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Some time ago I found a checklist at another site for flying the J41 using FS2Crew and it helped me alot when I was trying to learn all the flows. Since then I have further developed the checklist and I now have what I belive is a very correct "guide" for flying the J41 using FS2Crew. Also included is the normal ATC communication like reqeuest startup clearence, request taxi and so on.Since some parts of it include text from the original FS2Crew documentation I'm not sure if I'm allowed to share it with you guys but if it would be OK I would be happy to send it to anyone interested in trying it out. Maybe I could send it over to you Bryan first so you can check it out?

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Some time ago I found a checklist at another site for flying the J41 using FS2Crew and it helped me alot when I was trying to learn all the flows. Since then I have further developed the checklist and I now have what I belive is a very correct "guide" for flying the J41 using FS2Crew. Also included is the normal ATC communication like reqeuest startup clearence, request taxi and so on.Since some parts of it include text from the original FS2Crew documentation I'm not sure if I'm allowed to share it with you guys but if it would be OK I would be happy to send it to anyone interested in trying it out. Maybe I could send it over to you Bryan first so you can check it out?
Hi Richard,By all means go ahead!Also, for maximum exposure, please put it in the Avsim and Flightsim.com file libraries.Cheers,

OK, I have now uploaded the checklist to AVSIM's file library but guess it will take some time for it to be published so will report back here once it becomes available.


The checklist is now available for download at AVSIM, I guess the easiest way to find it if you want to give it a spin is to use the extended search button and then search for Download ID 153017.Although I found many other checklists after making this one and some of them with a much more "PRO" look what I personally like about this one is that it's very "linear" and for that reason easy to follow when you first start learning FS2Crew for the J41.Hope anyone who decides to try it enjoys it :(


Richard,I downloaded your checklist and it seems very well done and clear. I think it should be best choice for people starting their fs2crew voice adventure.Thanks for your work.Pawel

Pawel Dragan

Poland, Gdansk


Hi RichardI have downloaded your Tutorial/Checklist and its a really nice job, well done.One query though, at the point 'Fast forward to 8 mins' the Capts Turn Flow the 'Elevator Trim' and 'Power Levers/Condition Levers' is repeated in the next section 'Fast Forward 3 mins'. Is this intentional or a printing error.Glen



Hi Glen,Good to hear you liked the checklist :smile:About your question what you mention was not in error, I thought about it both once and twice if I should repeat those items but then I decided that since you can't do much from 3 minutes left anyway but waiting for the FA to finish talking back in the cabin and close the door it wouldn't hurt doublechecking the most important stuff so therefore I decided to include them. However if you prefer to not have them included please feel free to exclude them and change the checklist anyway you like. The main reason I did this checklist from the very beginning was just that...I found a checklist which helped me alot when starting to learn FS2Crew for the J41 but then there were a couple of things in it I thought could be improved and that was how i begun to make this checklist.All the best and happy flying!


This looks really good, Richard. Not being a native English speaker I'm a bit nervous about using Voice FS2Crew (I'm thinking of getting the button version as well) but this being so clear and linear I'm giving it a try tonight.


If my checklist can "talk" :( you into getting the voice version of FS2Crew that is really great because the voice version compared to the button version feels so much more real! Like someone else here in the forum said I honestly can't see myself flying an a/c without FS2Crew now that I'm used to it.Please let us know what you think once you got it but I'm sure you will like it as much as the rest of us!


I have really wanted a check list like this as the last couple flights with the JS41 I have had the AOM sitting on my lap, and for flying, that is not really the best thing.I really appreciate your work on making this and sharing it with the flight sim community. Great work.

Scott Kalin VATSIM #1125397 - KPSP Palm Springs International Airport
Space Shuttle (SSMS2007) http://www.space-shu....com/index.html
Orbiter 2010P1 http://orbit.medphys.ucl.ac.uk/


Thank you Richard,Printed and laminated....BTW not only for beginners, a lot easier than manuals cluttering up the workspace :( CheersTrevor

Trevor Golding

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