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Everything posted by betelgeuse

  1. I agree that the A2A Cub is superb - very realistic - but it's a taildragger and so needs special skills to avoid embarrassing ground loops on landing :blush: So, if you want a bit more of a challenge, the Cub might suit you. The Flight 1 Pilatus PC12 is a joy to fly in both FS9 and FSX, but she's a powerful turboprop and maybe not ideal for circuit training. On the other hand, if you're shelling out hard earned cash, you'll want the plane for more than circuits eventually! The same would proably apply to the Real Air Legacy although I've not flown it. The Robin D400 from Lionheart is a standard training aircraft in Europe and lovely to fly in the circuit. If you want something a little more out of the ordinary, why not try the Dart Kitten? Its freeware and available here for both FSX and FS9.
  2. I still fly FS9 on a hi spec triple monitor system, even though I've had FSX for years. I have a lot of freeware FS9 sceneries of small airfields which won't run in FSX. In fact, I have a lot of everything which won't run in FSX! I couldn't imagine ever bidding farewell to FS9 - I even bought a new copy which is still in its wrapper, just in case.....
  3. Alpine areas of France, Switzerland, Austria, Italy, Germany. Together these form a region so would fit with Orbx's approach. Alaska Scandinavia Greek islands
  4. Without wishing to hijack the thread, Is this Belgian VFR scenery compatible with FSG FSX mesh? I had awful problems with FSG 2004 mesh and FS2004 France VFR. I had to abandon France VFR - I had all their sceneries too!
  5. That's interesting. Why do you say this? I'm gradually beginning to buy stuff for FSX although FS9 is still my primary simulator. I was wondering about P3D especially as I run a triple monitor set up.
  6. My word! Fantastic! I' ve been waiting for this since FSX appeared. Thanks a bunch, Stephen.
  7. Stephen, Thanks for all your advice on this forum. Very few, if any, developers provide this level of support for their customers, let alone those who are just potential customers. I run a triple monitor set up in FSX/W7x64; 670GTX; i7 overclocked and liquid cooled. I wanted to use 2D forward left and right outside views but with Nvidia Surround this is not possible. My goal is to get a 2D view on all screens, and that is one reason Opus interests me. To keep it simple, what follows refers to a single monitor system. With a default plane in FSX (or FS9) forward left and right views opened from inside the cockpit with the hat switch or keyboard commands are 'virtual'. Some FS9 addon planes have 2D forward left and right views coded. These differences are obvious from the panel.cfg in the various planes. Am I right in thinking that Opus will provide 2D forward left and right views even when these views are not written in the panel.cfg of the aircraft in question? In other words, that outside 2D views can be 'created' using customising camera views? Back to triple monitors now. Many aircraft developers these days, notable Carenado, no longer produce 2D cockpit views. Will I be able to create these, one on each monitor (fwd left, centre cockpit, fwd right) if I buy Opus?
  8. You're just lucky. At one stage Justin at FSG had a special section for reporting these on the FSG forum. http://forum.avsim.net/topic/283198-fsgenesis-freeware-top-ten-airport-plateaus-in-the-fsx-world/ A while back he closed that forum down. Users have to re-register to see the new forum. I did, just now. The reports are still coming in..... I chose these at random tonight. They are not supposed to look like that, I guess. I could be wrong of course! EPKK, Krakov, Poland Kodiak, AK
  9. I hope I'm not included. I use FSG in both FSX and FS2004 and would not be without it. I just pointed out to the original poster that it is not perfect. That there is a plateau problem with addon airports and lakes is beyond dispute. Most people just put up with it I guess. Scott, thanks for the offer but I've tried and failed. Sometimes, I need to remind myself that flight simulation is something I do for pleasure! If someone else can find a way of removing the plateaus and will sell it to me for 20 bucks, I'll buy. Otherwise I live with them. :smile:
  10. I've 'fixed' numerous airports with flattens but I've never been able to do it satisfactorily with an addon + FSG mesh. I was hoping you had a magic bullet.
  11. I'd be interested to know a little more, Scott. And I guess I'd not be the only one. I've used both those programs. Even to be able to fix half a dozen airports would make a substantial difference. I'm less bothered by the lakes and rivers although this one is a pet hate (UK2000 EGAA addon with FSG).
  12. I agree, FSG mesh is great and I have it installed world-wide in both FS2004 and FSX. But, it isn't perfect. Addon airports often sit on a plateau (or in a hole) and rivers and lakes sometimes as well. This is not the fault of FSG - it is because of the built-in geographical inaccuracy of the FSX and FS2004 themselves. Many FSG users find it irritating and Justin at FSX has not been able to produce a general fix, or even a fix which we could use to correct individual scenery areas ourselves. It has not put me off though, and I recommend the product with that caveat.
  13. This is possibly a possibility, if that doesn't sound too garbled. If you'd like to support the idea, please feedback here: http://www.simforums.com/forums/topic43087_post254127.html#254127 No conflict of interest.
  14. Thanks, gb. Step 7 is a bit awkward. The bezel correction which worked for me was on the Inactive side and had to be added to the Active. I did not need to go back to 'Change Resolution' at that point. I just clicked 'OK'. Perhaps others will find their corrected bezel resolution already in the Active list. The Active resolutions are those which are added to the default resolutions under Options/Settings/Display in FSX. The bezel corrected resolution can be selected at that point. That is how it worked for me anyways. I guess there are several different ways of doing it. .
  15. I got it working. I'l lay it out in steps for others, like me, who are not too savvy about these things. The objective was to get three screens running in FSX in Full Screen Mode. Check my original post. The first thing is to have three identical monitors (1920 x 1200; 60 Hz). Then, a graphics card with three screen outputs. These must be DVI or DisplayPort, perhaps HDMI. VGA outputs will not work. I use an Nvidia GTX670 and what follows is for Nvidia cards only. I run Windows 7 but I guess it will work the same in XP. 1. On the desktop right click and go to 'screen resolution'. Check that three screens are showing and that these are ID 1,2,3 showing 1920 x 1200 resolution. Make sure they are in Landscape and that each shows 'Extend desktop to this display'. If all is well, close this and go back to Desktop. 2. Right click and go to Nvidia Control Panel. Go to 'Set up Multiple Displays'. Make sure three green screens are showing in landscape mode and that the centre screen has a star to show it is the primary display. It should be possible to move the mouse cursor from right to left across all three screens. This is very important. If you can't do this you must re-arrange the screens until you can. Put the cursor over one of the screens - it will become a 'move' hand. Drag the screens around until you can move the cursor across all three screens. 3. Go up the menu to 'Configure Surround, Phys X'. Check the box 'Span displays with Surround'. Click 'configure'. In the popup box all three monitors should show green with white check-marks. Click Apply. Now the fun starts. 4. You should now have one display stretching across all three monitors. Don't worry if your desktop is on the far left. That is where it is meant to be. The three screens should show IDs: 2, 3, 1 or whatever. Check again that you can move your mouse cursor across the entire display. If not use the popup box to rearrange the individual monitors. When you are okay with that, click Apply. 5. A bezel correction popup box appears. The bezel is the plastic frame around the monitor screen. You need to allow for this when setting up the display so that the scenery is continuous behind the bezel. Otherwise things look very strange. So, click 'Yes, add special resolutions'. 6. A road will appear with markings spanning the first two monitors. Move the pop up box out of the way if you cannot see this properly. Use the setting button between the left and centre screen to make adjustments so that the road is correctly lined up. My setting is 110 but this will vary according to the width of the bezels. (Make sure the monitors are touching and at the same horizontal level). When done, click on the button between the centre and right screen to bring up another road. Repeat the alignment. When satisfied, click 'Create Resolutions'. On the next popup click 'Add or Remove resolutions'. What has happened in 6 is that the display resolution has been changed in the horizontal mode to take account of the width of the monitor bezels. So instead of 1920 x 3 = 5760 it will be slightly more than that. The vertical mode remains unchanged at 1200. 7. This part can be awkward. In this popup you must choose your new resolution and move it from 'inactive' to 'active'. If like me, you experimented a bit you will have some strange inactive resolutions. Scroll down that list and find one which shows a figure greater than 5760 (x 1200). Do not use any vertical value except x1200. When you find a screen resolution which fits this, move it across to the active side using the arrow. Make a note of this resolution - mine is 5971 x 1200. Click OK. 8. Close the Control Panel and run FSX. 9. Create a flight at some sparse scenery airport. Use virtual cockpit. Go to Options/Settings/Display. Under 'Full Screen Resolution' find the resolution you created and which you made a note of under 7. Mine is 5971 x 1200 x 32. Select this and click OK. 10. You should now be sitting in a virtual cockpit with a surround view which aligns accurately between the monitors. If the matching between your screens is not quite right, you can reset the bezel correction. Go back to the Control Panel and start again at 3. I hope this helps. Apologies to the many on these boards who know all this already. I thought it might help folks like myself who had to gather information in bits and pieces from a variety of sources. Now I must sort out my 2D panels. :smile:
  16. It might be, but hopefully not. Forum posts are coming up as per usual on my W7 x64 desktop.
  17. Best of luck to anyone who recognises an addiction and deals with it. Life is not a dress rehearsal - we just get the one shot at it. I began flight simming around 30 years ago. It led to me doing a PPL and taking this to IR level. Then I was blessed with a son and a wife who stayed home and flight simming had to take a back seat. Now, I'm retired. I cannot afford to fly for real and, in northern UK/Iceland, where I live, the weather is so unpredictable that VFR is a frustrating business anyways. So, I fly all kinds of planes - vintage, modern trainers, old trainers, turboprops etc. I fly them all over the world and visit places I would never otherwise visit. I do it relatively cheaply and in total safety. I write missions and tours for VAs and I do a bit of scenery design. I spend a lot of time at this. Some might say I'm addicted. I have a good friend who is a philatelist, and another pal who plays golf three times a week. I reckon they spend as much, or more, time at their hobbies as I do at mine. My wife is an avid reader and gardener. She spends as much time reading and gardening as I do on flight simulation. ( I enjoy gardening too!). I reckon I am no more addicted to my hobby than my friends and my wife are to theirs. I used to be addicted to work. For 40 years it consumed my life. I am free now.
  18. Thanks, Neal, Mike_CFII, Ray, this is interesting stuff and very encouraging. I can't wait now to get back Thursday and experiment with these suggestions, plus George's. John
  19. Thanks, Ron. I've been in touch with George. He's taking me through it. As usual the community comes up trumps! I'm away from my setup till later in the week. I tried bezel management in Full Screen and used the largest 6000+ at 1200 vert. As I said, the horizontal alignment was very good but the vertical was quite badly 'out'. I will try again when I get home Thursday. Thanks very much for your help.
  20. Thanks very much to all for advice. I set the bezel using Nvidia surround configuration. I didn't realise that to complete the configuration in FSX that I had to set a new resolution. I have several resolutions in the list now so I suppose it is trial and errror. If this involves reducing the resolution below 5700 x 1200 then that's pretty disappointing! The madly spinning cursor is the first thing I see when I use the 'span' configure routine and then open the default FSX flight. It happens before I open any panel. Re. vertical alignment. I have my three monitors arranged in an approx 150 degree 'semicircle' with me at the centre around 30 inches from the middle screen. I tried putting the screens in a straight line (180 deg) but it was no better. Other folks can get three, four and five monitors to align vertically and horizontally in FSX so it's not impossible! I realise that FSX was not created with multiscreen in mind but I have seen some superb setups at shows so there must be a way of doing it! Maybe I need WideView?
  21. Thanks, yes I can use ASE in FSX but not GePro afaik. And, again, as far as I know, I cannot use ASE with REX. Seems for FSX I need to upgrade ASE to AS2012 and probably add in REX instead of GEPro.
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