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Mike A

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Everything posted by Mike A

  1. My first thought was it’s people like me with acrophobia who are overwhelmed by panic by being so far up and need to escape NOW! One of the amenities in this tower would be a parachute in every closet 😱
  2. We have 5 cats. I get plenty of exercise cleaning their litter boxes throughout the day. I also get exercise carrying 30 lb. cat litter containers from the pet supply store. I also get a workout when I empty the litter boxes & wash them every week. I get exercise when I have to carry Chewy.com packages that FedEx drops off several times a week. After I empty those boxes, I get exercise by tearing them up & putting them in the recycling bin. I also get exercise by getting on my hands & knees and scrubbing the floor/carpet/tile whenever they vomit/pee/bomb on said surfaces. When one of them is missing & my wife becomes hysterical, I get plenty of exercise going room to room, going on my hands and knees, looking under beds, chairs, furniture etc. looking for them, while the missing cat is having a whale of a time watching me from his hiding place. Why do I do it? I am Cat Staff Man! 😼
  3. If he can come close to replicating the performance of the PC-24, I'm getting it on Day 1! I usually fly tubeliners, but to be able to fly a jet with a service ceiling of 45,000 ft. that can also land on short strips, grass, dirt roads that would be unaccessible to other jets, then I would have something I could fly fast & high to a whole lot more & challenging places. Can't wait!
  4. It's not going to be soon, but I'm looking forward to the Pilatus PC-24 by IRIS Simulations: https://msfsaddons.com/2021/07/10/pilatus-pc-9-and-pc-24-coming-to-msfs-as-iris-simulations-gets-official-license-from-manufacturer/
  5. I sure wouldn't want to be the driver having to make a 90 degree turn 😱 https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/43784/heavy-traffic-a-b-52-bomber-is-being-trucked-across-the-central-united-states
  6. Saw the following web site on the Boeing 377, interesting pictures & videos. Lots of windows in the cockpit, looks almost like a cockpit of a dirigible/zeppelin. https://united-states-lines.org/boeing-stratocuriser/#htoc-the-flight-deck
  7. Robby the Robot (left above) appeared in 2 episodes of Lost in Space. https://lostinspace.fandom.com/wiki/Robby_the_Robot Robby the Robot had quite an acting resume over the years: https://m.imdb.com/name/nm1119475/filmotype/actor?ref_=m_nmfm_1
  8. My first thought was that it sounded like a form of capital punishment 😱 Imagine Frank Nitti on Death Row being taunted by a guard: “Hey, Nitti, wait’ll you see what’s in store for you. You’re gonna wish it was the electric chair. You’re gettin’ an electric shower! HA-HA-HA-HA!”
  9. Ah, OK, that clears up the mystery. I was just as mystified as Charlie on this. So this device is fed unheated water & electrically heated & temperature controlled water is outputted. Here in the U.S., the usual solution is having a water tank for all hot water needs heated by either natural gas or electricity. A more recent solution here is installing a “tankless” water heater powered by electricity, which heats water “on demand” instead of keeping a tank of heated water ready for use. So your electric shower & our tankless water heaters are on demand heating. So, if you have electric showers, what heats the other places you have hot water faucets, maybe a smaller water heater tank?
  10. Mike A


    https://www.tiktok.com/@user7312510220627/video/7046827761142451462?is_copy_url=1&is_from_webapp=v1&refer=embed&referer_url=https%3A%2F%2Fpeople.com%2Froyals%2Froyal-guard-mows-over-boy-tower-london-viral-video%2F&referer_video_id=7046827761142451462 Alternate soundtrack for above video:
  11. My favorite "Odorama" film was John Waters' "Polyester"
  12. https://www.guru3d.com/news-story/japanese-scientists-develops-taste-option-for-television.html Remember this?
  13. https://www.businessinsider.com/tesla-owner-blows-up-car-instead-paying-repair-battery-video-2021-12
  14. I like how he showed relief that he wasn't going to get run over by the forklift, as if he wasn't already in a world of hurt ("Other than that, Mrs. Lincoln, how did you enjoy the play?")
  15. As long as you don’t ask the question in Pakistan 😉
  16. Ah, Charlie, I can think of plenty of target-rich environments where we could get interesting responses to this question, but I don’t want to go there & start something that would violate forum rules. How about fictional places? Like “Hooterville” or “Bugtussle”? To get another example, go to YouTube & search Jordan Klepper, he’s the modern day version of Mal Sharpe.
  17. Someone should do man on the street videos asking this question (anyone remember Mal Sharpe?)
  18. I read about this yesterday, can’t remember the source right now, but though it was over the ocean, it was in the vicinity of Hong Kong.
  19. Flares that aircraft use to throw off heat seeking missles. Too far away to see the aircraft.
  20. Then again, maybe I’m just “a little odd“ (see short interview @ 2:15)
  21. I have 50+ years of cat servitude, so I’ve seen plenty of rat carnage🤦🏻‍♂️
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