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Everything posted by Indy511

  1. @C2615 @David Roch There is a repair feature within the Operations Center that restores all missing liveries. No need to reinstall. Go to livery management. Then to the lower right corner (Orphaned Textures) Scan and repair(all). Merry Christmas to all!
  2. @geolpilot I have FS Aerodata and have no issues with HF2. There is a fix: https://www.fsaerodata.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=443
  3. @raknal Here's a topic I posted awhile back. Hope this helps.
  4. You have another KJFK scenery conflicting with FSDT. Open up the GSX Customization and read at the top what AFCAD GSX is reading from.
  5. +10 So much time and $'s invested in P3D. One question I keep asking myself as I have not seen it mentioned anywhere. What are the minimum requirements to run MSFS 2020? Anyone know?
  6. Yes. For example in the Carenado Cheyenne III you would run RXP530PA42.exe it will create the panel.cfg file to include the legacy RXP entry. This is where the RXP feature comes in handy. Slight modifications may be necessary in some cases. For example in the Cheyenne if you want the perfect fit; [Vcockpit01] Background_color=0,0,0 size_mm=512,512 visible=0 pixel_size=512,512 texture=$Panel_1 gauge00=rxpGNS!GNS530, 0, 0, 512, 372 change this to... gauge01=PA42CAR!ToggleCAR530, 64,0, 256, 32 [Vcockpit01] Background_color=0,0,0 size_mm=512,512 visible=0 pixel_size=512,512 texture=$Panel_1 gauge00=rxpGNS!GNS530, 8, 0, 501, 365 to this. gauge01=PA42CAR!ToggleCAR530, 64,0, 256, 32
  7. @cvearl Go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Reality XP\GNS Simulation\FltSim\64. Make a copy of rxpGNS2.dll rename it rxpGNS.dll. They both reside in the same folder Whenever RXP releases an update for the GNS you'll have to repeat the process so both files are updated.
  8. Other than the KAP 140 AP set to NAV. That's all there is. The A2A 172 Aircraft Configurator app there are 2 settings for the default GPS one for fs9gps and one for p3dgps. Have you tried switching between the 2? If by any chance you own the Reality XP GNS 430 it also includes the GPS 400 and works fine. Edit: Switched to the default A2A GPS 400 and it is working fine for me. In the configurator it is set to p3dgps.
  9. Just ran the Live Update and everything is working fine.
  10. Create your scenery in P3Dv3 then move files to P3Dv4. That works for me.
  11. @AnkH I have HDR and DL turned on.
  12. @vbazillio Same here. It looks worse in the evening than during daylight. I don't use 3rd party shaders.
  13. Since you are in Germany change the database to worldwide. Both in the RXP settings and the Garmin trainer.
  14. Correct. You can add the 750 to any other aircraft in the sim. Correct. You can skip the Garmin trainer if you already reinstalled it and it's working ok.
  15. Yes, you were out of date. Let us know how it goes. You can still uninstall and reinstall the 750 as per my instructions above.
  16. You should have a program under A2A called Cherokee Check for updates P3Dv4 That will update the Cherokee. Go to Windows Control Panel-Uninstall a Program and uninstall the Reality 750. Reboot computer. Run the E-Comerce installer to reinstall. Select your Key file. "...-rexprxp-gtn750-fs.key". Then Validate. When the Browse for folder shows up there will be a C:\Reality XP folder highlighted (this is the default location), click ok. Do not change to another folder. C:\RealityXP is where the Reality XP GTN 750 installer (rxpGTN-FSIM-Setup.exe) will extract to. And also where the RXP-GTN750-FS.lic will go to. The installer will run automatically.
  17. GTN750 works without the GTN650. As for the Navdata problem something is blocking it from working or installation failed somewhere. If your GTN Garmin trainer shows the Navdata correctly then something in your Reality XP GTN750 installation went wrong.
  18. @stayyn The 750 and 650 are 2 separate purchases. http://reality-xp.com/index.html#pricing
  19. If it's on the internet it must be true...
  20. Those are the correct ones. Use explorer options to unhide the file extensions. Did you reinstall the 650? To the default location? Did the E-Commerce installer create the license files? You should have 2. Default location C:\RealityXP
  21. C:\Users\***\Documents There are RXP log files in this location. Open with notepad. Are you running an anti virus program?
  22. @stayyn What Bert said. I always install the RXP and Garmin products to their default locations. My P3D is on a different drive thou. Also have a look in your documents folder for the RXP log files and see what they say.
  23. @cvearl Microsoft is back in the game. https://www.flightsimulator.com/
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