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Everything posted by Cessnaflyer

  1. Yeah they were probably adding more flap and that is when it went off. I'm not familiar with what the variables needed are for that in the DC-10. I'm not even sure what it is in the airplane's I fly to tell you the truth. :lol:
  2. The heavier the aircraft is, the more wheels are needed to help displace the weight on surfaces the aircraft is operating on. Here is an excerpt on what is allowed on a runway with different wheel configurations. If you look at the RWY 03-21 line you can see the S-200, D-200, 2S-175, 2D-400. This gives you maximum operating weights for all the different wheel configurations. With the 2D being the most because you have the wheels side by side and not trailing each other. These are in thousands of pounds.
  3. It depends on the variant of DC-10.
  4. It's funny how nearly all property owners were rumored to have been offered up to $1 million dollars. That's not much money anymore.
  5. Haha, this is why we have checklists!
  6. It happens to all wings with high humidity.
  7. Isn't Monday the sale day for the online retailers?
  8. Yeah didn't think that would fly again. It would be expensive to keep one of those in flying condition.
  9. Haha videos of starting a modern jetliner from a cockpit are the funniest videos ever. "Push start button, fuel is added and it's stable lets taxi" I love the start of the old radials.
  10. Is anything going to be happening to that sad looking L1011?
  11. Very cool! My Great Grandfather started his about 70 years ago but no one else kept it up. My family sold all their ranch land they had. My wife's family has been going since 1903 with Simmental and now it is all Black Angus. They only do it for "fun" so they have about 100 head right now. My wife would love to have all the barnyard animals. Right now with her being pregnant all she can handle are the chickens, ducks, geese and a turkey. I hate eggs so they are little use to me haha. The rest of the town enjoy our refrigerator full of eggs.
  12. Very cool. I fly down to KC downtown a few times a year, it's even next to the Hangar 10 FBO we park at. I'll have to check this out next time I am down there.
  13. Yes they are. Not as bad up here as they are down there but I will hopefully start up the heard by the end of next year if everything goes right.
  14. Very nice! I miss teaching. The only time I get to teach now is in the sim and that is not close to as fun as in the airplane.
  15. Always teasing me! Finally went to my first cattle sale. Unfortunately I didn't drop any money.
  16. It will be interesting to see how this all goes. Can't wait to see how we spend our way out this time.
  17. Emirates would be the last place I would want to go. I get paid more to fly a King Air in the states then I would to fly heavies around the world. Most people I know only went there because they didn't get hired at a regional first and needed some airline and international experience.
  18. Go to a feeder and makes some friends. That is the only way to get in anywhere near minimums otherwise your going to need many thousands of hours.
  19. Nope, you have to do it all yourself.
  20. No hand propping? I do hand flying at work all the time. I even flew a whole leg by hand the other day. You just have to find a place to go to where you can do that. However as you say the pay is horrible. I also fly on the mainland on my days off.
  21. It should not kill the engine because the gearing will either have shear pins or the gear itself is made of plastic so it fails if the alternator stops turning. A fire on the other hand is very likely with all the fumes from oil and fuel under the cowling. Had an electrical fire as well caused by a short in a landing light switch. Sounds like with all these problems you will probably need to go looking for a new place to fly.
  22. Being a Warrior it requires the battery to work. When you turn on the master switch it should work, the engine turning will have nothing to do with it. I have lost alternators in three circumstances unfortunately they go out. The airplane still flies and you land at your airport. The reason why the operator still wants it to fly is because it might have been an intermittent fault and those things are nearly a $1000 to replace. Not something you want to do if you don't have to. Again it's annoying when something is broken but sometimes you have to suck it up and deal with it. Check in the POH to see if it is required to be operational to use the aircraft. Even in the airlines you would be amazed at what the airplanes fly with that are broken. This is slightly sketchy but at the same times student pilots don't always make the correct decisions on what should be written up. We had one aircraft that would burn out landing lights all the time and students would write it up thus grounding the airplane for everyone even though it is not required for day VFR flight. There would be a simple note that was in the log so it wouldn't ground it but the pilots would know that night flight was not allowed with the aircraft. Depending what type of environment you are flying in it could be common. Where I flew small airplanes it was very dry and we only got water in the fuel a couple days out of the year. Here in Hawaii I hear it is pretty common with the higher humidity and when the water condenses out of the air in the tanks and goes into the fuel. It takes quite a bit of water to completely kill an airplane. The main thing to realize about flying is that there is a risk, you have a lot of things that can go wrong that need to be minimized or managed. With proper training all situations should be easy to handle and will minimize the risk we take when we go flying.
  23. I like how it is called an extra wide body when it is only a half a foot wider. Wonder how many seats they can pack in that space
  24. Haha I've been there when there were some topless spotters and let me say when the bits and pieces start flapping it is not a pretty picture.
  25. On our Dashes the ground spoilers are deactivated. We still have flight spoilers which come up upon landing though. I actually haven't dug into the ATR MEL yet because we don't have one. :rolleyes: Pubs are hopefully being approved by the end of November so we can finally do the proving runs in December.
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