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Everything posted by ejoiner

  1. Hi Jim.All I can say is that if it has Chelton Glass cockpit and that sweet paint job, it will be great. Eric
  2. These updates need to come via another method than the F1 wrapper. thats a major Pain in the a$$ to have to deal with for an update.Eric
  3. Awesome!! Im an AOPA member and that is one seriously sweet paint job they put on that bird. Eric
  4. Does this mean that this topic can now go off line and this thread be locked? Seems like enough adults have shown up to manage the business relationship privately.Eric
  5. But none of their subjects have been as ubiquitous as the twin Beech...I seriously hope somebody picks this up and continues the line.Eric
  6. Surprised nobody has picked this up, but Milton Shupe and his crew have decided to release the source code for their fabulous freeware Beech 18 in hopes that others will carry forward the project in terms of other variants etc. Thats huge news IMHO!!!I Quote this post from Milton found on Tom Gibsons Calclassics site:"You know, there were so many of these aircraft touched by so many people in so many countries, no one model does them all justice. No way can we provide a likeness to all the variants, all the panels, all the paint schemes, and that is somewhat sad. We would like to make the Gmax source available to the community of designers to continue the efforts in salute to this bird and the people who were touched by them. As such, I am making the Gmax source available to anyone who wishes to use it ... for reference, for parts, for modifications, enhancements or whatever as long as the end product is freeware and no money is made from the efforts or original file. The Gmax source is available here: www.flightsimonline.com/downloads/b18_d18s.zip We do hope that others will create variants, floats, etc to enhance the Beechcraft 18 experience."Hope that some of the great modellers here will now create some C-45's AT-11's, Beech 18's on floats etc!!! I can paint em...I cant make em. Too bad!!Eric
  7. I havent bought this because I dont like the C208 generally, but the pics looked pretty good to me. I will say the DHL colors are wrong. I work for DHL. The yellow is much brighter in real life.Eric
  8. Got this in my email today. I am a previous FS2004 beta tester. Anybody know if this is "real" or somebodies attempt to put harmful files on my PC?-------Hi (my name here.) Greetings from the Flight Simulator team:At long last the new hardware is up and running and ready to start collecting data from all of you who have been so patient about helping us out. We
  9. Seems to me you could handle this in the panel.cfg to add the fixed views and remove the vc views?Eric
  10. Guys, whats the keystrokes to feather the engines individually? I want to be able to take advantage of economy cruise in the KBT P-3 orion.ThanksEric
  11. Thanks Holger.As an active repainter myself, I know I almost ALWAYS have flightplans for the planes I paint. Im not sure this request is a stretch. Given that military aircraft dont always follow a set pattern of flight, those interested in a particular livery are likely (probably) to have knowledge of what those flight plans may be. All Im saying is that if you have the information, it sure is helpful to have it with the repaint. I generally dont download skins for aircraft where I have no idea what to do with them. Not a problem so much for commercial airplanes, but a big one for the military side.Eric
  12. Lots of extremely cool repaints etc are showing up in the Avsim library amongst other places largely in part to the awesome work of Henry Tomkiwiez's great stuff. I have a request please. If you put up a livery for an F-16 etc, could you please include flightplans? Im assuming since you painted it, you have some on yr own PC. No need to get fancy with other files like airports and aircraft files. Most of us have those if we have military traffic...but would be MAJOR helpful to use your work if you made flightplans available (and afcads if you altered yours to fit the artwork.)Thanks in advanceEric
  13. Turned on the PC this morning and had an immediate exception dialog box pop up saying Windows Automatic Update function had a failure and had to shut down. This box repeatedly popped up when closed and could not beshut off. Looking highly "virus like". I went to task manager and shut it down since I could not do it from the Start Menu control panel. I then ran a full virus scan using Avast! which is my Anti-virus program. No bugs found.Two questions.1. Has anybody else experienced this? Is the Automatic Update server at MS down? 2. Is there a new virus out that does this (highly irritating) action?ThanksEric
  14. Very cool. The great thing about Bills work isnt the airplanes...its all the excellent stuff that goes with it. He creates an environment to put the period piece airplane in a time and place to make for immersion thats highly appreciated by his followers, of which I am one.Eric
  15. Got any info on the US Customs P-3's and the NOAA P-3's? I know I have seen the Customs birds at Oranjestad in Aruba whilst on vacation a couple of years ago.Eric
  16. What is funny about these pictures is that I have seen Transavia 737's in Las Vegas under lease to Sun Country!Eric
  17. Can anybody advise any "representative flight plans for the KBT P-3?In particular any between USN bases, or other areas where the P3 might typically operate, including any operational patrols?ThanksEric
  18. Pretty fun when theres a direct connection between reality and these toys we play with!! Particularly when La Guardia airport is not one of the places I would've expected to see this private aircraft. Eric
  19. Was in NYC for a business meeting today and flew home to Atlanta this afternoon from KLGA. Im sitting in my window seat and look out the window and there sits on the tarmac, the Howard 500 that Milton Shupe modelled so well!!! The green and Gold duck livery with the checkerboard radial cowlings. Awesome. A very cool surprise!Eric
  20. F1 C-177 Cardinal. I just love that plane. A little long in the tooth now but with RXP gauges, its still just an awesome plane. After that, for pure enjoyment Carenado T-34.Eric
  21. Now if you sir...being the best panel man in the business...were able to craft a main bitmap, that would be awesome! Major upgrade.Eric
  22. Jeff, thanks for the excellent info.I already requested a refit on the gauges to fit RXP Jetline2 gauges (payware for those of us who have them.) and a refit with a RXP GNS530. Not accurate, but much, much more accurate and useful than the default GPS.Waiting to see if UweR or Erik Fjellstadt will take me up on the refit request! (I dont have the skills at the panel arts they have.)Eric
  23. Just an fabulous airplane I am really loving. Couple questions for the group though.1. Sounds - I was thinking of using the AFG YS-11 engine sounds as alias vs the default ones. Are these more realistic (AFG ones)?2. Anybody got a better option on a panel? I love the VC, but the 2D cockpit main.bmp could use some work IMHO. ..somebody like edetroit needs to get after it and upload it! (hint hint!!)3. Anybody got any representative flight plans for this bird?4. Also, what callsign is appropriate for Canadian CP-140's?ThanksEric
  24. I just did a cold start, and the props do start up in the clockwise direction...maybe its just an animation perception on my part...or maybe it couldve been done different. Yr mileage may vary (as they say)!Eric
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