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About Republic3D

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  1. I pretty much fly only GA, but if the price is right I will buy this thing just to look at it and push buttons and listen to the sounds. Looks really impressive in the teaser trailer. Love the inclusion of the avionics bay.
  2. That looks really promising! Will be a great addon aircraft I'm sure.* It's kind of strange how there's been a lack of A350 addons for so long, considering it's a very impressive and popular aircraft IRL. *after hotfixes.
  3. The good thing about going with the 4000 series GPU is that it will take your CPU bottleneck performance and multiply it by 1.5x to 2.0x depending on a few things. If you're currently able to get 30 FPS in a scenario now, you will be looking at around 45-60 FPS with Frame Generation on. It might sound weird, but if you're in a very complex scenery, advanced weather, your new GPU "baseline performance" let's say, would be able to lift your performance significantly, all the way up until your CPU runs out of breath and is holding you back. That's when the "Frame Generation" lifts your performance even higher, because it starts inserting frames in between the "baseline" frames. It's difficult to explain, but a GPU upgrade to a 4070 would give you a far better experience even if your CPU is old and slow.
  4. You would make far better gains with a 4000 series GPU, as you can enable Frame Generation. I would not buy a 3060 Ti today. Especially not at $600. You can get a 4070 Super for $600 at Microcenter. If you can't find one near you, you should be able to pick up a 4060 Ti or 4070 for even less than that.
  5. Looks really impressive so far. About 20 minutes in.
  6. And they say MSFS 2024 will put even more of the load away from your PC and onto their servers. Can't wait to see how that goes.
  7. It is often the scenery, some addon airports are very unoptimized like stesma54 said.
  8. When I've had this issue, I've logged out of Xbox app, then logged back in. And it worked.
  9. It does matter if they have part of the product already developed. But there are many factors involved, so who knows.
  10. I think it's a bit weird developing the Beluga XL first, considering it's based on A330. The original Beluga was based on A300, so they would already have much of the design ready to go. And then there's the question of making a Beluga XL before making a A330 which it's based on?
  11. Looks great! I like that they've built a "classic" version and not a -J Super Hercules, although that would have been cool too. My father flew these when I was a kid, so I have a lot of nostalgia looking at that cockpit. I hope they got the sounds right, the reverse thrust sound on these could make the hairs on your arms stand up.
  12. You can run in windowed mode and just drag the screen over all the monitors you have, and FG should work fine.
  13. I can see the difference between 30 - 45 - 60 - 75 - 90 FPS in MSFS. I never fly without TrackIR so that's probably part of the reason. Maybe higher, but my monitor is limited to 90 Hz. It's really interesting that people are different in their perception of flickering. I know some animals react differently to different Hz light. Dogs see most TVs as flickering, which can be part of the reason they don't always see what you see on the screen. If you have a 120 HZ TV your dog would probably see it not flickering. Same thing with modern light bulbs. Your poor Chihuahua might live in a techno concert all his life and you don't know.
  14. I wouldn't cancel my order over something like that, the solution (if it happens) is $40-50 for a DAC / external sound card with headset jacks, which includes better quality sound.
  15. My brother had an issue with low performance on a computer that was recently upgraded. The solution was to install the latest chipset drivers for the motherboard, and everything was fixed. Probably obscure, but very easy to do and check off the list.
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