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Everything posted by airlinejets

  1. Also noted upon LOC capture, when I subsequently pushed the APP button, the remaining 2 CMD autopilots were not automatically selected. I had to manually add them in. I think this is wrong and does not mimic the correct logic. Anyone care to comment on the correct behavior? I'll add that the LAND 3 annunciator lit up at the correct RA of 1500 feet.
  2. Ok, done. The aircraft lined up correctly and crabbed into the wind as expected. It brought me in high over the threshold and did not de-crab on landing, so rollout sent me left of the runway. TIST is a very short runway for a 767 and I ended up overshooting it. I'm not certain on the correct procedure. Should I have initiated the lineup from crab myself, before touchdown?
  3. Hi Jon, If you go to the .org and look at the addons they sell, most are Linux compatible. Just browse to the requirement tab in the sales page of the products that interest you. Flightfactor, FlyJSim, Carenado, Peter's Aircraft, QPac and others all support Linux.
  4. Hi Jan, Sorry for the misunderstanding. This was not an autoland. I was flying a regular flight and wanted to see if the plane would line up correctly on an ILS signal, which it did in this case. We're trying to figure out if the plane is incorrectly lining us up either side of the runway on approach. 20% is a relatively high number and could explain why some videos are showing this misalignment (as José noted). Or, it could be my bad piloting skills and too much workload on approach, to get it right. :smile: Now, if MCE can send me a reliable First Officer to help out on the workflow, I'll be a happy Captain again. Maybe I should be moving onto something a bit smaller like....I don't know...a 737 maybe? :wink: Yes, I know, I'll be patient...lol
  5. Just landed at TIST ILS 10 with a 6 knot headwind without problem. Granted, I was hoping for a little crosswind as headwinds are easy. I'll try something else soon.
  6. Payware is probably the way to go. Since you mention GA and A2A, my vote would be Simcoders/Carenado with the REP engine (similar to Accusim). If a 172 is something you enjoy flying, look at airfoillabs-C172SP.
  7. Good to hear Goran. Thanks for the continued support and dedication. I'm also anxious to see your next project come to life. Absolutely. I do hope development is ongoing though.
  8. I'll have to check on my next flight if this is the case. I have been catching myself left or right of the runway on many occasions but had brushed it off to inexperience on my part. I use real weather, so there is pretty much always some amount of wind component. The majority of my flights in the FF767 have been in the Caribbean, so lots of visual approaches and few ILS.
  9. I think a lot of people are quite happy with this latest release from FF. Until something else comes along, there's not much else that you can compare it to in X-Plane. I think FF have stepped up their game and should at least be given some amount of credit for their efforts.
  10. Hi Roland, You had me going there for a second, lol. Happy New Gear!
  11. 18% works fine for me John. The only time I had problems starting the engines was my fault by not following correct procedures and setup. I use the APU and it works every time. ...and Happy New Year to all!
  12. As 2015 ended with some nice additions, 2016 looks like it will start off with a bang! Ixeg, LES, Aerobask and others are working on some fine payware additions to X-Plane.
  13. Can anyone confirm this works with AI traffic? This would be fantastic paired with World Traffic.
  14. Simcoders Reality Expansion Packs (for certain Carenado planes) will have you thinking about engine management when flying. Mishandle the engine parameters and you're in a heap of trouble. Start looking for a place to land. :wink:
  15. Hi Glenn, Great to see this is working so well in its present state (alpha). The neat thing is it seems to be able to interact with AI traffic.
  16. I just heard about this and I think it may be the answer to X-Plane ATC. http://124thatc.matacchieri.eu/ It seems to be in constant development, with regular revisions.
  17. A very Merry Christmas to you Tony and to all Avsim Staff and members. All the best in the coming new year.
  18. Just a little note to thank you and the whole IXEG team...before the rush begins. :wink: Well done and congratulations on bringing this colossal project to term.
  19. Hi Tony, I made a video last year that featured Birmingham and Simheaven textures. Loading times were normal, maybe 3 to 4 minutes. So it works fine. I guess I should be looking at GB Pro, if it's better than the Simheaven stuff it must be amazing.
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