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Everything posted by Alvega

  1. Huh? The Carenado 182RG uses the WT GNS530 by default. What are you getting on yours? Bert shared a modification for people wanting the TDS GTN750 by default and I shared one for those who want the PMS50 GTN750 by default.
  2. I told him what you said and it seems he already fixed it. He told me the new traffic layer code in the next version will fix that.
  3. Hi, just checked again and they don't show on the GTN. They show moving very fast but disappear in 1 sec and never show up again. Strange, because I can see them fine in the G1000. Gonna talk to the PMS50 dev to see if he knows why it's happening.
  4. And you get the traffic on the map or on the traffic radar or both? And using WTT mode? Thanks.
  5. Update is now available in the content manager.
  6. I never had these issues too, and I don't have MSFS installed on default locations. Also OS is on a different SSD, addons on 2 different SSD's, no problems. It's really strange why some are losing all the settings with every update. Asobo needs to figure this out.
  7. What GTN, TDS or PMS50? Mine is PMS50.
  8. Just checked again and for me most of them show origin and destination, but some don't. I also noticed they don't show on my GTN TCAS, sometimes they briefly show for 1 second or so but then disappear. Do they show on your TCAS? Edit: Tried with the C172 and they show on the G1000 TCAS. Strange.
  9. OK, thanks. Looks like it's not possible then. 👍
  10. Hmm, mine shows ICAO when using the FSLTL injector, but when using PSXT + RT it shows IATA. And I asked the LNM dev and he told me he couldn't do anything because he receives the data from simconnect with IATA. So where do I change those data labels to have it show ICAO? Thanks.
  11. It installed here in less than a minute. Guess something is wrong there. Perhaps try this:https://forums.flightsimulator.com/t/update-1-17-3-0-fail-during-decompressing-asobo-airport-kmco-orlando-0-1-51-fspatch/419242/6
  12. So no one with this problem tried a low lod like 100 so we can be sure this is not caused by using high lods? It would be interesting to know.
  13. Ok, thanks. 👍 Edit: Is there some way to make the origin and departure in Little Navmap show ICAO codes instead of IATA?
  14. Never seen this, but I use terrain lod 100. Does it also happen with TL100 or 200?
  15. Thanks, it now shows in the Navigraph FMS Data Manager app. Using this traffic I sometimes see planes never taking off until miles away from the airport, they just go through the ground or water. Why is this? Also saw a couple planes with white textures. is there a way to stop those from showing up? Thanks.
  16. Check if your anisotropic filter is set to 16x. It probably isn't.
  17. Then that's probably why some don't see it, not everyone uses VATSIM or multiplayer. Perhaps it doesn't happen with multiplayer off. You can try it.
  18. The Navigraph FMS Data manager doesn't show me an option to install in RealTraffic. For me it doesn't, I fly GA not airliners. The plane I was using was the C172 G1000 default. Also happened with the Carenado Mooney.
  19. Looks like they fixed it faster than they expected. Nice.
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