. I get that but are there techy reasons to make the right decision? sp
  7. FSX simmers know that it favored Intel systems. Is it now true, given the attention to XBOX, that we should be buying AMD computers? Note: I have a 5900x system and it runs MSFS like a champ. sp
  8. Most can relate to the difference between an RL rollercoaster ride to one on the PC. Big difference. sp
  9. I have to admit that I like the 414 but would like the Conquest better. At any rate Im pretty much hooked on the HJET for the duration. sp
  10. Try Marks vid: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DUpTBsCJUng4&ved=2ahUKEwjg1tfGlK36AhXEL0QIHR1KAykQ3e4CegQIDhAD&usg=AOvVaw3wIoalf_adERW3D7NrY_zB
  11. SU10 and DLSS may have changed the rules. VSYNC is like that other sim. After trying it I removed it almost immediately. sp
  12. Im at 1440 resolution and really happy my GPU is doing way less work. IQ is still very sharp. sp
  13. Never use VSYNC IMO. Its an artificial performance limitation. sp
  14. CPU / GPU AMD 5900x used to run at 2% and 3060TI was at 100%. With SU10 / DX12 with DLSS (new driver) 16% and 16%. Seems like a good update. FPS still at 60. LOD200. sp
  15. If this is what SU10 offers then Im all in. Thanks sp
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