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Everything posted by ejoiner

  1. Looks great. Same as FScene. Problem is expense. I cant afford to spend the kind of money a complete global set would cost. I know efforts have been made towards bundling and a buy 4, get one free deal, but still its a bundle of money for this. I'd love to have it, but wifey would cut my throat!Eric
  2. Sounds like a virtual vomit comet to me. I can tell you this would induce motion sickness in me almost instantly. I cant play first person shooter games for this reason. Zero problems with real flight, nor with Flight sims, but the rapid movement at very close aspect angles brought on by the FPS games makes me ill. Im not alone in that. Fresnel Lens's on computers do the same for me.This inner ear device mentioned in this article would be a personal he11 for someone like me.Eric
  3. I think in Item 3, he must be meaning a Barrel Roll which can be executed by pulling up and to the right in a 20 degree angle then putting in aileron to the left. This creates an out of plane cicular roll that produces a horizontal "tunnel". Hope I explained that ok..I can do it no problem.other fun ones are the are lazy 8's and Cuban 8's.Eric
  4. Im delighted for both. I own RXP gauges and am a fan of eaglesoft, though I dont yet own their products. (mainly because I fly GA props mainly.)Both are FIRST class groups of people. Im very pleased some arrangement was met that is satisfactory for the community.Eric
  5. Thanks for starting this thread. Absolutely great airplane! last two days I have had several very fun sessions. Flew around KMRY (Monterrey California) and was reminded of John Denvers death near there. he had a christen eagle and was known to really love this airplane.Eric
  6. It is great! Im not surprised though. LIC has put out some other great planes. This one is great fun. Flew it for about 2 hours this morning from Shez's great KBUR airport! Neat stuff.Eric
  7. Wonder how long til this thread gets locked...Eric
  8. I think that was the F1 C-172...and I think they were right.. :-)Eric
  9. I'll be honest, I have some real problems with how much this bird will cost, but Im tempted...seriously. Only thing that might keep me from it is that I just dont have time for long haul flights. I spend max 2 hours at the sim. 4 kids, busy work life and a wife...no time for long haul! Besides, the middle of the flight is boring to me. I like the TO's, approaches and landings. Maybe I should get it just to do those?Not having flown an airliner in months, if I were going to get nuts and buy a heavy duty airliner, which would be best, something from PMDG or LDS? (I have the PSS A320 and have no problems with uber detail, FMC's etc.)Eric
  10. heck, if Im near GA 400, Im putting it into PDK or if up by the lake into Gilmer County! Thats a neat little airport. My son is working on his PPL and he and his instructor flew up there one time to do some TNG's and get the 100 dollar hamburger...my hundred bucks...the kids hamburger...:-/Eric
  11. Somebody needs to build a couple of bush type GA airports in North Ga, or North Carolina/Tennessee. Some place where I can drop my old Beech 18 into or my old warbird. :-)Eric
  12. Thanks for the tip Earl...and the compliments! :-)Meantime, I will remain on the hunt for some quaint georender-ish airports in the south! HINT HINT to anybody who will take the bait!Actually Earl, I'd love to see some of the smaller N.GA mountain airports done. Especially some of the fly in residential ones like blue mountain airpark.Eric
  13. Got that... :-) i was thinking of specific airports.Eric
  14. Not me. I'd like to see him continue with 1940's and 1950's singles and twins. I love this post war era of flight. :-)However, I also would love to see him do a neat air racer of the 1930'setc. Especially one of those hot rod single engine sea plane racers.Eric
  15. I really love his work. I hope he comes back soon. His work is and was a bargain because of all the extra attention he puts in.Hope he comes back recharged and ready! (hoping big time.)Eric
  16. Guys, I love to fly GA singles and light twins. I also love quaint airports like the ones Georender is so expert at creating. I think I have all of his, plus a large number of the great freeware ones that are around. I also like busier GA airports in urban areas too.I live in Atlanta however. I seem to fly more in the NW USA than anywhere else because of the great scenery (free and payware) thats available for that region.heres my question...Can anybody point me to top notch GA airports for the Southeastern US?Rural airports with good scenery and ambiance would be most welcome.What am I missing?Eric
  17. Theres an outstanding freeware tool thats similar called World Wind that NASA put out. Great stuff. I've had it for a few months and its trip to play with.Eric
  18. Mine is 31.8 GB but compressed to 16.1 GB. I do also have an external directory for scenery only that is 5.36 GB compressed to 3.29 GB. Compression really helps on the space and it runs quicker too.I should say that my aircraft directory (uncompressed) comprises 24 GB of my total 31.8. But I do aircraft repaints and have tons of psd files sprinkled in there, which are big file hogs. I think thats why compression has such an impact for me. Those are easily squeezed down and arent read by MSFS. Eric
  19. hit the space bar and the plane will stop spinning and orient itself due north (360 deg) You can then use the key pad to move it around as needed.Eric
  20. Heres the basic fact... If somebody puts out a "product" and charges 50 bucks for it...and somebody is willing to pay it...then the "product" is properly priced to sell ONE UNIT. If the seller wants to sell two units, then he needs to consider a broader value distribution. Thats a macro economic equation that some publishers like Flight1 and others should be able to counsel their clients on. Right now, I feel like a lot of pricing generally is "thumb in the air". Mainly I see no corelation between pricing and value between the various payware companies. Some folks like PMDG and LDS charge premium rates and I can understand where that comes from in some ways. However, I see Zero reason for any of these products to exceed the cost of FS2004. This is the basic platform on which all 3rd party aircraft exist.
  21. The AOPA flight planner is worth the money alone. Plus the magazine you will get monthly is also outstanding. Plus now you get an FS plane.Good deal to me.Eric
  22. I have to say you guys discussing pricing in the 60 buck range are CRAZY.There is virtually no addon that I will pay more than the sim itself for.The amount of inflation in price on addons is simply rediculous. Even Alphasim is charging 30 bucks for product now. I guess its "rage against the machine" on my part, but I have a fundamental problem with pricing on addons lately especially the stuff that prices above the cost of MSFS itself.This is JUST MY OPINION...and no need to make this a 100 message thread. I just want to put a stake in the ground on behalf of simmers, that pricing has gotten to stupid levels on some products. Is there no ceiling at which this crack addicted group will not pay?EricQuixote mode now turned OFF.
  23. Book yr holiday in Hawaii and this wont be a concern.Eric
  24. Guess I am in Deep Kim Chee. I have over 2000 hours of FS2004 time. Of course this person also attached a rail line. Did they check for MSTS time as well?
  25. I wonder what the Lufty Training captain would think of your British Airways signature... :-)Great story! Eric
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