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PMDG 777 (module 1.5a - Aug 2020)

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The display works on the MCP1 and the F/D works, even the COM but nothing else. No speed, no HDG nor the ALT.

Same here!



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Have you actually assigned anything to those options that aren't working, as far as I am aware they are not assigned by default for the MCP1, you have to do them yourselves as Guenter no longer has the MCP1 panel, so he couldn't make the assignments himself. Or did I just dream that answer, I'm sure I did read that somewhere here in one of the LINDA threads though.

Cheers, Andy.

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It might have been more helpful if you had been more specific about what you are looking for: exactly what "isn't working" as you expect, and in what way?   B)


However, as Andy so rightly said, you will need to add your own assignments for some functions, such as the SPD knob, for example (which I remember in particular since I had missed it, on my first try). Unfortunately, I did most of the assignments when the 777 LINDA module was first released, so at this stage I can't now recall which ones I needed to add. But I would expect that in the case of the SPD knob (using that as an example) you will probably need to assign "PMDG Push SPD" to the "Press" action.


If you need them, you'll find a complete alphabetical list of the v0.5 assignable functions in post #72, above. Or if you know which ones you want, simply select them from within LINDA, where they are helpfully grouped together.


Here's a screenshot of the MCP v1 assignments I use: if you compare them with yours you should be able to readily see where you may need to add an assignment. (I'm not saying that these particular assignments will necessarily be or do everything that you might want, though — they're just an example).   :wink:




Hope that helps,








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Thanks Andy and Brian,


I quess I.am not very good with this kind of work or should I say a bit to lazy  :smile:


I shall give it a try!  :Praying:


Thank you for the detailed info.


Regards Robert

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Is there any reason why someone cannot upload their file that includes the assignments?  

Mark   CYYZ      


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so I will share my config :-) for the MCP1.

It is (surely) diffrent from others here in this thread.


One commend at the CRS-Knob. The T7 doesn't have one and this funktion does not work for me, You have to type freq and crs in the Nav/Rad-page of the FMC.

Unfortunatly Upload doesn't work here, so I place it in this post.

Copy and paste it to your config-mcp.lua file inside the PMDG777 folder (under LINDA-CFG/AIRCRAFT)

-- LINDA Config file for 
-- Generated by LINDA Configurator

-- ############################################### --
-- ## EFIS block Mode 1
-- ############################################### --

-- EFIS block buttons and switches
EFIS1 = {
["ENABLED"]		= true  ,
["IDENT"]		= "GPS"  ,
["FPV"] 		= PMDG_EFIS_fpv  ,
["MTR"] 		= PMDG_EFIS_mtrs  ,
["WX"] 			= PMDG_EFIS_wxr  ,
["STA"] 		= PMDG_EFIS_sta  ,
["WPT"] 		= PMDG_EFIS_wpt  ,
["ARPT"] 		= PMDG_EFIS_arpt  ,
["DATA"] 		= PMDG_EFIS_data  ,
["POS"] 		= PMDG_EFIS_pos  ,
["TERR"] 		= PMDG_EFIS_terr  ,
["ADF1"] 		= PMDG_VorAdf_L_dec  ,
["ADF2"] 		= PMDG_VorAdf_R_dec  ,
["VOR1"] 		= PMDG_VorAdf_L_inc  ,
["VOR2"] 		= PMDG_VorAdf_R_inc  ,

-- EFIS MINS knob
MINS1 = {
["A SHOW"]		= empty  ,
["A +"]			= PMDG_Min_inc  ,
["A ++"]		= PMDG_Min_inc  ,
["A -"]			= PMDG_Min_dec  ,
["A --"]		= PMDG_Min_dec  ,
["PRESS"] 		= PMDG_Min_RadBaro  ,
["B SHOW"]		= empty  ,
["B +"]			= EFIS_MINIMUMS_inc  ,
["B ++"]		= EFIS_MINIMUMS_inc  ,
["B -"]			= EFIS_MINIMUMS_dec  ,
["B --"]		= EFIS_MINIMUMS_dec  ,

-- EFIS BARO knob
BARO1 = {
["A SHOW"]		= empty  ,
["A +"]			= PMDG_EFIS_Baro_inc  ,
["A ++"]		= PMDG_EFIS_Baro_inc  ,
["A -"]			= PMDG_EFIS_Baro_dec  ,
["A --"]		= PMDG_EFIS_Baro_dec  ,
["PRESS"] 		= PMDG_EFIS_Baro_std  ,
["B SHOW"]		= empty  ,
["B +"]			= empty  ,
["B ++"]		= empty  ,
["B -"]			= empty  ,
["B --"]		= empty  ,

-- EFIS CTR knob
CTR1 = {
["A SHOW"]		= PMDG_EFIS_Mode_show  ,
["A +"]			= PMDG_EFIS_Mode_inc  ,
["A ++"]		= PMDG_EFIS_Mode_inc  ,
["A -"]			= PMDG_EFIS_Mode_dec  ,
["A --"]		= PMDG_EFIS_Mode_dec  ,
["PRESS"] 		= PMDG_EFIS_Mode_ctr  ,
["B SHOW"]		= empty  ,
["B +"]			= empty  ,
["B ++"]		= empty  ,
["B -"]			= empty  ,
["B --"]		= empty  ,

-- EFIS TFC knob
TFC1 = {
["A SHOW"]		= PMDG_EFIS_Range_show  ,
["A +"]			= PMDG_EFIS_Range_inc  ,
["A ++"]		= PMDG_EFIS_Range_inc  ,
["A -"]			= PMDG_EFIS_Range_dec  ,
["A --"]		= PMDG_EFIS_Range_dec  ,
["PRESS"] 		= PMDG_EFIS_Range_Traffic  ,
["B SHOW"]		= empty  ,
["B +"]			= empty  ,
["B ++"]		= empty  ,
["B -"]			= empty  ,
["B --"]		= empty  ,

-- ############################################### --
-- ## EFIS block Mode 2
-- ############################################### --

-- EFIS block buttons and switches
EFIS2 = {
["ENABLED"]		= true  ,
["IDENT"]		= "EFB"  ,
["FPV"] 		= empty  ,
["MTR"] 		= empty  ,
["WX"] 			= RXP_WX500_POPUP_TOGGLE  ,
["STA"] 		= empty  ,
["WPT"] 		= empty  ,
["ARPT"] 		= empty  ,
["DATA"] 		= empty  ,
["POS"] 		= EFB_MOVING_MAP_toggle  ,
["TERR"] 		= EFB_COLOR_MODE_toggle  ,
["ADF1"] 		= empty  ,
["ADF2"] 		= empty  ,
["VOR1"] 		= empty  ,
["VOR2"] 		= empty  ,

-- EFIS MINS knob
MINS2 = {
["A SHOW"]		= empty  ,
["A +"]			= empty  ,
["A ++"]		= empty  ,
["A -"]			= empty  ,
["A --"]		= empty  ,
["PRESS"] 		= empty  ,
["B SHOW"]		= empty  ,
["B +"]			= empty  ,
["B ++"]		= empty  ,
["B -"]			= empty  ,
["B --"]		= empty  ,

-- EFIS BARO knob
BARO2 = {
["A SHOW"]		= empty  ,
["A +"]			= empty  ,
["A ++"]		= empty  ,
["A -"]			= empty  ,
["A --"]		= empty  ,
["PRESS"] 		= empty  ,
["B SHOW"]		= empty  ,
["B +"]			= empty  ,
["B ++"]		= empty  ,
["B -"]			= empty  ,
["B --"]		= empty  ,

-- EFIS CTR knob
CTR2 = {
["A SHOW"]		= empty  ,
["A +"]			= empty  ,
["A ++"]		= empty  ,
["A -"]			= empty  ,
["A --"]		= empty  ,
["PRESS"] 		= empty  ,
["B SHOW"]		= empty  ,
["B +"]			= empty  ,
["B ++"]		= empty  ,
["B -"]			= empty  ,
["B --"]		= empty  ,

-- EFIS TFC knob
TFC2 = {
["A SHOW"]		= empty  ,
["A +"]			= EFB_ZOOM_out  ,
["A ++"]		= EFB_ZOOM_out  ,
["A -"]			= EFB_ZOOM_in  ,
["A --"]		= EFB_ZOOM_in  ,
["PRESS"] 		= empty  ,
["B SHOW"]		= empty  ,
["B +"]			= empty  ,
["B ++"]		= empty  ,
["B -"]			= empty  ,
["B --"]		= empty  ,

-- ############################################### --
-- ## EFIS block Mode 3
-- ############################################### --

-- EFIS block buttons and switches
EFIS3 = {
["ENABLED"]		= false  ,
["IDENT"]		= "WXR"  ,
["FPV"] 		= RXP_WX500_TRACK_L  ,
["MTR"] 		= RXP_WX500_TRACK_R  ,
["WX"] 			= RXP_WX500_POPUP_TOGGLE  ,
["STA"] 		= empty  ,
["WPT"] 		= empty  ,
["ARPT"] 		= empty  ,
["DATA"] 		= weather_OAT  ,
["POS"] 		= empty  ,
["TERR"] 		= empty  ,
["ADF1"] 		= RXP_WX500_SUBMODE_DN  ,
["ADF2"] 		= RXP_WX500_RANGE_DN  ,
["VOR1"] 		= RXP_WX500_SUBMODE_UP  ,
["VOR2"] 		= RXP_WX500_RANGE_UP  ,

-- EFIS MINS knob
MINS3 = {
["A SHOW"]		= empty  ,
["A +"]			= RXP_WX500_BRT_INC  ,
["A ++"]		= RXP_WX500_BRT_INC  ,
["A -"]			= RXP_WX500_BRT_DEC  ,
["A --"]		= RXP_WX500_BRT_DEC  ,
["PRESS"] 		= empty  ,
["B SHOW"]		= empty  ,
["B +"]			= empty  ,
["B ++"]		= empty  ,
["B -"]			= empty  ,
["B --"]		= empty  ,

-- EFIS BARO knob
BARO3 = {
["A SHOW"]		= empty  ,
["A +"]			= RXP_WX500_GAIN_INC  ,
["A ++"]		= RXP_WX500_GAIN_INC  ,
["A -"]			= RXP_WX500_GAIN_DEC  ,
["A --"]		= RXP_WX500_GAIN_DEC  ,
["PRESS"] 		= empty  ,
["B SHOW"]		= empty  ,
["B +"]			= empty  ,
["B ++"]		= empty  ,
["B -"]			= empty  ,
["B --"]		= empty  ,

-- EFIS CTR knob
CTR3 = {
["A SHOW"]		= empty  ,
["A +"]			= RXP_WX500_MAIN_MODE_NEXT  ,
["A ++"]		= RXP_WX500_MAIN_MODE_NEXT  ,
["A -"]			= RXP_WX500_MAIN_MODE_PREV  ,
["A --"]		= RXP_WX500_MAIN_MODE_PREV  ,
["PRESS"] 		= empty  ,
["B SHOW"]		= empty  ,
["B +"]			= empty  ,
["B ++"]		= empty  ,
["B -"]			= empty  ,
["B --"]		= empty  ,

-- EFIS TFC knob
TFC3 = {
["A SHOW"]		= empty  ,
["A +"]			= RXP_WX500_TILT_INC  ,
["A ++"]		= RXP_WX500_TILT_INC  ,
["A -"]			= RXP_WX500_TILT_DEC  ,
["A --"]		= RXP_WX500_TILT_DEC  ,
["PRESS"] 		= RXP_WX500_TILT_ZERO  ,
["B SHOW"]		= empty  ,
["B +"]			= empty  ,
["B ++"]		= empty  ,
["B -"]			= empty  ,
["B --"]		= empty  ,

-- ############################################### --
-- ## MCP block Mode 1
-- ############################################### --

-- MCP block buttons and switches
MCP1 = {
["ENABLED"]		= true  ,
["IDENT"]		= "MCP1"  ,
["TOGA"] 		= PMDG_AP_TOGA  ,
["TOGN"] 		= PMDG_MasterWarn_Capt  ,
["N1"] 			= PMDG_CLB_CON  ,
["SPD"] 		= PMDG_AT  ,
["FLCH"] 		= PMDG_FLCH  ,
["HDGSEL"] 		= Autopilot_HDGSEL_hold  ,
["V/S FPA"] 	= PMDG_VS_FPA  ,
["APP"] 		= PMDG_APP  ,
["VNAV"] 		= PMDG_VNAV  ,
["LNAV"] 		= PMDG_LNAV  ,
["CMDA"] 		= PMDG_AP_L  ,
["CMDB"] 		= PMDG_AP_R  ,
["CMDC"] 		= PMDG_Toggle_Chkl_Stat  ,
["LOC"] 		= PMDG_LOC  ,
["CWSA"] 		= PMDG_Disp_dec  ,
["CWSB"] 		= PMDG_Disp_inc  ,
["A/T UP"] 		= PMDG_AP_both_AT_on  ,
["A/T DN"] 		= PMDG_AP_both_AT_off  ,
["F/D UP"] 		= PMDG_AP_both_FD_on  ,
["F/D DN"] 		= PMDG_AP_both_FD_off  ,
["MASTER UP"] 	= PMDG_AP_Disengage_Bar_on  ,
["MASTER DN"] 	= PMDG_AP_Disengage_Bar_off  ,

-- MCP CRS knob
CRS1 = {
["A SHOW"]		= CRS_show  ,
["A +"]			= PMDG_AP_CRSL_inc  ,
["A ++"]		= PMDG_AP_CRSL_incfast  ,
["A -"]			= PMDG_AP_CRSL_dec  ,
["A --"]		= PMDG_AP_CRSL_decfast  ,
["PRESS"] 		= PMDG_AP_CRS_LR_toggle  ,

-- MCP SPD knob
SPD1 = {
["A SHOW"]		= SPD_show  ,
["A +"]			= PMDG_AP_SPD_inc  ,
["A ++"]		= PMDG_AP_SPD_incfast  ,
["A -"]			= PMDG_AP_SPD_dec  ,
["A --"]		= PMDG_AP_SPD_decfast  ,
["PRESS"] 		= PMDG_Push_SPD  ,

-- MCP HDG knob
HDG1 = {
["A SHOW"]		= HDG_show  ,
["A +"]			= PMDG_AP_HDG_inc  ,
["A ++"]		= PMDG_AP_HDG_incfast  ,
["A -"]			= PMDG_AP_HDG_dec  ,
["A --"]		= PMDG_AP_HDG_decfast  ,
["PRESS"] 		= PMDG_Push_HDG  ,

-- MCP ALT knob
ALT1 = {
["A SHOW"]		= ALT_show  ,
["A +"]			= PMDG_AP_ALT_inc  ,
["A ++"]		= PMDG_AP_ALT_incfast  ,
["A -"]			= PMDG_AP_ALT_dec  ,
["A --"]		= PMDG_AP_ALT_decfast  ,
["PRESS"] 		= PMDG_Push_ALT  ,

-- MCP VVS knob
VVS1 = {
["A SHOW"]		= VVS_show  ,
["A +"]			= PMDG_AP_VS_inc  ,
["A ++"]		= PMDG_AP_VS_inc  ,
["A -"]			= PMDG_AP_VS_dec  ,
["A --"]		= PMDG_AP_VS_dec  ,
["PRESS"] 		= Autopilot_VSSEL_mode  ,

-- ############################################### --
-- ## MCP block Mode 2
-- ############################################### --

-- MCP block buttons and switches
MCP2 = {
["ENABLED"]		= true  ,
["IDENT"]		= "MCP2"  ,
["TOGA"] 		= empty  ,
["TOGN"] 		= empty  ,
["N1"] 			= empty  ,
["SPD"] 		= empty  ,
["FLCH"] 		= empty  ,
["HDGSEL"] 		= empty  ,
["HDGHLD"] 		= empty  ,
["ALTHLD"] 		= empty  ,
["V/S FPA"] 	= empty  ,
["APP"] 		= empty  ,
["VNAV"] 		= empty  ,
["LNAV"] 		= empty  ,
["CMDA"] 		= empty  ,
["CMDB"] 		= empty  ,
["CMDC"] 		= empty  ,
["LOC"] 		= empty  ,
["CWSA"] 		= empty  ,
["CWSB"] 		= DSP_MODE_toggle  ,
["A/T UP"] 		= empty  ,
["A/T DN"] 		= empty  ,
["F/D UP"] 		= empty  ,
["F/D DN"] 		= empty  ,
["MASTER UP"] 	= empty  ,
["MASTER DN"] 	= empty  ,

-- MCP CRS knob
CRS2 = {
["A SHOW"]		= empty  ,
["A +"]			= empty  ,
["A ++"]		= empty  ,
["A -"]			= empty  ,
["A --"]		= empty  ,
["PRESS"] 		= empty  ,

-- MCP SPD knob
SPD2 = {
["A SHOW"]		= empty  ,
["A +"]			= empty  ,
["A ++"]		= empty  ,
["A -"]			= empty  ,
["A --"]		= empty  ,
["PRESS"] 		= empty  ,

-- MCP HDG knob
HDG2 = {
["A SHOW"]		= empty  ,
["A +"]			= empty  ,
["A ++"]		= empty  ,
["A -"]			= empty  ,
["A --"]		= empty  ,
["PRESS"] 		= empty  ,

-- MCP ALT knob
ALT2 = {
["A SHOW"]		= empty  ,
["A +"]			= empty  ,
["A ++"]		= empty  ,
["A -"]			= empty  ,
["A --"]		= empty  ,
["PRESS"] 		= empty  ,

-- MCP VVS knob
VVS2 = {
["A SHOW"]		= empty  ,
["A +"]			= empty  ,
["A ++"]		= empty  ,
["A -"]			= empty  ,
["A --"]		= empty  ,
["PRESS"] 		= empty  ,

-- ############################################### --
-- ## MCP block Mode 3
-- ############################################### --

-- MCP block buttons and switches
MCP3 = {
["ENABLED"]		= false  ,
["IDENT"]		= "MCP3"  ,
["TOGA"] 		= empty  ,
["TOGN"] 		= empty  ,
["N1"] 			= empty  ,
["SPD"] 		= empty  ,
["FLCH"] 		= empty  ,
["HDGSEL"] 		= empty  ,
["HDGHLD"] 		= empty  ,
["ALTHLD"] 		= empty  ,
["V/S FPA"] 	= empty  ,
["APP"] 		= empty  ,
["VNAV"] 		= empty  ,
["LNAV"] 		= empty  ,
["CMDA"] 		= empty  ,
["CMDB"] 		= empty  ,
["CMDC"] 		= empty  ,
["LOC"] 		= empty  ,
["CWSA"] 		= empty  ,
["CWSB"] 		= DSP_MODE_toggle  ,
["A/T UP"] 		= empty  ,
["A/T DN"] 		= empty  ,
["F/D UP"] 		= empty  ,
["F/D DN"] 		= empty  ,
["MASTER UP"] 	= empty  ,
["MASTER DN"] 	= empty  ,

-- MCP CRS knob
CRS3 = {
["A SHOW"]		= empty  ,
["A +"]			= empty  ,
["A ++"]		= empty  ,
["A -"]			= empty  ,
["A --"]		= empty  ,
["PRESS"] 		= empty  ,

-- MCP SPD knob
SPD3 = {
["A SHOW"]		= empty  ,
["A +"]			= empty  ,
["A ++"]		= empty  ,
["A -"]			= empty  ,
["A --"]		= empty  ,
["PRESS"] 		= empty  ,

-- MCP HDG knob
HDG3 = {
["A SHOW"]		= empty  ,
["A +"]			= empty  ,
["A ++"]		= empty  ,
["A -"]			= empty  ,
["A --"]		= empty  ,
["PRESS"] 		= empty  ,

-- MCP ALT knob
ALT3 = {
["A SHOW"]		= empty  ,
["A +"]			= empty  ,
["A ++"]		= empty  ,
["A -"]			= empty  ,
["A --"]		= empty  ,
["PRESS"] 		= empty  ,

-- MCP VVS knob
VVS3 = {
["A SHOW"]		= empty  ,
["A +"]			= empty  ,
["A ++"]		= empty  ,
["A -"]			= empty  ,
["A --"]		= empty  ,
["PRESS"] 		= empty  ,

-- ############################################### --
-- ## USER block Mode 1
-- ############################################### --

-- USER block buttons and switches
USER1 = {
["ENABLED"]	= true  ,
["IDENT"]	= "Lght"  ,
["0"] 		= PMDG_Autobrake_dec  ,
["1"] 		= PMDG_Autobrake_inc  ,
["2"] 		= PMDG_TCAS_dec  ,
["3"] 		= PMDG_TCAS_inc  ,
["4"] 		= PMDG_TCAS_test  ,
["5"] 		= VRI_EFIS_MODE_toggle  ,
["6"] 		= VRI_MCP_MODE_toggle  ,
["7"] 		= VRI_USER_MODE_toggle  ,

-- ############################################### --
-- ## USER block Mode 2
-- ############################################### --

-- USER block buttons and switches
USER2 = {
["ENABLED"]	= true  ,
["IDENT"]	= "___"  ,
["0"] 		= PMDG_Disp_inc  ,
["1"] 		= PMDG_Disp_dec  ,
["2"] 		= empty  ,
["3"] 		= empty  ,
["4"] 		= empty  ,
["5"] 		= VRI_EFIS_MODE_toggle  ,
["6"] 		= VRI_MCP_MODE_toggle  ,
["7"] 		= VRI_USER_MODE_toggle  ,

-- ############################################### --
-- ## USER block Mode 3
-- ############################################### --

-- USER block buttons and switches
USER3 = {
["ENABLED"]	= true  ,
["IDENT"]	= "Othr"  ,
["0"] 		= empty  ,
["1"] 		= empty  ,
["2"] 		= empty  ,
["3"] 		= empty  ,
["4"] 		= empty  ,
["5"] 		= VRI_EFIS_MODE_toggle  ,
["6"] 		= VRI_MCP_MODE_toggle  ,
["7"] 		= VRI_USER_MODE_toggle  ,

-- ############################################### --
-- ## RADIOS block Mode 1
-- ############################################### --

-- RADIOS block buttons and switches
["COM1 Select"]	= empty  ,
["COM2 Select"]	= empty  ,
["COM1 Swap"]	= empty  ,
["COM2 Swap"]	= empty  ,
["COMs Mode"]	= Radios_COM_AUDIO_toggle  ,

["NAV1 Select"]	= empty  ,
["NAV2 Select"]	= empty  ,
["NAV1 Swap"]	= empty  ,
["NAV2 Swap"]	= empty  ,
["NAVs Mode"]	= Radios_NAV_AUDIO_toggle  ,

["ADF1 Select"]	= empty  ,
["ADF2 Select"]	= empty  ,
["ADFs Mode"]	= Radios_ADF_AUDIO_toggle  ,

["DME1 Select"]	= empty  ,
["DME2 Select"]	= empty  ,
["DMEs Mode"]	= Radios_DME_AUDIO_toggle  ,

["XPND Select"]	= empty  ,
["XPND Swap"]	= empty  ,
["XPND Mode"]	= Transponder_MODE_toggle  ,

With kind regards

Roland Pohl
Vice chairman FSC e.V.

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[E] LUA.0:  ---> ERROR:: MCP configs not found for current aircraft!


Hi, copy config-mcp2.lua to other configs directory C:\MSFSX\Modules\linda-cfg\aircrafts\PMDG 777, this file is missing. I Use my own, but you can take one from 737 

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Hi everyone, I deleted pmdg777 modüle 0.2 and installed 0.5. But it does not work on my system. In fact maddog modüle is not working too I suspect it is because they both use macro's which I am not able to run evidently. Anyway where can I find the modüle 0.2 which was working fine? Thank you all...

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Hi Ilhan,

You have got a PM from me.

With kind regards

Roland Pohl
Vice chairman FSC e.V.

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Hi there, first of all..thanks for your hardwork to get this module for us. This works perfectly for most of the functions. Great job.


I do have a question, however, about the COM part of the VRInsight MCP with LINDA on PMDG 777. Whenever I try to switch from standby frequency to current, it keeps jumping back to the frequency 136.97. For example when I put 122.80 on standby and press <->, it brings me back to 136.97. Therefore I cannot change the com frequency. I tried to reset the buttons but in vain.


Can anyone give me a bit education on that please?


Many thanks!

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The com part is not supported ... and will probably never be as these coding exceeds my knowledge.


Guenter Steiner

Betatester for: A2A, LORBY, FSR-Pillow Tester

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Thanks for your quick reply, guenseli. I tried to use the original PMDG virtual radio panel on the aircraft but unfortunately I am not able to tune it too . I guess the COM part of the VRInsight is still affecting the system. Since I am playing in VATSIM, so the radio is kind of essential, any idea how I can disable the COM part completely? By the way, I think the Transponder on the COM is working.. Or I am wrong?!


Further to that, do you mean that I need to wait for the driver from VRInsight after PMDG release the SDK so that I can make the COM part in function? May be I can get the Saitek Radio panel as the template solution?


Sorry for so many questions and I hope you can assist.


Thanks X 10000!

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