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fsx 2015 what would revolutionize it for you

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Just thought this would be a interesting topic since were into another year.


Now my question is what would you most like to see come to the flight sim market that for you would step it up another level whether it being aircraft addons scenery peripherals such as yokes throttles etc.


In my opinion i would really like to see more developers bringing quality products into the flight sim community as every year i wonder what new things will come out for us die hard flight sim members.


I feel we are lacking in productivity as a whole as most of the big names seem to only bring out 2 to 3 big addons i would really like to see more than this and i would really like to see a polling system where instead of them telling us what they are bringing to the table i would really like to see them saying to us what do you want us to release like aircraft or scenery etc.


And i would love to see maybe more money being spent developing quality yokes at a affordable price not plastic and have load sensing implemented the thing that i have been following recently is iris dynamics new yoke that is being released in small numbers and is still getting developed as the concept behind this seems fantastic but i would really like some more products like this.


and also my biggest thing would have to be a pmdg level of detail of a 707


so what do you all think would make or take flight sim on a whole to the next level.



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I'd personally like to see FSX revamped at the code level if possible to include realistic crash and damage modelling such as realistic tyre bursts, bird strikes, gear collapse,, aquaplaning and skidding off runways, emergency landings on highways etc, and realistic emergency chute deployment with Ai passengers..


Such 'add-ons' would bring added realism and uncertainty to the current cocoon of safety in FSX, where safe landings are mostly guaranteed, and any crash scenario mostly result in a static 'crash' screen.


As well as being an invaluable 'realism' tool for student pilots, these cutting-edge features would make it interesting to perform the occasional hard landing to experience how the plane, pilot and passengers actually hold up in various 'real-life' scenarios and survive, or otherwise. 


Such an update may well be beyond the remit of even a fully revamped FSX, but perhaps its worth keeping in mind for future flight-sims.


The real-life scenarios below could easily be created realistically with today's next gen graphics and programming -bringing flight-sims more fully into the realm of real-life aviation








Flying hazards (graphic)




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Performance gains. Better ATC. Real under the hood stuff. Better graphics is not a priority for me.

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Better ATC

Exactly, probably the single most lacking and most important element. Damage modelling - thank you but this is another cartoonish feature, you will never even approximately model aircraft damage.

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Damage modelling - thank you but this is another cartoonish feature, you will never even approximately model aircraft damage.


The title of this thread asked: "FSX 2015 what would revolutionize it for you",  to which I responded by giving my personnel desire of what I'd like to see.


I respected your wish for better ATC in FSX without any derogatory remarks, so kindly respect my right to express my opinion .


There is nothing 'cartoonish' about aircraft damage such as a bird strike shattering a cockpit window (thus making it harder for the pilot to see out and land safely), such things are a fact of life in real-world aviation - so such 'add-ons' would bring real-world realism and uncertainty to the otherwise quite safe and secure flying environment that is  FSX, and could also be valuable learning tools for student pilots.


What is cartoonish is the continuing lack of realistic crash damage modelling etc even in the latest version of FSX..while even quite basic physics programs such as .BeamNG can achieve crash damage realism - with building detection and wing fold etc -which would at least bring FSX into the 21st century if such physics were implemented.


BeamNG - physics engine.  (The 'wing fold' demo is at 2:27)



FSX - crash modelling -A



BeamNG - Helicopter damage realism



FSX 2015 - crash damage modelling -B



Real-world flight damage - Bird strike


(It would be useful to have this sort of feature in a flight-sim since around 9,000 bird-strikes annually in the USA alone).


See the potential?






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My list is almost the same list I have for Prepar3D...

  • Improved flight dynamics engine to enable realistic turbulence and air movement. 
  • An improved ATC API.  I can see why ATC developers are struggling to make decent ATC.  The API is thin.  It needs to be broadened.
  • An improved and simplified method for creating scenery and integrating it with photoreal. 
  • 64-bit
  • Better support for lighting.  Lights look weird and are difficult to implement.  Make it simple. 

Some little things (not so revolutionary):

  • Allow multiple dawn/dusk textures based on atmospheric conditions.
  • 3D clouds where you can see the movement of the airplane in and through the clouds.
  • Ability to choose a parking spot when you land.
  • Fix the weather.  Air moves constantly...the airplane is floating in it and it should feel that way.  Radar shouldn't be that hard.  Thunderstorms should be extremely scary.  Fix bugs in the wx API.
  • Fix the mixture bug.
  • Fix the turbine model.
  • Make taxiing more realistic.
  • Stronger P-factor.

That's the stuff on the top of my head.

Gregg Seipp

"A good landing is when you can walk away from the airplane.  A great landing is when you can reuse it."
i7-8700 32GB Ram, GTX-1070 8 Gig RAM

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I'm not sure what further can be done with FSX. P3D? Sure they can make changes, but I was under the impression FSX is frozen in time. Despite that, FSX (more directly, the ESP engine it runs on) deserves more credit. It's versatility and its longevity shows that they did an outstanding job. IMO, no other flight sim is close to it after 10 years.


Nonetheless, my list (in no order):

  • A complex Airbus product (Still haven't dipped my feet into the Airbus systems yet)
  • More developers doing addons that operate outside of the FSX VAS
  • Someone finding a way to eliminate or significantly reduce OOMs! (What's the use in this powerful hardware if you can't run a 10 year old program how you want)
  • Things that add immersion (people at airports, maybe some cabin announcements, etc...). I realize some of these exist, but it takes two or three programs to do the job. Even then some developers charge a bit much for these things.

Fantasy list (ie Probably not going to happen)

  • Overhaul of the default textures (compared to graphics we see today FSX is almost cartoonish)
  • 64 bit (Not the panacea we all think but it should help)
  • ATC overhaul
  • Damage modelling

"I am the Master of the Fist!" -Akuma

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i would really like to see more than this and i would really like to see a polling system where instead of them telling us what they are bringing to the table i would really like to see them saying to us what do you want us to release like aircraft or scenery etc.

The problem is with freeware, if it's not something you're interested in doing, you're more than likely not going to put in nearly as much effort to get it down perfectly, whereas if it's something you're interested in doing, you're more likely going to put all the time and effort into it to get it right. As for payware, they pretty much have to do what they need to do to make money in their business.

Captain Kevin


Air Kevin 124 heavy, wind calm, runway 4 left, cleared for take-off.

Live streams of my flights here.

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What is cartoonish is the continuing lack of realistic crash damage modelling etc even in the latest version of FSX..


Totally disagree.  From reading both of your posts above, you seem heavily pre-occupied with crashing, crash modelling, damage, etc.  I think the majority of simmers are concerned about how the sim operates with aircraft on the ground and in the air, not silly graphical depictions of crashed up aircraft.   To me, what you want is heavily in the gaming realm.    In a sim, if you crash, you get informed that you would have crashed in that situation and the simulation is over.


What would revolutionize it for me would be, not a single new feature, but a massive optimization in coding, that resulted in a performance increase across the board of around 50%.   (not asking much, eh?)


... oh and a nice DC-6  :wink:

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...you seem heavily pre-occupied with crashing, crash modelling, damage, etc.


And you seem heavily un-occupied with the realism of aircraft crash-damage modelling ;-)  But fear not. I too am concerned how FSX "operates with aircraft on the ground and in the air", and that's why I put on my wish-list  'realistic tyre bursts, bird strikes, gear collapse,, aquaplaning and skidding off runways, etc., all of which happen daily in real-world flying.

..These wouldn't be 'silly' graphical depictions, since modern graphic engines can generate detailed and accurate simulations which would, I feel, be a useful addition to any flight-simulator like FSX .


For example, the potentially life-threatening bird-strike scenario depicted in the video of my previous comment could be replicated in a very life-like manner to allow both armchair and student pilots to experience their plane's windscreen fracturing or breaking, thus allowing them to overcome the shock and limited vision of the cracked screen, or worse -the buffeting wind in the cockpit making it harder to focus instead of just having a 'Bird Strike' message flash to the screen and it being 'Game Over'.


(Strange that in the past 12 years or so of using MSFS I've seen hardly any windscreen breakages, if at all, yet they occur regularly in real life aviation). *


In a sim, if you crash, you get informed that you would have crashed in that situation and the simulation is over.


But not in real life flying you don't.  For example, if you slewed off the runway you still have procedures to go through in order to ensure the safety of crew, passengers and aircraft. It should be the same in a software flight-sim I reckon.


And anyway, in a commercial flight simulator you dont have spot views etc, so lets not try to make out that FSX is on a par with a real 'motion' flight simulator, or that FSX  doesn't also include a heavy element of gaming and fun addons.


To me, what you want is heavily in the gaming realm.


Not at all. What I want is heavily in the realm of real-life aviation ..and don't get me started about FSX's heavy arcade gaming options. (see video link)


Note that Avsim member SkewR also has 'damage modelling' on his FSX wish list (above), and that many basic 'crash-damage'.addons have been produced by the FS community over the past 18 years or so   So its not as if I'm pushing a new concept.


FSX - Bird Strke



X-Plane Bird Strike



FSX gaming fun...



FSX gaming fun...hot chics



Cracked Aircraft Windshields Are Not Rare (aviation article)


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There is a reason why FSX does not have crash modeling and that is because the aircraft manufactures (Boeing, Cessna etc) requested that they leave it out. The MSFS Franchise at one time had crash modeling but it was taken out at the request of aircraft manufacters because they didn't want their products seen or simulated in that way. I can completely understand that.


If you want an endorsement from a manufacturer to use their product you bet they want it operating as it was intended and not seen damaged or destroyed in any way. Also damage modeling could lead to a manufacturer taking you to court to have the model removed as they own the rights to their product lines.

Matthew Kane


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If you want an endorsement from a manufacturer to use their product you bet they want it operating as it was intended and not seen damaged or destroyed in any way.


Hi YT.


Think about it though,  In real life Boeing and Cessna aircraft etc don't always get flown 'as intended' and  quite often get 'damaged or destroyed' with many fatalities..with each incident aired on prime-time TV worldwide. So it could be argued in court that since FSX is meant to simulate real-life aviation, part of that simulation's remit should reflect aircraft damage found in real life Boeing aircraft etc.


So basically what you're saying is that FSX isnt realistic on crash damage modelling because the aircraft manufacturers want it dumbed down. But that wouldnt stop addon developers adding crash simulation and gear breakage etc, and certainly hasnt done so in the past.


..and any way, we all know that basic crash damage was available in earlier versions of MSFS, and that a simple config.file edit could enable it again in later versions.





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Things that would revolutionize FSX for me:


1. Realistic ATC

2. Airport surfaces that conform to the actual ground terrain, e.g. sloping runways

3. Cloud shadows

4. Realistic environmental effects on the flight dynamics, e.g. icing, wet runways, etc.

5. A greatly improved graphics engine


Things that have already made and will continue to make FSX a heck of a lot better:


1. ORBX FTX Global openLandclass

2. ORBX FTX Global Vector - finally accurate vector data for the entire world

3. Active Sky Next

4. Steve's DX10 Fixer

5. REX Textures

6. Aircraft from almost all the developers


It just keeps getting better and better - certainly a far cry from subLogic's Flight Simulator 2 back in 1984 which I thought was so awesome back then!



Simulator: P3Dv6.1

System Specs: Intel i7 13700K CPU, MSI Mag Z790 Tomahawk Motherboard, 32GB DDR5 6000MHz RAM, Nvidia GeForce RTX 4070 Video Card, 3x 1TB Samsung 980 Pro M.2 2280 SSDs, Windows 11 Home OS

My website for P3D stuff: https://sites.google.com/view/thep3dfiles/home

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