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Everything posted by Alvega

  1. Hmm, I uninstalled the beta last week because I wasn't using it. Perhaps I'll give it another go. Thanks for the heads-up.
  2. If airspeed doesn't work either you didn't cover the pitot when you left last session or you have a popped circuit braker.
  3. You mean you uninstalled default Asobo aircraft in content manager? If you did, it's possible, because FSLTL uses some of them. That's why I never uninstall default aircraft, some addons use them.
  4. Wish we had that sound in the addon. Can barely hear the engines inside. And even outside the sound is not good. Hope they fix that.
  5. Did anyone try the ADF with the Sperry panel? The ADF needle keeps jumping between the default position and the NDB track position. I'm thinking it may be a bug. Edit: Decided to do the flight from Key West to Havana on a bad day, it seems. Half way in I can already see the stormy weather over Cuba, dunno if I'm gonna be able to land this thing,,, Edit2: Yep, nice weather, lol.
  6. Sorry, can't help you, I don't own that aircraft. Regarding the GTN 650, did you try clicking the green VLOC1 text to change it to GPS? I don't use the GNT 650 myself, but I think that is a clickspot to change it to GPS. Edit: If that doesn't work to change to GPS you can click on the PFD and change it, as in this video: https://youtu.be/2R246Wimr6s?t=429
  7. It's the Working Title Technology to manage the autopilot and flightplan, which allows you to have more features like holds, visual approaches, etc. You can download the file here (see In-cockpit WTT mode): https://pms50.com/msfs/aircrafts/
  8. I don't know how they are going to do it, but it's possible they will use the Meteoblue warnings, which also show active tornados if I'm not mistaken: https://www.meteoblue.com/weather/maps#map=warningsAndRisk~officialWarnings~auto~sfc~none&coords=2.98/46/-78.14
  9. Sorry, it was not in the Flightsim Expo video, it's in this one: https://www.youtube.com/live/ZszOBVoREVg?feature=share&t=8562
  10. Looks like you missed the Flightsim Expo presentation, they already said it's not.
  11. If you have the PMS50 GTN it will add a GTN 650 in the RV10 cockpit and there is a file you can download from the PMS50 website that enables WTT mode.
  12. You're doing it wrong. There is a manual inside the aircraft folder with a page about starting the engine. I recommend reading the manual, it's very interesting and it also shows you how to change panels, how to use the Sperry Gyro-Pilot, how to open doors, etc.
  13. Guess I'll try the Sperry Gyro-Pilot on my trip from Key West to Havana. Never used one, looks fun.
  14. Yep, try panning the view inside the cockpit with the controller and I'm sure you will see the dot. It disappears after a couple of seconds though.
  15. I also have an X-Box controller that I use for the drone and I also use Legacy mode for cockpit interaction and I see the dot. But.. I also use the controller to pan the view inside the cockpit sometimes (for example to move around in the cabin to get passenger views), so perhaps you don't see it because you just use it outside for the drone.
  16. I'm also on that Chrome version and not on developer mode and it works fine.
  17. Gonna have to do the old Pan American flight from Key West to Havana with this. Edit: The propellers animation is really good, but I don't like the engine sound. I can barely hear the engines. Hope someone makes a mod for it or the dev updates it, it's lacking. I also recommend reading the manual, there is a knob to change the panels if you want. There are 3 different panels.
  18. Beautiful plane, the detail is amazing. The wheels, the wings, the interior, the engines, very nice. Does anyone know who is the developer?
  19. Lol, they just showed the BeyondATC video in FSExpo and immediately lots of people stormed their Discord server asking to be beta testers. The automod bot even announced a "Possible raid detected" and that the server was in raid protection mode. Apparently none of these folks use AVSIM, because that same video was posted here Monday and they seen it today for the first time.
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