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Tim Arnot

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About Tim Arnot

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  • Birthday 01/28/1961

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  1. Ah yes, Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition... LOL!
  2. I hope there are no moving parts in that room... :(
  3. Here's to the Crazy Ones. The misfits. The rebels. The trouble-makers. The round pegs in the square holes.The ones who fly into 25,000 airports...BTW, XPX has 33,473 airports! :Whistle:if nothing else, Flight definitely shows a failure of imagination and vision, IMHO.
  4. Being new to X-Plane, I somewhat foolishly turned on real weather. I was flying the Carenado Bonanza, at around 2000ft, on a route that I've flown many times RW. The winds were around 20kts according to xp. Looking out the window at home, conditions were what I'd describe as 'a bit choppy, but flyable'. Ie, you'd be bounced around a bit and probably want to grab hold of the coming from time to time, but you'd be unlikely to hit your head on the roof. Pitch roll & yaw probably no more than 20 degrees in the warrior. The bonanza, being heavier, I'd expect less.Within seconds of turning on real weather, I'd done a wingover!What I was experiencing was turbulence severe enough to endanger the safety if the aircraft. If Laminar think that is realistic to RW, I can recommend some aviation met courses...
  5. X-Plane doesn't have a flight planner in the same way that FS does, so it's not quote so simple. You can fly the plane with reference to the plan in PG ( just as if you were using a hand held GPS RW), but the autopilot won't follow the plan unless you manually re-enter it into whatever GPS is fitted. X-Plane does have an "fms" file which v3 will support. But it's limited somewhat to whatever planes have an appropriate fmc fitted (mostly heavies and whatever addons have been so coded, I suspect). My experience of X-Plane is still rather limited, and I'm still fumbling my way around...
  6. v3 of Plan-G will include 'native' X-Plane support (i.e. it will use X-Plane nav data and read/write .fms plan files). Connection will still be via XUIPC, since that works really well right now.@jfail: So long as Plan-G is set to connect via FSUIPC rather than SimConnect, it should just work - there really is nothing else to set.Tim (Plan-G author)
  7. Interesting. I had a flight around my local area (ok, England, not Scotland, but there shouldn't be significant differences) and the traffic was most definitely driving on the wrong side of the road. However, despite there being no buildings, the layout of my local field (EGTN) was pretty accurate, even with the old disused WWII taxiways. Plus the hump in the middle of the runway too! Shame e 08/26 numbers were backwards though. The general area doesn't look particularly "English" (field layouts, building styles etc), and the towns are too green - not really giving the impression of built up areas, but then neither is it the scorched earth of FSX. No doubt there will be tweaks and addons in due course, and it does seem to be a step in the right direction.
  8. If you look at the Pilot Profile screenshot, there's an interesting entry labelled 'Times around Planet'...Now why would they have that if they wanted to keep you locked in Hawaii? (unless it's just a disguise for cumulative miles flown!)
  9. It appears that what you have bought is a very old copy of version 1. As Andy said, Horizon do not support second-hand product. It clearly states in the EULA that the scenery cannot be transferred. I'd suggest your best course of action is to go back to the seller on ebay and ask for a refund, as they were not entitled to sell it.
  10. Anthony Lynch's Tecnam Sierra. Single engine, LSA, so it's something you could easily fly for real. Quality knocks the socks off Carenado. Has a free demo version so you can try it first (some functions are limited)http://antsairplanes.com/sierralsa.html
  11. Charts and weather only cover the US, which makes it of very limited utility for me. :( (mind you, we can't get iPads here anyhow, except as grey market imports!)
  12. VATUK is very much alive and active. Lots of ATC, lots of pilots flying. And many GA & VFR flights (plus GA airport positions) too :(
  13. The 'diary' was part of the original broadcast, at least here in the UK. I have Planet Earth, Life and Nature's Great Events on blu ray, and they are all simply gobsmacking. (in fact, they all have diaries at the end of each ep - seems to be the current BBC 'way of doing things'). Sir David Attenborough is officially a National Treasure.
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