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Everything posted by Cessnaflyer

  1. United had to divert from losing gens as well. Hopefully these all can get fixed quickly.
  2. They do this all the time here in Honolulu.
  3. Eh, I've been in the TRACON before and it was on the tube as AF1.
  4. All the advice you have received thus far has been great. Any flight school at Van Nuys is a credible school. At one of the most high end general aviation airports in the world you have to be great or you will be quickly put out of business. Best thing to do is study, study, study. Any questions you have ask the instructor to clarify. I would live and breath what ever I was studying so I could get done quickly and efficiently. It's worked through all my ratings so I must have one thing right Again to repeat what others have said, don't get ahead of yourself with starting. Save money so you can finish the license, the worst thing is to get right up to the checkride but not be able to afford to continue. I would save about $7,000 and continue saving while flying that way you should have enough when you finish 3 months down the road. Try to schedule the flights frequently, around once a week, so you stay fresh with the information and the airplane. I've been flying for 14 years now and in the same aircraft for the last year and after a break of a few weeks I still have to take my time on the first flight of the day trying to get to speed again. Once you start learning your maneuvers the cheapest way to practice is to desk fly the aircraft. Basically sit in a chair and visualize or use a poster of the panel to rehearse what needs to be done. At the airline every six months before we go to the simulator for our recurrent training we do the same thing with a fancier name, Cockpit Procedures Trainer CPT for short or even some call it the Paper Tiger. We sit in normal chairs in front of a full size plywood cockpit mock up and brush up on emergency procedures before we get sent off. One thing I want to clarify for you though is, yes, all the hours count and are yours but if you switch schools the instructor is required to observe you demonstrating all the presolo maneuvers to test standards again. If it is a different aircraft you are switching to it could take you a little longer as well. I had students that were able to do it all in one day and some that took 4 or 5 flights to get used to the new procedures at the airport or the change in aircraft types. Here is the regulation if you want to read into the full legalese of it. http://www.ecfr.gov/...
  5. There are many opportunities available and even if you don't enjoy it, it will be another feather in the cap of experience you can draw from down the road. Make sure to transfer you AA to a college where you can pick up a BS or BA easily and cheap. Those help down the road as well. Also, balance your life so you can work, go to school, and have a day off to relax. That is the best thing for staying out of debt and getting ahead in life.
  6. No worries about Bluetooth when TSO'd headsets for airliners have it built in anyways. As long as you get the 1/4" adapter for the headphones part and you are able to turn your radio and/or intercom volume up to overcome the impedance problem. One thing that I might think of being a problem is that 99% of intercom and radio systems in aircraft are output as mono so sometimes recorders and converters get screwy when you only have one speaker input.
  7. The 727 is my favorite airplane the 757 is second after I had to ride the jumpseat breathing on the captain for 6 hours!
  8. Haha, that's why they are expanding at breakneck pace. They are a tiny airline compared to their competitors but they are crushing them right now. Their CEO seems to be on the right track balancing rapid expansion and continuing with their great customer care. I have a friend that is flying the A330 their and to say that I am jealous of the quality of life he has now is an understatement!
  9. He was saving fuel that day and taking the "little" 757
  10. I am based in Honolulu so I commute from Seattle on them a couple times a month. They are my first choice to commute with because they pay their people the highest, are the only airline in the country to still serve a meal and drinks, and they are always on time!
  11. I knew someone that got their license being completely deaf and they were flying regularly out of Boeing Field.
  12. I don't think US Air is ready for that yet. They are still divided east and west. I hope Hawaiian buys us so I don't have to interview!
  13. I wish I had a nuclear car! This $4.00 gas is killing me here.
  14. I waited and made sure I had the ATP written done so they could type me once I was hired. It is not as expensive to get your ATP as it is all the previous ratings but you might as well save a few thousand dollars and have the company do it for you.
  15. This has never been a problem before. The whole history of airlines it has been high minimums and even required military time. There was never a lack of pilots. Only until the 2000's has this hiring with less then 3000 hours been around. Most people would flight instruct for 2 years then fly cargo for 3 years before they even thought of moving to a regional let alone a legacy. Now people view regionals as stepping stones to the legacies and with it we have seen a degradation of wages because of people not caring about the wage and looking at their time instead. Yes, it is an invitation to anyone that would like to chat more. You may be closer to a corporate job than you think. I was hired with only about 900 hours.
  16. If you have further questions you can PM me anytime and I can help you out as well. I am a 121 pilot and sim instructor for my airline so I should be able to answer about 25% of your questions. I still fly a King Air on the side so I can help with the corporate questions as well.
  17. I went the very slow route and taught only about 50 hours a month and flew a King Air. If you work at a busy flight school you can get all the hours you need in about 2 years. Don't worry how long it will take though, enjoy the ride. Because you will have 10 years of hating your life moving up the ranks of an airline.
  18. If that's your attitude then we don't need you in our industry. We are the safest mode of transportation because of the many hours we put into training and our passion for doing our jobs well. This should be compensated appropriately. I chose my airline because we were compensated fairly and had great benefits. You should the same as well. Does the school you are going to hire graduates back to teach in the program? That would be the best way to become an instructor because you are comfortable with the airplanes and the curriculum. If they don't have one I would look at the big flight schools at Deer Valley airport in Arizona. They are hiring all the time and since you will have an MEI you will be able to build that coveted muti time. Once you get your ATP then you will be able to be hired by the airlines.
  19. I don't even know how either company can compare the MAX and NEO specifications when they haven't even driven a rivet yet.
  20. This is incorrect. It is not something specific to the Concorde's wing, this happens to all swept wings and is called spanwise flow. It can even be seen to a very small degree on a rectangular wing. From one of my favorite books: Aerodynamics for Naval Aviators: Here is the creation of the vortices on a straight wing: Here it is with tuffs behind a delta wing like the Concorde's: The spanwise flow on a swept wing: The reason why you see so much condensation is that the wing has to get it's lift from a much smaller aspect ratio wing. This means that it has short stubby wings that must produce the lift which means at low airspeed high angle of attack situations it will decrease the pressure over the wing by quite a bit which forms the condensation.
  21. It's huge sales at stores in the United States after Thanksgiving. They have become crazier and crazier to outdo each previous year and competitors for the consumers money. Stores open earlier and earlier in the morning to now even being open on Thanksgiving day for the sales. They even cause stampedes where people have been killed trying to get into the store when the doors are opened. What the retailers will do to get so many customers is that they will offer a big product or two for less than wholesale and only have 1 or 2 on hand in each store. Once they have the customers in the store they usually start buying other things as well.
  22. That is perfect atmospheric conditions to condense nearly all the water out of the exhaust with a nice sunrise or sunset to illuminate it. The flight I commute to work on goes through some of these contrails over the middle Pacific in the morning and they are absolutely stunning!
  23. I think you need to take off your tin hat.
  24. I used to Pump JP-8 and the only thing we added to the Jet-A was a tiny quantity of a de-icer and an antimicrobial agent. So JP-8 is 99.99% Jet-A
  25. What is this vortex you speak of that normal wings don't create?
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