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Everything posted by wb5okj

  1. The concept of X-Plane succeeding certainly scares the beejeebers out of some people doesn't it? :(
  2. I have the Track IR also. yes it is nice, couple that with stereographic 3D and is not to be believed. Wish I could get anaglyph stero in OpenGL that is about the only thing I miss in the other sims. I do have eDimensional 3D, unfortunately my cat chewed the wire into between the camera and the dongle. :smile:I've had it for several yeas so it is out of date now anyway, and this 60 hertz LCD monitor is not worth upgrading.
  3. Whats funny about sending someone a personal message? Especially too did they get it? I didn't get mine!
  4. Goran i have sent you a PMDonald E. Donovanwb5okj
  5. It seems to me that X-Plane 10 does a lot better job than ver 9 did in the turbulence department, not that its perfect, it still sometimes gets too much. I've been running real world weather for the last couple of days at KPWA, and the turbulence was handled very well. I had winds around 14 to 16 knots but no gusting. Of course if it is gusting too much X-Plane does get with it, no question. The point is, the sim seems to be headed in the right direction.IFR only, at KPWA today, ceiling about 500 ft. most of the day. We don't have to wear foggles today. :(
  6. The only way to change an attitude like this is to not participate. If enough people agree with that, then the company must change or perish. Of course at the present time people are voting with their wallet.I guess we will muddle through somehow.
  7. Because agree or not, it is his program, his company and as head cook , dishwasher, and waiter, he can pretty much do what he wants. :(
  8. Try 20% Glen heres a couple of screen shot about 2000 ft above the clouds and the second about 3000 ft above with 20% cloud base Fps is geting a bit low, but I only have a Core2 duo 9650@3.0 Ghz.Maybe not perfect, but they don't look too shabby to me, "aye".PS. Video is an nVidia GTX 560
  9. I'm currently flying the Duchess! I find that the gauges are easier to read in X-Plane 10 than they are in 9.70 Somehow the markings seem to be more visible. For instance in 9.70 I cannot see the tick marks in the attitude indicator, but in version 10 they are plain as day. same with the airspeed indicator. Do you find this true also?Flies quite nicely in version 10 also. I did have to tone my CH Yoke down a bit, made the pitch and roll, both less linear. Made the plane feel a bit heavier than a single, works quite nicely.Up to this point, i have been SEL almost exclusively, but I will probably fly the twin a lot more now.
  10. If you did take the bus there, ou would be happy to be coming in on an airplane. :( The roads in this part of the world ae ot to be reckoned with.This airport is in Paro Bhutan, VQPR, it is the only international rated airport in the country as of 2009, and only 8 pilots in the world were certified to come in there at that time.It is in X-Plane 10, airliner types might want to try that ride RunWay 15. :(
  11. Yes Jan, you are correct but in real life you have a bit more control on the click spots than with a mouse. LOL. And of course you aren't looking at a 24 inch screen.I agree with your point, one has to make decisions, and of course not everyone is going to be happy with YOUR decision mo matter what it was. :( (Caps for emphasis).Not a big problem either way for me, and I respect the developers right to make those decisions in the end. It does seem to me that clicking is more like turning a knob, than sliding with a mouse, but that is just me.By the way, I am waiting for your plane, it will be my one and only airliner purchase, as I am a GA person. No wait, I may have to get the CRJ200, also as I am a big J Rollon fan.:( it never ends, does it.
  12. Do a search for Bojote, that will probably get you about a thousand hits. (More or less), also NickN I thnk has a lot of excellent tips. Just Google fsx stability issues about 10 pages comes up the first time. Google all thise guys and you will be reading for days, if not months :(
  13. No but some of X-Plane 9 aircraft have airfoils that are too old to be used in version 10. If an airfoil is older than X-Plane 7 it can't be used in version 10, so update in version 10 as stated in the posts prior to this. They will not fly any better, but they will fly. :(
  14. Just put the plane in X-Plane 10 then run Airfoil maker ver. 10 it will do a batch conversion on all your airfoils. Just go to FileConvert all airfoils to the latest format.
  15. Greg if your rudders are gone make sure in the axis assignments no yaw is assigned. The sim will do, or is supposed to do better if it doesn't sense a rudder input. Haven't tried this out, but I believe I saw this in one of the manuals. Worth a try to check.
  16. My Apologies to both parties. Of course I knew that was Goran's project. Apparently my tongue got tangled in my eyeteeth, and I couldn't see what I was typing.This bears out my motto: "Of all the things I've ever lost, I miss my mind the MOST. :smile:Morton I have sent you a PM hoping to explain what I was talking about, I had a difficult time explaining to Muskoka what this was about.Here's a link to the post that I started this whole mess, if you want to follow it to its conclusion for more explanation. http://forum.avsim.net/topic/361050-apperent-bug-in-dme/Actually in the scheme of things its not all that important, it just one of those niggling little things that bug some people and others don't even know its there.GoranM I have bookmarked your site.Thanks to both of you gentlemen.
  17. Hello MortonMDid you put a tunable DME in the Piper Archer III because of the way the sim handles The DME. ( i.e. the DME doesn't ID itself properly even though it is showing the proper distance to NAV1 frequency, it IDs a different frequency Stuck on the default frequency of 111.70)?How is the DC 3 coming along, if you don't mind me asking?
  18. No apologies please Glen, thank you very much for all the help. Yes that Identifier is ISZI, you have a good ear for copying if you don't know Morse code, ( actually the International Radio Code), Morse code is a bit different, but everyone calls it Morse :( Radio operators call it CW short for continuous wave.The only reason it was important to me, was I wanted to know if it was just my setup or an actual omission. I sent a bug report, if they fix it, good, if they don't its not that big of a deal.Thanks again and we can get back to flying. LOL
  19. This is what I thought Glen. The reason you don't hear the DME ID itself when only it is selected, is because you don't have a VOR or an ILS within your range. If you go to a place that has a VOR or an ILS with a frequency of 111.70 then you will hear the DME ID itself. When you do you will find the DME has a different tone a higher pitched ton than either NAV 1 or 2 or an ADF. Currently you are hearing only Nav1 ID for you. If you would like to test this out go to KPWA this is Wiley Post in Oklahoma City turn on only the DME wihout Nav1 or any other ID'er on and you will hear The ILS for runway 12 at Tinker AFB ID itself in the DME. Or go back to Seattle KSEA runway 16C and you will hear the DME ID I think that is runway 34 left. Can't remember if that is the correct ILS but at any rate that is what the default DME was set to and you will hear a Morse Identifier. The only aircraft I can find that has a tunable DME is in MortonM's Piper Archer III, maybe that is why he put a tunable DME in his aircraft. With that aircraft you can change the DME frequency. Actually in the sim its really not that big a deal, its just one of the little things that bug you when you know its not quite right, or worse you don't know if something is wrong with your own setup. :biggrin:Yes a DME should ID itself without the Nav1 just to double check in real life that that is the correct DME. In real life we can get class E skip with VHF transmissions, and get stations tuned in hundred occasionally thousands of miles away. Normally VHF radio transmissions are line of sight, but when E skip propagation is available, I have talked to ham radio operators in Hawaii from California, using less than 10 watts of power in the 2 Meter spectrum. That is close to the aircraft band around 127 Megahertz or so. That is unusual but does happen, and I have heard VOR's ID here in Oklahoma and Tex. when I knew they are up in Kansas.
  20. I understand your dilemma. I upgraded from a GTS250 to this GTX 560 and it takes two 12 volt connectors. Fortunately i had a spare 12 volt connection available, but I was a bit anxious at first. I thought I might have to buy a multimeter to find the extra 12 volts, but things turned out ok.My 250 was running XPlane ok though, I didn't have any trouble downloading with it.
  21. Glen your Nav1 is still on, as evidenced by the green light in the Nav1 switch. make sure that the green light is out and I'll bet that the dme will ID on a frequency of 111.70 as that is what was set in the default program. Thanks for helping me out, and me being such a pill. :smile:I went to CYYZ yesterday, and set up for a flight to CYYB, couldn't use real world weather yesterday, the wind was gusting to 38 knots. A little to strong for timid pilots such as myself. :(
  22. For what its worth JJ I run an nVidia GTX 560 using drivers WHQL 285.62 and runs excellent. i just don't use the high end shadows, only go as high as the 3d on aircraft, although I usually run overlay or even static, as shadows aren't that important to me anyway. If I get up into the really high end global shadows,(melt our gpu type), then I get artifacts.
  23. Just to make sure Glen, did you turn of the Identifier switch for NAV1 and turn on the DME switch, that is the last to the right and to the top switch on the COM panel just above the Marker switch???
  24. Must be something in my setup. hat is what I was wondering about. Good job and thanks.
  25. No not exactly Glen, I don't currently have Canadian scenery in so I can't go to our airport, but setting there tune different VOR in then have the DME Id in morse code. I can't get my DME to change frequency as an example:I am at KPWA Wile Post KPWA my NAV 1 is tuned to PWA frequency 113.40 The CDI is showing up OK and the DME is showing the correct distance to the VOR 0.1 mile and NAV1 ID in Morse as PWA. Now when I have the DME Id it self it IDs as a runway ILS at Tinker AFB RnWy 12 at 111.70 frequency. Again I can tune NAV 1 to the Kingfisher VOR frequency 114.70 id is IFI, but the DME although showing the correct distance, (23miles) to this VOR still IDs in Morse code as RnWy 12 which is IPLH on a frequency of 111.70.This effect is for the DME only, if it is a bug which I believe it is, it isn't really a serious one and probably doesn't effect most people. Probably most people anymore can't read Morse code anyway so don't have an idea any problem exists, again it is only a monor problem. :smile:I can tune the DME but the only GA aircraft that I can find that has a tunable DME is MortonM's Piper Archer III. I cannot find another GA aircraft that has a tunable DME.
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