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Landing the 777, what's going on?

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FYI- I have an open ticket about this with PMDG. Currently I do not have the nose-stays-afloat issue (it still seems to lightly fall normally as the airplane slows) but I am unable to go into reverse until the nose is on the ground. I've done about 4 flights now trying different things that they suggest. Will post any major discoveries here if we hopefully find them.

Nick Crate
Chief Executive Officer
FedEx Virtual Air Cargo

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6 hours ago, downscc said:

Why are you holding the nose up in the air?  I just landed a B77L at KATL in pleasant conditions and the landing was nominal. 

Here we go again...

We are trying to find a common denominator to the issue that several of us are having that may (or may not be) related to the 747 issue that some are experiencing on that forum. You are clearly not having this problem (thankfully) and although I cannot speak for others, I am positive the cause is not pilotage.

Nick Crate
Chief Executive Officer
FedEx Virtual Air Cargo

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18 hours ago, Ephedrin said:

That's relatively normal. Of course I don't see your airplane's behaviour but in a 777 (and 787 too btw) you have to fly the nose down onto the runway after main wheels touchdown. Sure, this refusal to slow down that was talked about shouldn't be there, but I don't see it either. However I see a very "happy-to-fly" nose but again that's pretty much how a 777 flies. 

Well, i don´t think that pushing the yoke forward to get the nose down after touchdown is a common procedure. The nose should sink by itself. 

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2 hours ago, maukro_1990 said:

Well, i don´t think that pushing the yoke forward to get the nose down after touchdown is a common procedure. The nose should sink by itself. 

yes of course it will sink by itself... the problem is that you don't have enough runway for that. of course, the higher the brakes are set the faster the nose will come down, but if you land at low to medium autobrake settings, the nose will remain up for quite a long time. If you then even try to keep it up to settle it down gently it will finally "slam" onto the ground. Instead you indeed have to fly a 777 nosewheel onto the runway with a slight forward push on the yoke just after main wheels touch down. Klingt komisch, is aber so. 😃

Edit: Of course this doesn't mean that the nose shall be PUSHED down, so don't push the yoke forward far beyond the neutral position... but it will require a noticeable release on the back pressure of the yoke to literally fly the nose down.


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Old pilot saying, "fly it all the way to the runway."

Dan Downs KCRP

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2 hours ago, Ephedrin said:

yes of course it will sink by itself... the problem is that you don't have enough runway for that. of course, the higher the brakes are set the faster the nose will come down, but if you land at low to medium autobrake settings, the nose will remain up for quite a long time. If you then even try to keep it up to settle it down gently it will finally "slam" onto the ground. Instead you indeed have to fly a 777 nosewheel onto the runway with a slight forward push on the yoke just after main wheels touch down. Klingt komisch, is aber so. 😃

Edit: Of course this doesn't mean that the nose shall be PUSHED down, so don't push the yoke forward far beyond the neutral position... but it will require a noticeable release on the back pressure of the yoke to literally fly the nose down.

Yes, but i released the back pressure of the yoke right after touchdown... i mean this wasn´t my first landing with a T7 ;)! Well, i really think that PMDG should give us a little update. Like i said: The Autothrottle reaction is a little bit too slow, especially when landing during windy conditions. Some folks are disengage the AT right after they disengaged the AP, but this is not a common procedure in a T7. Always AT engaged and Vref+5! 


PS: Da scheint tatsächlich etwas nicht zu stimmen! 😉

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This thread has been painful to read, and I feel bad for the guys that are experiencing this regularly. I’ve had the wheelie/acceleration issue about half a dozen times, in both the 777 and the -400. Something is interfering with the sim no doubt, and it has nothing to do with technique. I highly doubt it is a PMDG issue, since some never see it. Kudos to those investigating and reporting back to us and PMDG. Now that think about it, during my 95% normal landings I can never get the reversers to engage until nosewheel touchdown. Maybe even autobrakes too, not sure. I look closer at it tomorrow. 

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The problem is that you want to make a landing of -100vs which is not recommended in the 737/777, for making a very soft landing the speedbreak may not trigger ... in the case of PMDG it understands that if you hold the "pitch" you're "gliding" stop trying to make landings -100vs and make + 100vs without safe "pitch" too long .. that was enough for me, so settle, rather a safe landing than a soft landing


Tiago Cezario.

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It's hit and miss. No reverse dpeloyment happening until nose gear lands. I push the nose down after every landing just to make sure the plane decelerates in time

~William Genovese~

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as I mentioned many moons ago,

1. the real 777 does not behave this way,

2. You can use the reverse when the mains have compression

3. "Fly to the runway" means don't let the nose drop too hard. It doesn't mean push it down otherwise it refuses.

4. Thanks for the guys who are investigating this to make an amazing product even better.

5. PMDG show the B777 some fresh love. His brothers are all going in past v3 😉



Xander Koote

All round aviation geek

1st Officer Boeing 777

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All that you have the issue. Check your engine N1. If your engine N1 is not in idle the reversers will not deploy. Also please not of all you complaining about the issue only one opened a ticket and we were able to reproduce. If no ticket is opened that we do not know to check..


For now make sure your N1 is in idle and will look at it for the next round of 777 update

Chris Makris


You can find us at http://forum.pmdg.com


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6 hours ago, Olympic260 said:

All that you have the issue.

I would be interested if any of these folks that are reporting a landing issue are having that issue doing an Autoland?

Grace and Peace, 

I Earned My Spurs in Vietnam

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3 minutes ago, Bluestar said:

I would be interested if any of these folks that are reporting a landing issue are having that issue doing an Autoland?

Grace and Peace, 

The one report we have in the ticket it has it with auto land as well. But again this was due to non idle N1, hence no reverses.

Chris Makris


You can find us at http://forum.pmdg.com


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I just did a test with manual throttle and went to idle at 100 ft and the reverse and autobrakes worked normally. Maybe the autothrottle doesnt get to idle quick enough.

Greg   Schmidtz

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