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Jet Tech

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Everything posted by Jet Tech

  1. Chris,I have sent you an email from my private account. Please reply if you recieve itRegardsPaul Gollnick :-cool Technical Operations/Customer Operational SupportPrecision Manuals Development Groupwww.precisionmanuals.comhttp://www.precisionmanuals.com/priv/img/forum/sig_pmdg.jpg
  2. Chris,I haven't recieved any emails from you in support. Can you try sending from another email account please.RegardsPaul Gollnick :-cool Technical Operations/Customer Operational SupportPrecision Manuals Development Groupwww.precisionmanuals.comhttp://www.precisionmanuals.com/priv/img/forum/sig_pmdg.jpg
  3. Claus,Glad we finally were able to get in touch with you. Let me know if you need anything else.Paul, According to your email to me via alternate means, you should be good to go. If thats not the case, please reply here and let me know.RegardsPaul Gollnick :-cool Technical Operations/Customer Operational SupportPrecision Manuals Development Groupwww.precisionmanuals.comhttp://www.precisionmanuals.com/priv/img/forum/sig_pmdg.jpg
  4. Steve,Two things to try.1) Make sure that if you are a Vista user, that you run FSX as Administrator by right clicking on the start up icon and selecting "Run as Administrator"2) If you continue to have trouble, check your folder access to see if your PMDG folder in the FSX folder is set to Read only access as this will disable saving changes.Let me know if you continue to have troubleRegardsPaul Gollnick :-cool Technical Operations/Customer Operational SupportPrecision Manuals Development Groupwww.precisionmanuals.comhttp://www.precisionmanuals.com/priv/img/forum/sig_pmdg.jpg
  5. Tom,Glad to hear your up and running. Will have to put that in the data banks for future use. Now Enjoy!!RegardsPaul Gollnick :-cool Technical Operations/Customer Operational SupportPrecision Manuals Development Groupwww.precisionmanuals.comhttp://www.precisionmanuals.com/priv/img/forum/sig_pmdg.jpg
  6. Tom,Can you drop me a note at support(at)precisionmanuals.com and I will try to arrange a fresh download.RegardsPaul Gollnick :-cool Technical Operations/Customer Operational SupportPrecision Manuals Development Groupwww.precisionmanuals.comhttp://www.precisionmanuals.com/priv/img/forum/sig_pmdg.jpg
  7. Please drop me a note at support @ precisionmanuals.com and I will send you some information that should help get things working properly.RegardsPaul Gollnick :-cool Technical Operations/Customer Operational SupportPrecision Manuals Development Groupwww.precisionmanuals.comhttp://www.precisionmanuals.com/priv/img/forum/sig_pmdg.jpg
  8. Chuck,Sorry that we didn't recieve your earlier email. I did find an email from you dated today and I will be sending you a reply to that shortly. Let me know if you don't recieve it shortly.RegardsPaul Gollnick :-cool Technical Operations/Customer Operational SupportPrecision Manuals Development Groupwww.precisionmanuals.comhttp://www.precisionmanuals.com/priv/img/forum/sig_pmdg.jpg
  9. Jeremy,Drop me a note at support @ Precisionmanuals.com and i'll send you a possible solution to that problem.RegardsPaul Gollnick :-cool Technical Operations/Customer Operational SupportPrecision Manuals Development Groupwww.precisionmanuals.comhttp://www.precisionmanuals.com/priv/img/forum/sig_pmdg.jpg
  10. Paul,When you start FSX are you Right Clicking and selecting "Run as Administrator"? There are some issues with Vista and FSX related to folder read only access if your not running as Admin.RegardsPaul Gollnick :-cool Technical Operations/Customer Operational SupportPrecision Manuals Development Groupwww.precisionmanuals.comhttp://www.precisionmanuals.com/priv/img/forum/sig_pmdg.jpg
  11. Steve,I received your email and you should have my reply sent last night. Let me know if your not getting it.RegardsPaul Gollnick :-cool Technical Operations/Customer Operational SupportPrecision Manuals Development Groupwww.precisionmanuals.comhttp://www.precisionmanuals.com/priv/img/forum/sig_pmdg.jpg
  12. Ian,I have sent you several replies to your requests. Check with your ISP to see if they are picking off my replies as spam.I just sent you another note at 2000Z. Let me know if you recieve it.RegardsPaul Gollnick :-cool Technical Operations/Customer Operational SupportPrecision Manuals Development Groupwww.precisionmanuals.comhttp://www.precisionmanuals.com/priv/img/forum/sig_pmdg.jpg
  13. Bruce,You do not need the 400F installed. I tried running a clean install of FS9 with just the 747-400 ver 1.1 installed and updated with the unified update without any trouble. I had one other customer with this problem and it was traced to an outdated installer. Can you drop me a line at support @ precisionmanuals.com and I will send you a fresh download link of the latest full version installer to try with some explicit installation instructionsRegardsPaul Gollnick :-cool Technical Operations/Customer Operational SupportPrecision Manuals Development Groupwww.precisionmanuals.comhttp://www.precisionmanuals.com/priv/img/forum/sig_pmdg.jpg
  14. Igor,You need to get a hold of Peter Dowson for help with the key file. The key file you have is for a version older than the one you are using and older than what is required to run the PMDG 747-400. He should be able to point you in the right direction to get a working key.Paul Gollnick :-cool Technical Operations/Customer Operational SupportPrecision Manuals Development Groupwww.precisionmanuals.comhttp://www.precisionmanuals.com/priv/img/forum/sig_pmdg.jpg
  15. Kevin,You should have my reply from your email to support.RegardsPaul Gollnick :-cool Technical Operations/Customer Operational SupportPrecision Manuals Development Groupwww.precisionmanuals.comhttp://www.precisionmanuals.com/priv/img/forum/sig_pmdg.jpg
  16. Gentlemen,Can all of you encountering this problem please try performing an ILS into a standard FSX airport with no scenery modifications (NO Add on Scenery or mesh update) and see if you continue to encounter the problem. The few customers I have seen so far have all traced this to add on scenery problems.RegardsPaul Gollnick :-cool Technical Operations/Customer Operational SupportPrecision Manuals Development Groupwww.precisionmanuals.comhttp://www.precisionmanuals.com/priv/img/forum/sig_pmdg.jpg
  17. Andrew,Make certain that you are not arming the Speedbrakes prior to take off. The logic in the 747-400 will deploy the Autospeedbrakes if the aircraft is on the ground and hyd power is available with throttles at idle. They should retract on advancement of the throttles.RegardsPaul Gollnick :-cool Technical Operations/Customer Operational SupportPrecision Manuals Development Groupwww.precisionmanuals.comhttp://www.precisionmanuals.com/priv/img/forum/sig_pmdg.jpg
  18. Phill,Several of the people I have been dealing with on this issue tried the same scenario you did and after installing the Feel There products, had mixed results. Most were fine, but some had the problem return so can't make a recomendation based on the mixed results. RegardsPaul Gollnick :-cool Technical Operations/Customer Operational SupportPrecision Manuals Development Groupwww.precisionmanuals.comhttp://www.precisionmanuals.com/priv/img/forum/sig_pmdg.jpg
  19. Ken,The "Normal" position for the EEC switches is in the extended/out position. Lifting the guard and Depressing the switches selects the EEC ALTN mode which is only used for dispatch under very specific failure situations not normally encountered in the SIM environment (unless you have failures enabled in the PMDG menu). The EEC will power up automatically as part of the start cycle and no action is required on your part to power the EEC.The sound issue you describe indictates that your system resources are being severely taxed when running the PMDG 747-400 in conjuction with FS2004 to the point that your Sound card or onboard sound device is emitting distortion or static when this occurs. There is no easy solution short of an upgrade and I would need more specifics on your set up in order to be of much more assistance.RegardsPaul Gollnick :-cool Technical Operations/Customer Operational SupportPrecision Manuals Development Groupwww.precisionmanuals.comhttp://www.precisionmanuals.com/priv/img/forum/sig_pmdg.jpg
  20. James,You should have my reply from your email to support now. Let me know if you need further assistance.RegardsPaul Gollnick :-cool Technical Operations/Customer Operational SupportPrecision Manuals Development Groupwww.precisionmanuals.comhttp://www.precisionmanuals.com/priv/img/forum/sig_pmdg.jpg
  21. HEY, Those look a lot like my PC specs. :-)RegardsPaul Gollnick :-cool Technical Operations/Customer Operational SupportPrecision Manuals Development Groupwww.precisionmanuals.comhttp://www.precisionmanuals.com/priv/img/forum/sig_pmdg.jpg
  22. Gentlmen,This phenominum has been reported by several users running add on camera software such as walk and follow and some other add ons. It is caused by some type of interference between these add ons and the PMDG software and the only known work around that I am aware of is to uninstall the conflicting software.RegardsPaul Gollnick :-cool Technical Operations/Customer Operational SupportPrecision Manuals Development Groupwww.precisionmanuals.comhttp://www.precisionmanuals.com/priv/img/forum/sig_pmdg.jpg
  23. James,To perform a clean install of your PMDG software, do the following1) Download and run the PMDG 737 removal tool from our website download area.2) Uninstall the 747-400 and 747-400F using the remove/install software control panel3) Install the PMDG 737 600/700 ver 1.3 and the PMDG 737 800/900 ver 1.14) Download and Install the PMDG 737 800/900 optional model update if desired.5) Install any 737 liveries you wish to install6) Install the 747-400 ver 1.1 and the 747-400F ver 1.1 Once you do this, you should be all set.RegardsPaul Gollnick :-cool Technical Operations/Customer Operational SupportPrecision Manuals Development Groupwww.precisionmanuals.comhttp://www.precisionmanuals.com/priv/img/forum/sig_pmdg.jpg
  24. Gents,I think if you look closely at the Pnuematic Synoptic page you might see the External Air is connected and these connection points are outside of the Pnue Isolation valves allowing air to run the ADP even with the isolation valves closed. The Ground Air is ON by default whenever the External Power is available and can be deselected in the PMDG menu if desired. (but you will lose your external power as well)RegardsPaul Gollnick :-cool Technical Operations/Customer Operational SupportPrecision Manuals Development Groupwww.precisionmanuals.comhttp://www.precisionmanuals.com/priv/img/forum/sig_pmdg.jpg
  25. Kylan,Thanks for all the kind words. The 737 800/900 you installed does add some additional features to the FMC like Constraints and Cost Index as well as giving you the option to get the clickable VC for the 600/700 package as well. Download and run the free 800/900 model update from our downloads area and run the installer and you will find the shiny new Clickable VC installed in your 600/700 as well. Your Wife will LOVE it :-)RegardsPaul Gollnick :-cool Technical Operations/Customer Operational SupportPrecision Manuals Development Groupwww.precisionmanuals.comhttp://www.precisionmanuals.com/priv/img/forum/sig_pmdg.jpg
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