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Everything posted by jerryuscg

  1. I tried to move the B-200 King Air 350 for FS2004 to FSX and it seemed to load OK but he GAUGES would not load. I tried to copy all of the gauges for this aircraft from the FS2004 gauges folder to the FSX gauges folder but they still did not show up. Could someone tell me how to get the gauges for the B-200 King Air 350 to show up in FSX/ Thanks jerrycwo4
  2. I tried to move the B-200 King Air 350 for FS2004 to FSX and it seemed to load OK but he GAUGES would not load. I tried to copy all of the gauges for this aircraft from the FS2004 gauges folder to the FSX gauges folder but they still did not show up. Could someone tell me how to get the gauges for the B-200 King Air 350 to show up in FSX/ Thanks jerrycwo4
  3. I'm sorry guys but my last question did not get answered. Besides for looking for empty scenery files, what else causes OOM's? Thanks jerrycwo4
  4. Even after all of this "fixing" I'm still a little afraid to try to reinstall Ultimate Terrain (UT) USA. I've had it before and I think that is were my 1st OOM crash occured. Are any of you guys above in this post flying FS2004 with UT USA installed and NOT having any OOM problems ? You opinion please. Even after applying the 4 gig patch to my FS2004 Windows 7 (64 bit)computer should I still try to find and fix my memory leaks that I think that I still have?(even tho I am not having OOM problems at this time). What do I look for besides "empy" scenery folders? Thanks jerrycwo4
  5. Thanks Paul. That's what I needed. This patch is too important to "guess" how to do it. Now that this patch is installed, (I didn't install it; a person at Jetline Computers did) what did it change to my computer so that I can look and "prove" to myself that this patch has been installed? What's differant on my computer that I can see after the patch has been installed? Does it show changes to a file or folder or does a date or something else change? Thanks jerrycwo4
  6. My "best" for FS2004 is EagleSoft's Cessna Citation X version 2. It's great. jerrycwo4
  7. "You point it to your fs9.exe " I guess that this is the part that I don't understand? Not ever installing this patch I dont know how to do this. Please explain better. Thanks jerrycwo4
  8. I second the above. If your getting a new rig for Fs2004 go with Windows 7, 64 bit. Why go backwards? I have a new Windows 7 64 bit system and it flys both FS2004 and FSX at 30 fps with NO OOM errors ! jerrycwo4 See my post uploaded today on the request of how to install this 4g patch.
  9. Last week someone put up the link for the "Large Address Aware" 4G patch to fix the FS2004 OOM errors. Luckly my newest flight sim computer from Jetline Computers has this patch on it and it WORKS ! I'm thinking about the future when I buy my next flight sim computer. I do not know what Jetline did to install this patch and I want to know for myself. The "instructions" for the installation of the 4 G patch is too sparse for me to understand. Will someone who knows how to install this patch for FS2004 please give me specific instructions on how to "install" the patch to FS2004. Thanks jerrycwo4
  10. This does work. Last November I bought a new Windows 7 64bit computer and I was so disappointed when after about an 1 1/2 flight my computer crashed with an OOM error. I never could find out what was causing it but my friends at Jetline Computer where I bought the computer did some research and put that " large address aware" patch on my computer and it NEVER HAPPENED AGAIN even after a 8 1/2 hour flight across the whole USA in a Beechcraft 1900. Yea! Life is so sweet now. Thanks Jetline for your help.
  11. Here is the link to Opa's online guest book and other info about him.http://www.legacy.com/guestbook/DignityMemorial/guestbook.aspx?n=david-marshall&pid=153001843jerrycwo4
  12. I am so sad to hear this news. I just talked to Opa a few days ago and he was getting ready to go on a 30 day vacation. I cannt tell you how many time he helped me with flight sim problems, but it was very many ! A lot of people have helped me but he was #1 and at the top of the list. Last year I nominated him to be "Flight Simmer of the Decade". He will be sorley missed by all of us. jerrycwo4
  13. Wow Wow Wow... What a shock! I am so sad to hear this onfo. I just talked to him a few weeks ago as he was helping me with a problem that I was having. He said that he was leaving in a few days for a 30 day vacation. I truly hope that he really enjoyed the couple of weeks that he did have. I am the one who reccommended him for "Flight Simmer of the Decade" last year. Of all of the people that have helped me with flight sim problems he was at the Top of the List ! I could and did ask for his help and almost the very next day he would be back with an answer. I am so sorry to hear this sad news. May he always rest in peace. jerrycwo4
  14. For years and years I've read this forum for ideas that I couldn't come up with or had forgotten. This week I think I found my BEST tip. Many, Many thanks to an idea from DAVE MORGAN for his idea. I had forgotten about this procedure. My problem was that I had started flying the Eaglesoft Cessna Citation X version 2 ( version 1 would not fly satisfactory (black screens) on my Windows 64bit computer, but version 2 flys GREAT)..... but in the VC cockpit mode when adjusted to my liking the read out of the "heading" and "altitude" was SO small that it was virtually impossible to read !!!!! Until now. The tip from Dave MORGAN change that. Someone had a post on how to make text larger and this is some of what Dave said to give the idea to me on how to fix my small readout problem."... don't know the Dash-8 Q202 but as a temporary workaround you can open a small 'internal' window with the [ key. If the plane has a VC, zoom in to that gauge in VC in the internal window"Here's what I did. I opened a small window by keying the "[" key then right clicked and selected the VC cockpit. I saw that by using the "+" key that I could zoom in on the window, but it was not the part of the window that I wanted or needed. Then I remembered what I do to setup my flights. I use 4 monitors... 3 for flight and 1 for my GPS and I have to "move" (adjust) them to line up the 3 different views properly. This is the same way to "zoom" in and get the proper view of what ever you are trying to zoom in on or magnify. You can use the "+" key to do this but then that puts a nasty red message as to what the magnification factor is/was. Instead, us the combination keys of "Ctrl" and "backspace" and that will "bring in" or magnify your window without the red magnify message. To move the window around to get the desired view use the "standard" keys to move a window around which are: Ctrl, Shift, Enter and Backspace. This 4 keys used in the proper combination will move a window around anyway you want it. Instruction are somewhere, probably in HELP, under "views". Just play around with the 4 different keys and you will see what each combination will do. You can also use your mouse to "drag/ stretch" a window to any size that you want. Also the choice to "dock" or "undock" the window and put it any where in the cockpit that you want. Using these windows could have a lot of uses, try and think of some more. Thanks Dave. jerrycwo4PS The Heading and Altitude readouts (bottom left hand corner of screen shot are a LOT easier to read than the screenshot shows.
  15. I downloaded and installed the "recommended" John Wayne Arpt yesterday and also included the "update" and the "fix", but when I finished all of this I noticed in one part of the airport AI aircraft were only showing 1/2 of their length. The other half was stuck inside the building. I tried to install evrything correctly but something must have gone wrong. Any ideas what the problem could be? Thanks jerrycwo4.PS PLEASE remind me... in Fs2004 where do I turn OFF the FLYING TIPS ??
  16. What a great little program. It's fun to watch. Thanks for the tip. jerrycwo4
  17. yes I did find the way to start over in RD4 but NOT to continue a flight from the middle of a flight. jerrycwo4

  18. The other day I purchased (for FS2004) a "add-on GPS" from Reality. It was the Reality XP GNS 530W XP. I'm getting an "error message" that I have a bad "panels.dll" file. I do have FS2004 update 1 also installed. My installed panels.dll version is: 900.030612.02The message says I need version: don't understand as I already have the latest version or update to FS2004 installed?Where can I find the other "required" version? Thanks jerrycwo4
  19. Feel free to check in at www.majesticsoftware.com for further assistance.This might be a good place to ask this. I have the Majestic Dash 8 for FS2004 with Windows 7 and GO Flight Throttles and I can NOT set them up to work properly. Any help here? Thanks jerrycwo4
  20. I received my new flight sim computer last fall with Windows 7 (64 bit) and it would NOT satisfactory fly the Eaglesoft Cessna Citation X, version 1. I made a "workaround" for it but even that stopped working satisfactory ( would "crash" to black windows.) Back in 2010 I had purchased the updated version 2 Extreame (for a computer with Windows XP but it seemed too complicated to fly for me. Took the fun out of it. Well today ( on my Windows7/64 computer I reinstalled the v2 and it seems to be able to run OK. Notice I did not say, "Fly OK" as I could not even get the engines started the correct way, as yet.So the good news for you with Windows 7/64 bit, this version 2 Extreame seems to work OK. On the CD that I had this v2 on, I also had a program called, "Hotfix 1.84" which I had never installed. Does anyone know what this "Hotfix 1.84 is far?? I can NOT log onto the Eaglesoft forum because of a password problem and NO one from Eaglesoft will contact me to help resolve that problem? jerrycwo4
  21. What tpye of hardware are you using for the throttles? I bought and installed this aircraft about a year ago and could never fly it because it would NOT work with my GoFlight throttles. What are you using? jerrycwo4
  22. I'm really surprised that I got down this far on the list without seeing my favorite 3 add ons for FS2004; whitch are:1. Aerosoft Airport Enhancement Service (AES)2. Flight Deck Companion (FDC)3. Radar Contact 4 (RC4)jerrycwo4
  23. Anyone received a callback from PC Aviator? They went to a new system where you can no long talk to a "sales person"and you leave a phone number for a call back. I have left 4 differant messages and have heard nothing from them. How about you? Thanks jerrycwo4
  24. I have FS2004 and FSX both installed on the same "G" drive. RC4 is installed on FS2004. How do I make it also work on FSX? Thanks jerrycwo4
  25. A week or so ago I put a work around here for this problem. EagleSoft says that the v1 is suppose to work OK on windows 7 (64 bit), BUT, a lot of people like you and I say otherwise. As far as I know, no one has really found the reason for our problem, screen going black and computer hangs up. I had a special problem as I fly with 4 monitors, not just one. I just finished a 1 1/2 hour flight with the v1 Cessna Citation X and it did "go black and lock up" once when I clicked on a certain gauge to fly a GPS trackline. No problem tho as I use that "save flight" feature in FSUIPC and RD4 also has a way to "restart a flight". I'm going to paste the work around below. It really does work pretty good. Your using just one monitor, you might have to change things up a bit but you will just have to play with it. I have two differant ways to show how to get to the active runway while using RC4 (the default ATC is NOT one of them). One of them works with the work around and the other one does not. I relly love this aircraft and I was determined not to give it up. Keep trying, you will find away to make it work for you. jerrycwo4WORK AROUND:For reasons unknown I can NOT log into the Eaglesoft Forum so I'll have to reply here. The Eaglesoft X (v1) is the ONLY aircraft I have in both FS2004 and FSX that does NOT fly satisfactory. It hangs UP BAD on my Windows 7 , 64 bit computer. Too bad this is one of my favorite aircraft, but I have figgured out a so, so work around that works most of the time. I hate "work arounds" but sometimes you have to use them.I have an elabrate flight sim system that uses 4 monitors: 3 - 26" monitors for the flight system and a 17" monitor for my GPS. To make the Eaglesoft X fly fairly well( most of the time) I had to pull my Garman 500 GPS onto the 17" monitor and open the "throttle" window ( ctrl/5) and make it smaller and drag it to the bottom of the VC cockpit window. Of course this took at least 15 trys and restarts of Fs2004 to get this done because of lockups. When I got these two things like I wanted them, I SAVED the flight and now when I selct this "flight" these two windows are where I want them at the start of the flight. Once you start flying you can NOT randomly start clicking on differant windows, etc like "CTRL/4 " or you will lockup.Of course the Citation X will freeze and lock up if I try to start RC4 (Radar Contact 4) with the Citation X up and running so I have to select the Cessna 182 aircraft, bring RC4 up, set and start my flight then I can start the Citation X up and select an airport that has good features to line up my right and left hand monitors for the correct views on my 3 monitors, then I select the flight that I want to make in the default Flight Planner and everytings works fairly well. Sometimes when openning a window for the radio or to turn on the landing lights, the computer will lock up again and I have to start the whole thing over, but most of the time I can make the complete flight OK. It's a lot of "messing around" but that's what it takes for me to fly the Eaglesoft Citation X (v1). About a year ago I bought the version 2 of this aircraft but found it too complication to be enjoyable for me. jerrycwo4
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