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What's next for PMDG?

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Hi guys,

As of late, I've been switching between the two simulators (XP11 and P3DV4) but have been more leaning on XP11 due to P3DV4 still being in "devlopment" when it comes to add-ons so I've naturally become slightly "out of the loop" when it comes to P3D and their developers. 

I understand that PMDG have plans to develop for XP in the future but what's next for PMDG? From what I have seen, there's been no post from a developer since Robert's Merry Christmas post (which was your typical american heart warming empty office post lol) which didn't contain any official news, only a teaser for what's ahead for 2018.

Please don't eat me for not searching if there has been news but is there any news as to what's planned for PMDG for 2018 or are we all subject to rumours?


Greg Clifford

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XP: nothing at present that we would have been told about, the last statement was something like „maybe someday, but not planned yet“..

further: the 747-8 as an expansion to the 747-400 is in development and a 737 MAX version was something like „announced“ (the typical way of teasers) by Robert Randazzo in another thread.

Also the J4100 is in Beta testing for v4.


nothing more is known as far as I am aware of.


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6 minutes ago, Ephedrin said:

747-8 as an expansion to the 747-400 is in development


6 minutes ago, Ephedrin said:

nothing more is known as far as I am aware of.

Also this...
*glances down at signature image*


Kyle Rodgers

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Max would be great. And a PMDG quality 787. :D

           Pawel Grochowski


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25 minutes ago, scandinavian13 said:


Also this...
*glances down at signature image*


Cant see it on the mobile phone :D still the pigeonworks-everything-hidden-behind-colors-to-satisfy-the-boss? 



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Guys let them finish the 777-200ER in peace for goodness sake. 

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I feel like for long time Mr.RR did not feed us with one of his stylish post :biggrin:


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25 minutes ago, crimtye said:

Guys let them finish the 777-200ER in peace for goodness sake. 

Nobody wants them anymore :laugh::wink:

           Pawel Grochowski


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35 minutes ago, zburns896 said:

*Constantly wishes for a MD-11 update for v4*

TFDI may be your best bet for an MD-11.

Welcome to the forum! Do note that PMDG require full names to be signed on all posts, first and last.

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1 minute ago, PaulGR said:

Nobody wants them anymore :laugh::wink:

No one wanted the DC-6 either but we got that anyway:laugh:

Kidding of course. Please don’t ban me Robert, I didn’t mean it:laugh:

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24 minutes ago, Milton Waddams said:

No one wanted the DC-6 either but we got that anyway:laugh:

Kidding of course. Please don’t ban me Robert, I didn’t mean it:laugh:

I drowned mine in the caribbean sea and he wanted to sell a new copy to me... :dry:


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1 hour ago, zburns896 said:

*Constantly wishes for a MD-11 update for v4*

Totally with you :D we just have to continuously get on their nerves while avoiding Kyle‘s ban hammer and maybe one day Robert gets so annoyed that he accidentally developes an MD11 of the gods... xD


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From the December 21 teaser, it's obvious they're getting into the calendar business.


Alex Pugh

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