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Everything posted by Alvega

  1. How long since you last open MSFS? There has been no update today, last update was for the AAU2 beta 5 days ago.
  2. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/close_only_counts_in_horseshoes
  3. Where can I see a list of the aircraft that can be used in "A Pilot's Life"?
  4. This may be new in Microsoft games. I also noticed it in Forza Horizon 5 since yesterday. Didn't see it in MSFS though because I'm using Stripr.
  5. Very nice, bookmarked. 👍 Nowadays it's all videos and streaming, I like a good reading like in the old times. Like this one too: https://www.flyingmag.com/flight-sims-real-world-flying-interact-beautifully/
  6. It could also be they are not "started" anymore because they are finished and are "planned" to be announced as the July surprise. 😊 There's always hope.
  7. I agree with you. This was posted by one of the REX devs (Reed) in their Discord, which clearly shows it can't depict weather fronts in the distance:
  8. And what do you have to say about the part you cut out when you quoted me?
  9. Many people, (including developers and modders) need to open and close the sim lots of times one after the other. Imagine waiting 15 minutes to load, then close the sim to make a change in the aircraft.cfg or any other change and wait another 15 minutes to test, then the change didn't work, another 15 minutes. Or you are going to fly but then remember you didn't enable the sceneries for the area you are going to fly, bam, 15 minutes more. Not nice.
  10. I have GAIST and FSLTL and it's around 3 minutes. When I had AIG it was double that time. I have the GAIST routes in various folders by region and only activate the region where I'm going to fly with Addons Linker. Same for the sceneries, only activate them for the region I'm going to fly. Have different Addons Linker presets for each region. Both these things save me some minutes.
  11. Mine takes 3 minutes to the main menu with many sceneries and planes in the community folder (I7 4790K with sim on SSD), but before installing Stripr it was around 5 minutes with the SSD and 7 minutes when it was on HDD. At the OP, something seems wrong there, that is too long.
  12. Hmm, isn't that the same I posted above?
  13. Check this list: https://forums.flightsimulator.com/t/new-propeller-cfd-soft-body-simulation-aircraft-list/504719
  14. I'm using them in every flight with DX12 and no CTDs. Go figure. Edit: Perhaps it's a certain filter causing the issue that you are using and I am not.
  15. Ok, I quit. You are a hard guy to help, I had noticed that before. Good luck.
  16. Since no one answered my question regarding the Mooney external power, I contacted Carenado and they said it is just cosmetic now but they will evaluate the option to implement it. That would be nice and I believe not difficult to implement because the sim has a key for toggle_external_power.
  17. You had the answer to that question in my first post, ATIS is bugged, I completely ignore it. Even if the ATIS pressure may be the same as Metar sometimes, the sky condition and visibility is almost always wrong, same for active runways, etc. Metar is always correct. Obviously if ATIS is reporting based on Meteoblue forecast and the weather when landing is based on Metar, I think it's easy to understand it's Metar you should use. Edit: Just saw a Navigraph dev saying on their Discord that they have plans to bring the Simbrief ATIS (Real world) to their charts app. This will be good.
  18. The pressure you get by pressing the B keyin the runway is the same as the Metar. I don't understand what you mean by this "But then you landed without knowing and did that after the fact". ATC gives me the pressure before I land, usually Pilot2ATC but default ATC too. You mean you are not using ATC?
  19. At airports where a METAR exists, ATIS is many times wrong because it reports the Meteoblue forecast instead of METAR. Looks like after the METAR implementation with SU7 they forgot to correct this. That's why I don't even bother with ATIS, I always check the METAR (unless there isn't one). There is a bug report about this on the official forum, but it only got 12 votes, looks like most people don't care about this, go figure. https://forums.flightsimulator.com/t/atis-not-matching-metar/564725
  20. You don't need Process Lasso, unless you're looking for problems. 😉
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