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XPlane Development Status Thread [Updated 12SEP14]

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A misterious picture, a screenshot of a small part of the pannel...


That might give it away, though. There are lots of clever people here. I'm not going to ruin the surprise.

Kyle Rodgers

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Are we allowed maybe speculate what the VERY first PMDG product is for X-Plane? 




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Are we allowed maybe speculate what the VERY first PMDG product is for X-Plane? 


Unless you think it's the Woodpigeon, no  :P

Kyle Rodgers

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Unless you think it's the Woodpigeon, no 



If i had to put money on it,  i would say it will be BAe JS41400  B)




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Please let it be the 787... A teeny tiny picture, please, Kyle? Perhaps just a knob, a button? Or the wingtip?


Sharadh R.

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Unless you think it's the Woodpigeon, no  :P

I got a suggestion, that may take the heat off you guys on this, and it's good marketing. PMDG could setup a dedicated guess the model contest thread, where the first (or how many PMDG is willing) who guesses it right get's a free copy of it when released. Terms of which is you can not win if there is any post of you asking about this again up to the announcement. Contest ends the day before the announcement and winner announced after the announcement.....Just a suggestion! :smile:


Tom Cain



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Please let it be the 787... A teeny tiny picture, please, Kyle? Perhaps just a knob, a button? Or the wingtip?


Sharadh R.


As discussed, it's not going to be anything that complex.

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The surprise is that there will be a surprise! Or, the surprise is that we will get 1 preview screenshot :P



The surprise is the release of  737NGX, 777X and 747v2 in same release period ^^ (I hope..) :P

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As discussed, it's not going to be anything that complex.

Of course not. It's just wishful thinking.


I just can't wait to see what PMDG is going to offer on X-Plane - no matter what it is. As long as it isn't a Woodpigeon.  :P

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I think it's indeed the pogo stick, not joking :P The secret 'project' is just that pogo stick as a PMDG joke but the real surprise will be the products ^^

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My biggest fear is it will be some obscure aircraft that won't generate a lot of interest. It then becomes a self fulfilling prophesy. "We will not continue with X-Plane development because our first offering didn't generate enough sales." That would be unfortunate. 


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