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  1. Ahem - what's your internet bandwidth, what'd the download rate when flying low over Manhattan, was this your first pass (read: rolling cache still empty?), and how are your settings for live traffic?
  2. https://devsupport.flightsimulator.com/t/msfs2024-simconnect-ai-injected-aircraft-only-being-placed-in-parking-without-airlinecodes/11171/10
  3. Probably no solution yet - the stutters are AI traffic (aircraft, ships) oading in. Disabling it also disables airport vehicled.
  4. Worked fine in the tech alpha by clicking on the door knob - right now this does nothing (I can open the windows though). Any ideas?
  5. Fingers crossed! Once it had loaded, I had the same data consumtion as FS2020.
  6. Be patient. I had it working two hours ago - and it ran extremely well. KLAX, Carbon Cub, everything maxed out. Tons of live traffic. Running crisp, first load took about 5 minutes to load the airport and the town. Photogrammetry of Los Angeles identical to FS2020, no scenery pop-in neither at low level nor at the 3.000 ft of my highest point. DSR3 frame generation works well with my 3090Ti, framerates on my 5900x/3090Ti system significantly better than FS2020: 55 (on the runway at KLAX) - 70 fps (over the town). Turning the head is very smooth. Absolutely no stutter during my 15 minute test. At a first glance I'd say that the promised performance increase happened. Very satisfied so far.
  7. I think 2.8.0. 3.6.20 worked flawlessly, as well as DSR3 frame generation.
  8. Yes. Tested DSR3 frame generation with my 3090Ti in the tech alpha - seems to work even better than in FS2020 (less artifacts). Same goes for DLSS - tech alpha ran fine with DLSS Same methods apply as in FS2020. YMMV, of course.
  9. 17 fps with frame generation at KLAX (and many other 380s) instead of the 65-70 I usually have in the exact same situation. 4k textures, 5120x1440, 5900x/3090Ti. All 24 GB of VRAM used. FSLTL not even enabled. Completely unusable for me.
  10. Identical for me. In both cases everything maxed out, 4k.
  11. I predict that there will be at least one thread named "FS2024 is not ready ... and shouldn't have been released" with lots of sub-standard comments.
  12. @Franz007 I could, and I have the data, but I won't. Frankly spoken: It is not my task to educate you, sorry. @All: Back to topic for a final time. Multiplayer. To me this is the field of FS2020 with most problems, many of them really bad. Has anyone ever heard about multiplayer improvements in FS2024? Anyone out there who has experience about how to place a question in a developer stream?
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