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Lars Peter Hammer

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About Lars Peter Hammer

  • Birthday 03/02/1961

Contact Methods

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Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Copenhagen, Denmark
  • Interests
    Aviation, Sailing, kayaking and diving.

Flight Sim Profile

  • Online Flight Organization Membership
  • Virtual Airlines
  1. Really funny video - made my day. :lol: :lol:
  2. Congrats to Holger. Well deserved! Couldn't happen to a nicer person!
  3. That is my consern as well. Can someone confirm if this is the case?
  4. Windowed at the moment. Will purchase a laptop during the next couple of weeks in order to be able to run in full screen.
  5. It was indeed. I'm sure it gets implemented.
  6. For what it's worth, I was a beta tester as well.My system is similar your yours Frank. Windows 7 ultimate. 64 bit. 12 Gbyte ram and a 580GTX graphics card with 3head2Go - 3x24' monitors.I haven’t had the black screen occur on my system.Edit for spelling.
  7. A must buy! - Thanks for the heads-up.
  8. Hi Dewey,A quick answer:Yes it runs quite well. :)
  9. I'm getting it the minute I get back home from work. Simons work is always worth having - and I like the price. :)
  10. Sad news indeed. Rest in peace Steve Lacey. My sincere condolences to his family and friends.
  11. Interesting - Thanks for the heads-up!..
  12. That really looks stunning. Great "Orbx style" work on the ground textures (and all seasons are included :( ). I've been following this blog for a while, and I'm standing in line for my copy when it's released.
  13. Hi Christian,I agree with Keith, it sounds like you are not using the pitot heater.Also, you have posted a FS9 question in the FSX forum. :(
  14. That's great news, and he talks about Denmark and Norway too!! :(
  15. HiNot sure about a kneeboard, but FSwidget has a moving map for iPhone http://fswidgets.com/shop/igmap.php.It works quite well.Edit for spellling.
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