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Forum signatures

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Info in my sig so people can see what system I have and how it's configured, often get PM's about overclocking and general questions about the setup. No harm, it's small writing, if you don't like it, don't read it!

-Iain Watson-

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It's really funny that all the people defending sigs are the one with long sigs and the other agreeing with the post don't have any or minimal. :Just Kidding:Joe Inama
Look who's talking. LOL.gif


Zachary Waddell -- Caravan Driver --

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Im not gonna walk in here like I own the place but these stupid topics need to end, I know what will be next, someone complaining about text in the posts... Good rule of thumb, think 3 times is it really a good post before ya post it Big%20Grin.gif But I guess we can continue this time since we have nothing better to do waiting :(

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It's really funny that all the people defending sigs are the one with long sigs and the other agreeing with the post don't have any or minimal. :(
What's even funnier, I have a minimalist signature and I enthusiastically support obnoxiously long sigs... :)
Info in my sig so people can see what system I have and how it's configured, often get PM's about overclocking and general questions about the setup. No harm, it's small writing, if you don't like it, don't read it!
That's why I like people's specs in their sigs. I'll be building a system sometime in the reasonably near future and I like seeing what people are running. I don't have my specs in my sig because I like people to just assume I actually have a decent system. It makes me feel better. So all I have in my signature right now is my full name in accordance with forum rules.
Im not gonna walk in here like I own the place...
no worries, I got that covered :)

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Aye, it was there but it's gone, added now. Must have deleted it by mistake while I was trying to keep the writing small so it wouldn't annoy people.

-Iain Watson-

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Sigs are a waste of time and space until you are looking to do a new build or doing some software research, then you read em all and need as much detail as possible. I just did my new build and really appreciated those with the most detailed of hardware signatures.Mark.

Mark   CYYZ      


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The OP should just turn off this setting and then he wouldn't need to worry any more about such a trivial matter: Board Display SettingsView members' signatures when reading topics?
Excellent suggestion Jim. I admit I wasn't aware you could do that. But there is a problem. As many people put their name in the sig if you disable viewing it you can no longer see their real name and use it in a reply for politeness. I can live with that though, and the forum now looks so much clearer with just posts to read. I recommend people with long sigs try disabling viewing them to see the difference it makes, and maybe reconsider the essays they attach.People who put their system details, piloting skills, lists of add ons, bank balance, etc are certainly free to do so but I think a sense of perspective is needed in just how much detail is necessary. If AVSIM mods are happy with just limiting banner content then so be it.Kevin Hall


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Many people here may perceive this post as bashing or pointing fingers, but it's really not one. This has just makes me an increasing impression lately in the forum. Maybe I am spending too much time here waiting for the release.Guys, please have mercy on us with all these signatures. Without spelling names - why do we care how big is your hard drive and how much free space you have on it? I mean come on. The impression is that this is not aviation forum but one for maniac hardware-overclocking teens. If you gonna have a signature, why not put your hours and type ratings in it, or at least something relevant in the most concise representation possible? No one cares what your rig is, no matter how proud of it you are.Another thing is that when we read a topic, maybe half of the space is taken by the same signatures. We all do not post just once in a thread that is interesting to us, so you get the picture. It is really irritating (at least to me) to dodge all this spam in every thread just to navigate to the actual posts text.I even took the time to calculate the signature size of a fellow forumer here. It is 11304 bytes. He has one of those "future owner of the NGX" pictures and his PC rig in absurd detail. That's about 10 posts of pure text to say at least. Bear in mind that the full text of Romeo and Juliet is around 100k. Tom and AVSIM staff are kindly providing the servers and the bandwidth for free to us, so please be reasonable. More signatures = more strain on the database, http server, all internet infrastructure on the way, more RAM needed in your PCs, which is way equals more electricity, etc. And most importantly, more difficult to read the forums.You decide which is better.cheersIgnat
Perhaps when you have more then 2 topics, and 9 posts you might have more throw around here....For starters, PLEASE SIGN YOUR FULL NAME AS PER FORUM RULES.Glad you decided to join right on the cusp of the NGX launch, Mean while the people with the signatures that seem to bug you so much, actually have something to contribute here and have done so for years. Dont feed the troll, this thread needs a delete right quick. Hows that for wasting server space, or better yet, electricity lol (that one made me laugh) Another 20 seconds of my life I'll never get back, thanks for that.

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I very much prefer that people put their specs in their signatures - it makes it easy to see at a glance what they have in their system for support purposes.If you really don't want to see them though, there's a simple option in your forum settings instead of telling people not to use them:forum_sig.jpg

Ryan Maziarz

For fastest support, please submit a ticket at http://support.precisionmanuals.com

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That will put an end to this nonsense thread! Good post there Ryan to keep the trolls at bay for atleast 10 min, now its party time until someone complains about why Ryan posts pictures :(

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C'mon Ben, gimme a break. rolleyes.gif AVSIM = flight sim forum.PMDG = ummm what, counter strike forum? You perfectly know I what I meant by hours and type ratings. And it is - If I have a question the differences between VNAV logic of 747 compared to the 737 for example, would be nice to know who here actually flies them and how much experience they have on their flight decks. Just a thought. Their PSU, case and free HDD space??? is totally irrelevant information, which in fact perfectly fits the... ...drums roll... The Fabulous About Me page in everyone's profile. Hug.gif Don't get me wrong, PC specs are useful in many situations, they just need a trim. At least put them in fine print or don't put every single component on new line or whatever. unsure.gif As I've said, it's everyone's choice. Mr. Beggs, you are my new hero! Big Grin.gif blue skiesIgnat
Still waiting for your full name in your signature........

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The bottom line is that this and other forums is about finding help for a particular problem or helping a fellow member with his/her problem and i have in the past been asked for my specs when posting a question. Had my sig already had that info, i could have saved myself some time and been flying without the anoyance of the problem i was trying to solve. Or maybe the problem was stopping me from flying period.That is why i now include my specs and i make no apologies for that. Furthermore i find it interesting to check out peoples different specs. Finally i think there are far more serious anoyances that have found thier way on to some of the forum threads these last few months than the length of someones sig.

Rick Hobbs



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I even took the time to calculate the signature size of a fellow forumer here. It is 11304 bytes. He has one of those "future owner of the NGX" pictures and his PC rig in absurd detail.
Not me! :( I always put my pc specs in my sigs (only main FSX forums) so when I need help with an FSX addon the developer should know what the reason is etc. :)

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Still waiting for your full name in your signature........

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