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  1. More often than not the carriers are highly sensitive to having any aircraft bearing their logo/name while on the ground, in repair following an incident. Frequently logos are painted over or otherwise covered even while AOG teams are en route, and scrap/replacements are carefully controlled. Whether it makes a difference is debatable (and no reporter would ever be fooled), but it's been an m.o. for decades presumably to reduce the reaction by the uninformed public in the area.
  2. "along with a bunch of other prep work to ensure the engine does not rotate during the flight. The lack of lubrication under pressure would be heck on the bearings, and would obviate the whole point of hauling the engine along" I understand in layman's terms why this would be the case; the question it raised in my mind is if the same is true for an engine that is shut down in flight some hours prior to arrival (ie: the BA 744 that continued onwards from LAX on 3). Is a shut-down engine still protected by other active systems/connections while it windmills in flight, or is similar damage inflicted by said windmilling at cruise (of course in addition to whatever caused the shutdown)?
  3. "And all we had left was this one bolt...." B) Thanks for posting- these incidents so often (understandably) escape public documentation.
  4. Thanks guys, will try to catch a video of the behavior as the steps to reproduce seem to be setting up for normal flight. Will post here and to a ticket once I'm able to capture it. Now what are the odds it'll be like a noise in the car- obvious until at the service drive?
  5. I've been through many trim related discussions but have not seen a report of my current issue. Frequently the Alt Trim handle will spike to the full nose-down position. This behavior occurs either during the initial takeoff roll, or (most often) during final approach; it's frequent enough that I have one of my interior views centered on the handle so that I can anticipate and correct it before digging a hole in the runway B) I've updated via ops center, have no axis assigned to trim (via sim nor via FSUIPC, I use keyboard cmd), etc. Further, I've not even found an option to shortcut an axis or command to the Alt Trim handle. It's been relatively easy to circumvent now that I watch for it at the suspect times, just wondering if this has been seen.
  6. Beware the specs and FAQ: In response to a question about 120hz at 1080p versus hz at 4K the response was as follows: "Hi That is correct, it runs 4K off 30HZ Regards" This puts it squarely in the realm of 30hz 4K monitors that were universally panned for their jerky/blurry mouse and window performance as pc monitors. Minimum for a smooth experience at 4K on pc is 60hz, and some newer models are now bettering that by a good margin.
  7. sddjd

    777-300 Freighter?

    And we saw how that played out with Fedex/UPS and the a380F....
  8. Speculation only clouds the scenario. It's ostensibly similar to Helios 522 and that flight had no such wild circumstances; assuming no funny business with the black boxes the weather's holding and crews are on site so we'll know soon enough exactly what occurred.
  9. Count me in for this one as well- I've made the (unsupported) mod to add the two internal tanks when flying QF, but would love a variant that accounted for these in the FMS!
  10. Hi Andy, I also experienced an dual failure following a long-haul over the pole. If you've addressed to possible corruption issue you might also post the chain of failures that preceded the dual shutdown. I'm curious as my own was self-inflicted, resulting after an extended failure on my behalf to properly address a low fuel temp condition. That cascaded into other warnings and eventual glider mode short of Hong Kong :blush:
  11. More than a bit stumped at the fact that my copy of ASN seems convinced that Los Cabos was sunny and clear (to 20k) with wind around 6kts all weekend through Monday. Anyone else having trouble finding the mystery hurricane in our hyper-realistic "live" weather add-on...? What might my settings be lacking? :blush:
  12. Thx. Can't seem to trace it- I have no assignments for pitch or pitch trim in FSUIPC or FSX. Have confirmed that all these have nothing assigned at all and re-applied. Nothing. Only reaction I'm able to get is pitch up using keys, but no elevator trim...
  13. Thanks both for the replies. Not working for me, but at least I'm off in the right direction to find the issue (ie: not a T7 item).
  14. Apologize if it’s plainly listed but I haven’t been able to locate info on how to accomplish this (searches return innumerable posts regarding the other trim discussions). I have had no success mapping a key or joystick switch to pitch trim. Initially I thought this was not feasible in the T7, but I’ve seen others comment that they’ve done so. Any simple method or link to other posts? Thanks!! Dan D
  15. I can identify; living there in the 80's I had a famously bumpy approach into LHR on a BA Tristar. Just as we crossed the runway threshold we were slammed onto the rwy; not freefall, but accelerated downwards from what I'd guess was still 100' up with a several-degree bank to the left (I was in the window seat watching as the left tip looked set to dig a furrow). Was truly shocking how violent the downwards slap was, not to mention the sound of the airframe as we hit the runway. We got to de-plane via rolling airstairs on the taxiway after that one.
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