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Everything posted by airlinejets

  1. At first, I tried the original 4k textures but flying in Europe where OSM is dense, got me low teens FPS. So I switched to the 2k textures and I'm back up the FPS ladder. I didn't notice the textures had lost their appeal but then again, I didn't look closely at them as I was relieved to get good frame rates in order to appreciate this liner. I'm still running textures at extreme though, that could explain the low 4k frames in the beginning. Sorry I mentioned your banners in my post, I got carried away . I'm fine with the fact you support multiple platforms and you seem to be genuinely interested in the product. You're right about the DCS guys, they're armed to the teeth... :smile: P.S.- If you ever see Christ on a bike again, say hi for me, will you? :wink:
  2. First impressions over at the org look promising. Anxious to read Henry Chen's report on the jetliner. More than likely another hit to the credit card coming up. :smile:
  3. Yeah it looks a little like nickel and dime stuff. Since it's an option, I don't mind though. I think the money goes to their texture artists but I may be wrong.
  4. Hi Mitch, Were the 2k textures from the Rotate pack? I ask because I made my own 2k liveries at first without much success. I then downloaded the Rotate 2k packs from the org where I bought the MD and that made a big difference.
  5. Funny thing is I knew you'd feel compelled to come and reply...
  6. With X-Plane, power matters. It seems that GeForce cards have the upper hand and 4GB cards are essential. I just moved up from 8GB to 32GM RAM and that has helped. As an example, with the 8GB Ram kit and the 4K Rotate MD80 textures, I was in the low teen frame rates, hard to fly zone. Moving to 32 GB and 2K textures, it became a joy to fly. So, no sense beating around the bush, the more power you have on-hand, the better X-Plane performs. No doubt about it, X-Plane is a modern sim and will tax any system you can put it up against. Like John said,try the demo, it should at least give you a comparison point. Most of all, have fun... :wink:
  7. Just saw you added this...now I know who you really are...lol
  8. Explain why all your prior topics are P3D or FSX related?
  9. Jamie, you placard yourself as a P3D user, you can't hide that fact. No one was talking about the fidelity of simulated systems. An Md pilot came in and said it was very well done. Then, some FSX/P3D guy came in the forum to take a dump. He should have been asked to leave by a moderator. Avsim just allows this to go on and on...
  10. Pray tell, what credible answer do you have? What is your comparison and who are your reference points?
  11. ...and yet, you won't take into account what a 15000 hour First Officer has as an opinion?
  12. I'll stop stirring when Sleadhead leaves to go back to his regular forum. You can follow him too. No one said the Rotate was a study sim! So, relax!!!
  13. So, you're basically saying nachezdc9 is a fraud? lol, again, thanks.
  14. So, you have 30 hours in different simulators and he has 1500 in the real thing? Ok, thanks...
  15. Yeah I remember the LevelD well. At the time, this was a marvel for us flight simmers.
  16. Version 2 of Pilot2ATC is apparently right around the corner.
  17. I looked them up and in all, 13 people worked on this project. I hope it's as good as it sounds.
  18. Just a note about the new 2k textures. For me, this has made the MD a lot of fun to fly. I went from low teens to mid 20s. This is a conservative number as it goes into the 30s and I've noted above 100 a couple of times (outside view). On the realism side of things, when landing, once the main gear touches down, you'll need to keep forward pressure on the yoke to bring the nose down or it will want to go back up and takeoff again. When they iron out a few bugs and add system updates along with FMC functionality, this will be a premium product. It looks like Rotate has the right attitude about support by following through on their promises.
  19. Geez....that's a very long and complete list. It looks like there is another dev involved. Who are StepToSky?
  20. Ok, then that is potentially a problem then. I think you should let the guys at Rotate know about it, could be a bug.
  21. I agree with Henry on the subject. Wait till they actually release the product before you decide to hang them. Anyways, my hat's off to this group of developers who have stuck with X-Plane where others have turned up their noses.
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