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To get a Prepar3d v3 refund or not, that is the question

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There was a certain 'poetry' to how Chas narrated that. Cool way of posing a question  :smile:

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I have no doubt 3.x will become "The Cat's Meow" but the pain in the butt it has presented with it's changes to the structure are being felt by people like me.  I bought 3.0 but it's already just sitting and collecting dust as I can't easily have 2.5 and 3.0 running side by side with the level of add-ons I have that I need for my flight style.


Major add-on companies will get on the ball quick and some already have but the vast majority of smaller airport making companies and specialty utilities that just make the sim come alive will not be getting the v3 treatment anytime soon and some software that will NEVER be updated for P3D that required the Migration tool to get working are completely lost in 3.0 (unless the migration tool itself is upgraded to be v3.0 aware).  


I know why they did it.  I understand it.  It is a great idea in the long run but it sure does suck like the vacuum of space right now.  So.. until it gets more love from 3rd party guys it will just sit in it's pretty little 3.0 directory while I continue to enjoy my intense detailed level of flying in 2.5 with the hopes of making it to the final without exploding to desktop.


So, my answer to the question proposed is this.    Don't get a refund but don't use it yet either if you can't use what you need to.   I sure as heck am not uninstalling 2.5 until ALL the major products I use are 100% up to 3.0 specs. (PMDG Products, GEX World, UTX 2.0 USA, ASN, REX4HD, EZDOK, A2A ACCUFEEL 2.0)


I am wondering if these major changes to how V3 wants stuff installed was issued to the developers long ago so they could be better prepared or if it was a "TADA! SUCKAHS!   Have fun fixing your broke &*# add-ons!"   

Captain K-Man FlightBlog Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCulqmz0zmIMuAzJvDAZPkWQ  //  Streaming on YouTube most Wednesdays and Fridays @ 6pm CST

Brian Navy

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I have no doubt 3.x will become "The Cat's Meow" but the pain in the butt it has presented with it's changes to the structure are being felt by people like me. 


I am wondering if these major changes to how V3 wants stuff installed ...


There hasn't been a major change at all. LM only made it known it would like to see all add ons installed elsewhere but it's not mandatory and everything still works in the old fashioned way, which is proven by all the add ons that are made v3 compatible by only adding the right path to the installer and nothing else... There only is a pain in the butt if you want it. For me there is no pain at all because nothing has changed on my PC with v3.

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Well... I switched to v3 some days ago. And what can I say? Works perfectly.

There is only one single issue: No ATC window in the PMDG 777.


The Addons I use:

- PMDG 777 + -300 Extension



- MyTraffic 6

- 777 Immersion

- FlyTampa Dubai Rebooted


And I am sure I forgot about some others...


So from my point of view everything is ok with v3.

I get good framerates and no OOMs in situation where I would have gotten them 100% sure in v2.5 (for example out of EGLL with almost max details in 4K).

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Just to be clear, because this is confusing to me.

By 'Randazzo's edict' you mean that you can't use PMDG in P3D v2 *AND* P3D v3 ?


To my understanding, the only reason that PMDG stated that, is because of their older installer. You have to uninstall previous version, so you don't mess up your v3. I couldn't see any license disclaimer.



Guess I have to quote myself here, Rob

"Mr. R stated that he would neither let the T7 nor the NGX live in both V2 and v3 worlds simultaneously.

Simultaneously"... To that I will add "concurrently"...but I am paraphrasing, accurately, but paraphrasing...his exact words are


Here is a quote from RSR:


IMPORTANT INSTALLATION CONSIDERATIONS: If you have your PMDG product already installed to P3D v2, and then you install P3D v3 and wish to use your PMDG product in v3, you will need to UNINSTALL the PMDG product before you will be allowed to install it to v3.




There is an answer, that is to make a triple installer…


Would you like to install to:


1.P 3-D V1. X




3.P3-D v3


We all know, until he broke it, you could use the NGX in FSX AND P3DV1.x.


Rob, esteemed, kind sir,

I know you are trying to help,…so I added this text to make sure that we are on the same page.


I want to fly the NGX in my V2.x and when I so choose to load Up V3.X and fly it there, under the same license.




My first sim flight simulator pD25zEJ.jpg


Take a ride to Stinking Creek! http://youtu.be/YP3fxFqkBXg Win10 Pro, GeForce GTX 1080TI/Rizen5 5600x  OCd,32 GB RAM,3x1920 x 1080, 60Hz , 27" Dell TouchScreen,TM HOTAS Warthog,TrackIR5,Saitek Combat Rudder Pedals HP reverbG2,Quest2

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I am wondering if these major changes to how V3 wants stuff installed was issued to the developers long ago so they could be better prepared or if it was a "TADA! SUCKAHS!   Have fun fixing your broke &*# add-ons!"   


It appears to me that the developers got very little advanced notice of the changes if any, otherwise they wouldn't have been caught with so many things that don't work. Companies like Aerosoft with their Airbus and majestic with their Q400 basically are still stating that they need more time and testing. Then you take add ons like Ezdok that doesn't seem to have any really active development and that probably will always be a problem, it still is for some in 2.5 with their sometimes non functioning beta. I just went on a great V 2.5 flight in my Q400 from CYYZ to CYOW with Pro ATC X, using ASN weather and soft clouds, Acars,  to an Rnav approach with a 200 foot ceiling. 33FPS average during the flight, and everything worked and looked great. It was so dark when I landed at 11 am local time, that the runway lights were on.. Doesn't get any better than that...... :smile:  


BOBSK8             MSFS 2020 ,    ,PMDG 737-600-800 Fenix A320, FSLTL , TrackIR ,  Avliasoft EFB2  ,  ATC  by PF3  ,

A Pilots LIfe V2 ,  CLX PC , Auto FPS, ACTIVE Sky FS,  PMDG DC6 , A2A Comanche, , Milviz C 310



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I got one Bob. A CAT 3 into Flightbeam Denver Intl with ceiling at 150 feet 1/4 mile via using RC4 and Prepar3d v3. 40 fps with the NGX.

I really wanted to do the RNAV but minimums weren't there.


It's a great hobby is it not.

Sean Green

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Did you open a support ticket with PMDG?


I am wondering if these major changes to how V3 wants stuff installed was issued to the developers long ago so they could be better prepared or if it was a "TADA! SUCKAHS!   Have fun fixing your broke &*# add-ons!"   


No, it was a result of people just like you wanting to NOT have to re-install P3D after each update ... hence LM setting it up (via .cfgs) and recommending 3rd party devs install their products OUTSIDE of P3D root that way P3D CAN update itself WITHOUT stepping on 3rd party toes (aka files) and/or requiring you to re-install everything.


I've said this a 100 times already, but I'm obviously not being heard/understood.  Why some products still need to be updated on each new version of P3D is because they go OUTSIDE the SDK and look for direct memory offsets to use/update information they need to make their product work better - in the world of programming you can do this, often referred to as a hack.  There IS NOTHING LM can do about those developers that do this other than ask them why and hope they respond (which they may not because is a market leverage "discovery").  


And finally, it's a "recommendation" by LM, NOT required ... 3rd party devs can still install in V3 the way they always have installed in V2.x and it'll work just fine ... they are not REQUIRED to do so.  The down side is that when LM do updates their no-compliant install "may" get stomped on.


Sorry if sound frustrated here, If anything is unclear here then please ask rather than walking away with "I don't understand" and then spread information you don't understand about V3 to others -- this doesn't help anyone.


Cheers, Rob.

It appears to me that the developers got very little advanced notice of the changes if any, otherwise they wouldn't have been caught with so many things that don't work. ... Doesn't get any better than that...... :smile:  


Come on, you know you'd have to be on the Beta team to make a statement like that ... this is why you get the "V3 hater badge" ... and yes it does get better than V2.5 .. .it's called V3.0.  3rd party devs had PLENTY of advance notice IF they joined in the Beta early on and paid attention.


I can understand you are not happy about the V3 pricing and no upgrade price which appears to me to be the primary reason for displeasure with V3 ... have you tried V3?


Cheers, Rob.

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I can understand you are not happy about the V3 pricing and no upgrade price which appears to me to be the primary reason for displeasure with V3 ... have you tried V3?


Pricing has zero to do with it. I check out 2 different P3D groups on Facebook, and the LM forum, and this forum, and every day I read about different  problems that are cropping up with V3 for some users. I also fly the Q400 and Aerosoft Airbus, and both their forums are still saying that V3 is not fully tested yet. When V3 is stable, and I stop reading these posts from people that are having issues, then I will think about installing it. BTW, there are more than a few people that have installed V3 and yet still keep V2.5 on their computers, because they know their favorite add on's  will work properly on 2.5. I guess they are partial " V3 haters"....... :wink:


BOBSK8             MSFS 2020 ,    ,PMDG 737-600-800 Fenix A320, FSLTL , TrackIR ,  Avliasoft EFB2  ,  ATC  by PF3  ,

A Pilots LIfe V2 ,  CLX PC , Auto FPS, ACTIVE Sky FS,  PMDG DC6 , A2A Comanche, , Milviz C 310



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So essentially V3 is just an framerate improved version of 2.5 for $60...


Hmmm... Sounds like 2.6 to me. 

Really? Either you haven't done much in the way of research, or are just fishing...


P3Dv3 is far more than "just a framerate improved version..."

Fr. Bill    

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Pricing has zero to do with it. I check out 2 different P3D groups on Facebook, and the LM forum, and this forum, and every day I read about different  problems that are cropping up with V3 for some users. I also fly the Q400 and Aerosoft Airbus, and both their forums are still saying that V3 is not fully tested yet. When V3 is stable, and I stop reading these posts from people that are having issues, then I will think about installing it.


Bob, you get the label because your conclusions (and subsequent diatribes) are drawn from social media discussions and third parties. Your comments would be much more valid if they were coming from personal experience - something the low price of admission ($10) and a no-questions-asked refund policy should allow.


I'm among the many who now have a very stable platform in V3, and am steadily adding in compatible addons on a daily basis. I am still impressed by how fast and smooth the sim feels...mirroring what Froogle noted in his review.

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Really? Either you haven't done much in the way of research, or are just fishing...


P3Dv3 is far more than "just a framerate improved version..."


A lengthy post of bug-fixes and internal programming changes are not an advancement that needs a whole new version with a $$$ tag to boot. 


Show the new FEATURES.  Those are what demand a new version.   SO far we have a new UI.  Wow.

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When V3 is stable, and I stop reading these posts from people that are having issues, then I will think about installing it. 


Yet you installed V2.5 which had more issues (posted in various forums reported by "some users") than V3.0?  Try V3.0, refund if you don't like it ... best decision is YOUR decision not "issues" others are having for any number of reasons that might be entirely unrelated to your situation.


You will always see many people having issues with ANY flight simulator platform regardless of version ... that's why many go to forums to post questions ... some just vent and aren't really looking for a solution because they've already made up their mind it's XYZ and doesn't matter if they're wrong ... it's XYZ and they thread spam it's XYZ to everyone ... in the hope that urban legend spreads and XYZ sticks to the wall of unreality.  I like to call it the unreality bubble.  :) 


If you're waiting for "no issues" in any FS platform (or life in general) then you've created a requirement that can never be satisfied -- is that what you want?


Cheers, Rob.

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A lengthy post of bug-fixes and internal programming changes are not an advancement that needs a whole new version with a $$$ tag to boot. 


Show the new FEATURES.  Those are what demand a new version.   SO far we have a new UI.  Wow.

So you're confirming the assumption that you haven't tried it then...

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A lengthy post of bug-fixes and internal programming changes are not an advancement that needs a whole new version with a $$$ tag to boot. 


Show the new FEATURES.  Those are what demand a new version.   SO far we have a new UI.  Wow.


Ignorance is bliss I guess ... try it, then you'll realize it's more than just a new UI ... heck you might even like SpeedTrees (and the 3rd party door that opens), Dynamic HDR adjustments, Avatar mode (again the door that opens to 3rd party), improved cloud rendering/scattering ... even if you want to ignore all the VAS and performance improvements (which are very significant) there is plenty to justify a new Version.


If you weren't aware 3rd party is a KEY element to the success of a Flight Simulation platform, V3 bring things like ScaleForm, SpeedTrees, Avatar mode ... all of which open the door for 3rd party development to bring a entire new set of features to P3D V3. 


But again, it seems your argument is based around money ... look beyond that and you'll see V3 is fully qualified to be a new Version.


Cheers, Rob.

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