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About PaulGR

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  1. That last approach image looks so real. Great stuff.
  2. Not sure if I understand the question correctly but SimBrief generates flight plans based on current (if you have it updated) AIRAC data. It's as good as you can get. I pay for Navigraph and to me it's the dream team of flight planning. LittleNavMap is also good.
  3. So I'm working on a livery and figured I'll take her for a spin...
  4. So I'm working on a livery for the MSFS 700 and I'm encountering a super weird behavior on one spot that upper part of the fuselage. Tiny length adjustments change the distortion direction and intensity. I attached some screens. Anybody seen something like this? https://ibb.co/LJGtFLv https://ibb.co/LnX6QJv https://ibb.co/TLqKsPP https://ibb.co/Dpbds9Z https://ibb.co/YTwVsYq
  5. Just as I'm setting up new system for my sim fun. Fan since V1. Can't wait to try it.
  6. Arctic Silver 5. Non conductive and most widely used by overclocking communities.I love it.
  7. I thought airbus is soooo much smarter than boeing...
  8. My Devil's Canyon is stable @4.8 with 1.366 For FSX I'm running 4.5 @ 1.22 and see it a s a sweet spot to keep temps under 60 with my corsair liquid cooler. Also you can try to slow your RAM when overclocking high. I know it sounds weird but I've read people reporting that 4.8+ overclocks on the 4790K's go BSOD with RAM at 1600+ but all goes stable when RAM is set to 1300. Might be a mobo issue too or a faulty batch as I'm at 1800 with my RAM and it's stable. Anyway. 1.4 voltage will wear your CPU significantly faster according to tests. Anything over 1.35 is considered not so safe anymore.
  9. What's the PSU in your build? People never look at this and in many cases they are the bottleneck in OC'ed systems.
  10. I use it in FSX:SE with the NGX and 777. Absolutely love this addon.
  11. Thx for the response guys. Guess it is time for a new purchase
  12. What a great topic. Love adding realism to my flights. Pawel Grochowski
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