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A few parts of the Norwegian freeware has been updated so I thought it would be a good idea to write a new 'guide'. The old 'guide' can be found in this topic: http://forum.avsim.net/topic/411852-norway/

Luckily for everyone the developer of Airports of Norway now offers all his files in one location which makes downloading and installing everything a lot easier.


I will show you how to get the most out of the Norwegian freeware without going too much in detail, so I will leave out some extra's that aren't mandatory for a good experience.

I won't tell you to unzip everything everytime: that's rather obvious, I think.

I will only tell you which folders you need to add to the FSX Scenery Library: the other folders and files you can forget about.

You can put the folders anywhere you want to but a logical place would be in FSX's Addon Scenery folder.


Final note: the photoreal sceneries that come with Airports of Norway have been updated to fit in perfectly with FTX Global from Orbx. Of course you can use all this freeware without FTX Global (or with GEX!) but my personal advice would be to buy FTX Global for the best possible experience.

1. Airports of Norway and Norway bridges


Download AoN 3,5, AoN_Photopack1 and Norske Broer

Add to FSX Scenery Library:
AoN 3.5/Airports of Norway


Norske Broer

2. NSX II (landclass and coastlines)

Download NSX_II Ver.1 Beta. Click on the blue square above it (Patcher) to download Exclude_ferry_quay_Norway, Patch 1 NSX_II ver 1 and Patch 2 NSX_II ver1.


Copy the bgl from Exclude_ferry_quay_Norway/Till NSX_II Scenery to NSX_II Ver.1 Beta/NSX_II/Scenery
Copy all four blg's from Patch 1 NSX_II ver1/Till NSX_II-scenery to NSX_II Ver.1 Beta/NSX_II/Scenery
Copy the bgl from Patch 1 NSX_II ver1/Till NSX_II_exclude-scenery to NSX_II Ver.1 Beta/NSX_II_Exclude/Scenery
Copy the bgl from Patch 2 NSX_II ver1 to NSX_II Ver.1 Beta/NSX_II/Scenery

Add to FSX Scenery Library:
NSX_II Ver.1 Beta/Norway_alpin
NSX_II Ver.1 Beta/Norway_Scenic_LC
NSX_II Ver.1 Beta/NSX_II
NSX_II Ver.1 Beta/NSX_II_Exclude

3. Norway GA Airfields
Patch: https://skydrive.live.com/?cid=68f40b20c179dfec&id=68F40B20C179DFEC!145&authkey=!ALaHcCLeHNN3AlA


Download Norway GA Airfields and Patch 1 N_GA 275


Copy all files from the Scenery and Texture folders in Patch 1 N_GA 275/Norway_ GA Airfields to the Scenery and Texture folders in Norway GA Airfields v275/Norway_GA_Airfields


Add to FSX Scenery Library:
Norway GA Airfields v275/Norway_Churches_Lighthouses
Norway GA Airfields v275/Norway_GA_Airfields
Norway GA Airfields v275/Norway_Hospitals_FSX/VNLA_Baser_og_sykehus

4. Norway mesh
It's created for FS2004 but works perfectly fine in FSX.

Copy everything from Norway_mesh/Quality.zip into Norway_mesh/Scenery.

Add to FSX Scenery Library:

5. Additional steps

1. Go to the folder AoN 3.5/Documents and read Scenery Library Priority.txt. This will tell you in which order you have to set everything in the FSX Scenery Library! Simply disregard addons you don't have. Make sure everything else is in the adviced order! (Some names of folders may be slightly different but you should be able to figure out what is what.)

2. If you have UTX/Europe installed (quoted from the Airports of Norway readme):
"If you got UTE with Patch 1.2: Start the UTXE Setup. Menu -> Ultimate Terrain -> Modify Status of Relocated Airports. Disable ENGM.
OR: Go to FSX\Scenery\UtEurAirports\Scenery and DELETE ENGM_FL and ENGM_AP."

3. Read this post: download the file that's mentioned and edit it as described.

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Thanks! I fly often in Scandinavia but i never liked default scenery, i'll check this tonight. I have only freeware Oresund X and a couple of payware airports, this sounds interesting 

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Thanks for the trouble to put this all together Jeroen.  Due to your original post I undertook to do a complete makeover of Norway using nothing but this freeware. 


I totally transformed my Norway and made it well worth while to fly this area.  I do not have FTXG (at least yet) but GEX works quite to improve the look and feel.

Bryan Wallis aka "fltsimguy"

Maple Bay, British Columbia

Near CAM3

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Glad it worked out this well, Bryan! Yes, GEX will certainly also help to improve on the default textures, no doubt about that! Everything is better than default FSX textures although I have to say I even enjoyed this Norway freeware a lot before FTXG was released! During the last months 9 out of 10 of my flights were done in Norway: this freeware really is the best!

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Shoot... I already can't open the OP anymore. I thought it would be a good idea to add the (main) developers for each addon. Feels a bit odd to post all those links without mentioning the guys who made this all possible!!! Pity I can't do that anymore. Well, for completeness sake I will post them here: maybe Avsim will give me edit rights to the OP sometime. These are the (main) developers (according to the included documentation): for the complete credits (the lists of names are long!) you will have to read the readme's in the various zips.


1. Airports of Norway and Norway bridges: Andrew Thomsen

2. NSX II: Hans Ramberg and Torgeir Opland

3. Norway GA Airfields: Bror Inge Skipperstøen and Jan Nordberg

4. Norway mesh: Norway Elements (whomever that may be)


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Great idea on the new thread. :smile:


Can you folks confirm that the current 3.50 AoN seems to lack the localizer for rw9 at ENSK (STOKMARKNES/Skagen)? It's an offset one and while the offset LOC for rw27 is present, you currently don't receive the rw09 LOC. Here's the corresponding chart if anyone cares. https://www.ippc.no/norway_aip/current/AIP/AD/ENSK/EN_AD_2_ENSK_5-3_en.pdf


The location and approach are very nice, thanks to the work of the friendly freeware devs.

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Well done Jeroen good work. Just for info MAS stated that Vaernes x from Aerosoft will need to be removed if you have it, we'll be stated in his opinion the freeware vision was better. Just for everyone's info. :)



Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD




Wayne HART

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Thank you very much J Van E. This freeware scenery is really top notch. Excellent work from the team: Andrew Thomsen, Hans Ramberg and Torgeir Opland, Bror Inge Skipperstøen and Jan Nordberg. My norwegian isn't top notch however I'm afraid, so really appreciate your easy to follow steps to install the whole thing.

Tks a million,



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I have setup as instructed except wasn't quite sure where lighthouses etc goes would JVE or MAS look at my scenery file and advise if anything  needs to be moved please. Also I have removed Aerosoft  Vaernes x in favour of freeware as advised. Where would I put any further Norweigan airports in the list when i get them? Thanks everyone great job.






Wayne HART

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I have setup as instructed except wasn't quite sure where lighthouses etc goes would JVE or MAS look at my scenery file and advise if anything  needs to be moved please. Also I have removed Aerosoft  Vaernes x in favour of freeware as advised. Where would I put any further Norweigan airports in the list when i get them? Thanks everyone great job.



WOW Megs - LOL - you really did get the whole package! Sweet! Haven't had time to get around to that my self just yet - I'll come to you for help when that time comes ;)


Norway_Churches_Lighthouses is placed correctly. If you look at the Scenery Library Priority.txt, "Norske Kirker" means Norwegian Churches, so you are spot on.


If you are using Aerosofts Oslo X instead of the one included in AoN+photopack, be sure to remove the any ENGM files (back up as usual) from the AoN 3.5 folder and from the AoN_Ground folder (but again - do a fair comparison - after what the devs have done with ENGM, it was a no brainer for me).


In this case, I had no trouble with simply un-checking Mega Airport Oslo X from the list, leaving AoN 3.5 and AoN_Ground intact with all ENGM files. I suspect this is because the ENGM package from AoN covers a larger area than the Aerosofts edition, and that no elevation work has been done on either package.


Lastly, you should put any further Norway airports below Norway_Scenic_X_Exclude, to be on the safe side - that's where I have Aerosofts ENZV, and I works fine.

Great idea on the new thread. :smile:


Can you folks confirm that the current 3.50 AoN seems to lack the localizer for rw9 at ENSK (STOKMARKNES/Skagen)? It's an offset one and while the offset LOC for rw27 is present, you currently don't receive the rw09 LOC. Here's the corresponding chart if anyone cares. https://www.ippc.no/norway_aip/current/AIP/AD/ENSK/EN_AD_2_ENSK_5-3_en.pdf


The location and approach are very nice, thanks to the work of the friendly freeware devs.

Will try and check this out tonight - no promises ;)

Oh, and BTW:




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Thanks alot appreciate it.

wow the orbx screens look nothing short of superb the wallets going to get as hiding again i see LOL. Awesome Job to the freeware guys on the forum to well done gents hats off to you all.




Wayne HART

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Ha, I didn't know that Orbx is on some Norwegian airports. That's great news!

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Ha, I didn't know that Orbx is on some Norwegian airports. That's great news!


You DID know they will release FTX Norway South somewhere in Q1 2014? That will make some of the downloads from my post obsolete, but certainly not (some of) the airports, which are really payware quality and better than some of the available payware Norwegian airports. The airport Orbx is working on now (Narvik) is made for FTX Global (it's in the north of Norway so not the region that FTX Norway South will cover) but later on there certainly will be more FTX airports made specially for FTX Norway South.


Things have never looked better for everyone who likes to fly in Norway! :)

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