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Everything posted by albar965

  1. If you use the virtual flight online transmitter: Did you set up LNM properly: You can post a screenshot of the LNM option page "Online Flying" if it still does not work. Alex
  2. While LNM is getting more and more complicated (I see complaints about this) I decided that this is too much out of scope for a flight planner. There are already warp tools for X-Plane and for other simulators too. You can also move the aircraft using the stock simulator maps in X-Plane and FSX (not sure about MSFS?). Sorry, but very unlikely to come.🤷‍♂️ Alex
  3. Ok. Seems I forgot one of the more obvious sources: KML. Menu "File" -> "Clear Google Earth KML from the map". Although these normally come with huge icons. Alex
  4. These are city center POIs showing from the offline map "Political Map". I remember trying to get rid of these in other maps which involved deleting a file containing them. Some map configuration still refers to them or still contains the file. No idea why. Does it show in other map themes too? What about menu "View" -> "Reset display settings"? Alex
  5. No problem. Let me know if this helped. The reinstallation might fix this. Alex
  6. Thank you for the screenshot. This looks like a Google map is mixed with POIs from one of the offline maps. Strange. Maybe a broken map installation. I do not see this with the Google maps here. Try to use another map theme or redownload and reinstall the additional maps from here: Make sure to delete the old Google maps in "data/maps/earth" before installing the new ones. If all else fails delete the LNM installation folder and reinstall. Settings are stored in another folder and do not get lost when reinstalling. You have to reinstall the additional maps, though. BTW: Why still use an old beta version? The latest stable release is: https://albar965.github.io/release/2022/12/22/littlenavmap-stable-287-released.html Alex
  7. Sorry, but I need more information. What simulator, what OS and what online tool do you use? Alex
  8. Yellow circles are normally indicators for add-on airports. You can disable this indicator in options on page "Map Display" -> "highlight add-on airports". Or you added userpoints by importing a CSV. LNM menu "View" -> "Userpoints" -> "No Userpoints" to hide them. Or menu "Userpoints" -> "Userpoint search". Select the ones you'd like to delete and delete them from the context menu. A screenshot would have been helpful to see what it really is.😉 Alex
  9. Thank you very much! This helps a lot. Looks like an old bug which reappeared. Here is a copy of my answer in case others run into this problem: Alex
  10. Igitt! I hate crashes. Can you put the log aside and send it to me (https://albar965.github.io/contact.html)? Just tried here and cannot reproduce this. Maybe the log file contains a message. I took note of the userpoint names/coordinates export. Have to see when I can add this. Alex
  11. It does not make sense to use old versions. There were a lot of bug fixes since 2.8.0.beta. See here for possible solutions: Alex
  12. Does the status bar show "Connected"? Sitting in the cockpit in the simulator (aircraft does not show if the sim is still in the opening screen)? Does the aircraft progress tab show any information? Aircraft display enabled in menu "View" -> "Show user aircraft"? Also note that Asobo broke the active pause functionality with SU11. Using this results in a lost connection until the simulator is restarted. Use the pause button on the toolbar as a workaround. Maybe you also have to install the MS redistributables which can cause this: https://albar965.github.io/littlenavmap-faq.html#no-simconnect Alex
  13. I can add this as an option for IVAO/VATSIM export but all other tools won't be able to deal with this if the names are not in the navdatabases. Using this in general would break a lot of add-ons which have no idea about the names. Alex
  14. This is a different issue. The OP talks about the user aircraft icon. What simulator do you use and what heliports show up wrong? Alex
  15. I see. Yes, you have to import the POIs as CSV into the LNM userpoint database. LNM does not read the POIs from the scenery library. Thank you for the links! Good stuff.🙂 Alex
  16. Sry, LNM cannot do anything to avoid this. This is a GTN issue or maybe even realistic behavior. Alex
  17. MORA is not taken from the GLOBE data since MORA is official values from the navdata. The MORA grid is not available when using "Do not use Navigraph Database" in the scenery library menu since navdata cannot be mixed. Alex
  18. Do you have a download link for the wildlife ones? Maybe the POI type is disabled in the menu button? Alex
  19. Maybe the space in your userid is an issue. Try the pilot ID which seems to be a number only. I wrote a chapter in the user manual that describes how to get user and pilot ID: https://www.littlenavmap.org/manuals/littlenavmap/release/2.8/en/LOADSIMBRIEF.html#how-to-get-the-login-information This might be a bug in LNM which can not deal with the space. Will check. Alex Edit: I removed your user name from the post. Maybe better not post information like this in the public.
  20. If somebody has a link to the magical SDK circumventing the DRM I might consider it. Probably. The official SDK download and documentation has no such API as far as I can see. Alex
  21. The API I've seen does not provide this information. No idea what they are doing. Frankly, I'm not really keen to jump through hoops for their Digital Restriction Management. This all is not an issue with FSX, P3D and X-Plane. Alex
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