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Everything posted by Milviz

  1. She's in code right now. No dates given but it should be... 2016..
  2. Another pic of the FMS... Getting closer.... You don't need Facebook to view this... https://www.facebook.com/Milviz/photos/a.274798289231220.74274.184784678232582/1029150200462688/?type=3&theater
  3. Sorry but the F-15 will not be updated. We do not have access to the codebase any longer so that project/product is frozen.
  4. The F-86 is in the process of both being updated for P3D v3 and with Tacpack being added. The addition of Tacpack will not, sadly, be free.
  5. The answer is yes. We are actively working on that... Timeline is uncertain.
  6. The engine (and ITT) control system isn't even IN the alpha that was put out. Hence the reason it's called ALPHA... We're working hard in close conjunction with Tomas and he's got THAT end totally covered. Worry not, it will do as it's supposed to do.
  7. Ah... right. I forgot... it MIGHT work... not 100% sure...
  8. You can get the F-4e that is not carrier capable now and on sale. The F-4S is not ready yet and isn't on sale. There are no 2d panels in our aircraft however you can use ezdoc to make some views that resemble a panel. The FSX installer works on FSX alone, steam alone and both. The sabre should work in v3 but the F-15 never will. Apologies.
  9. We're aware of the problem with the T-38. We will be rectifying that one as and when we can. Thanks
  10. Shut it down please or we'll end up with a locked thread. Thanks.
  11. The Phantom won't work because when they (LM or DTG) release a new version of the base package, we have to go over it piece by piece until we find what we need to be able to do what we do so it flies and does what it should do. Yes. It will be a free update for the O3D version purchasers. I cannot guarantee when it will be done. We're hoping for next week.
  12. As previously stated, the King Air is NOT on sale. You can't even buy it at all at this time as we have halted all pre-orders till we get the new code in place. At that point, we will allow people to purchase it. I would hardly call any of our jets kiddie... They are, for the most part, near study sim products... in some cases, such as the Phantom, they are indeed that...
  13. While I get that you might not want to wait, it does say clearly on the sales page that it's an alpha and we never gave a set date for release. It's obviously not vaporware as you do have what could be considered an actual product by some in the industry. That said, no refunds are offered for alpha products. No charge is being made for V3. The only product that we are sure will not work in V3 is the phantom. The others, though not yet tested, should do fine.
  14. The King Air will not be put on sale until it's been released for a considerable amount of time. At this time, we believe that all of our products, with the exception of the F-4 Phantom II, work in V3. We cannot, at this time, guarantee that as we've not fully tested any in that environment.
  15. Hi, I am happy to announce that from midnight tonight till next Friday we will be having a 35% off sale on our site for all products with the exception of the King Air (which has been taken offline while we get it done). Thank you for your attention. Colin
  16. Hi, First of all, we want to thank all of our King Air customers for their loyalty and patience. It hasn't been a quick road to a release, and unfortunately, it's about to get a bit longer. When we started the King Air, our goal was to make one of the most authentic simulations of the King Air that would exist in our simulators. We were confident in our progress, to the point that last year we decided to open up the doors and invite our customers along for the journey. Well, although the King Air has progressed to the point where many might call for it's release, saying it's 'good enough', we've had to sit down and make some very difficult decisions regarding its evolution. The fact is, we're not happy with the present condition of the PL-21, nor the UNS FMS that is currently installed in the King Air. We feel that it's not accurate enough to the real deal, and when it's all said and done, we desire this aircraft to be *perfect*. To that end, we are completely dropping the UNS FMS and re-coding the PL-21. This will allow us to provide the correct FMS, the correct procedures, the correct look and feel, and in the end, a far more authentic and superior product. One that will allow us to continue our long standing tradition of upgrading and support well into the future. However, with a change of this magnitude comes an inevitable delay. We were hoping for a release in the very, very near future, but the changes we've described necessitate a lot more work and coding, much more bug fixing and polishing. We've never done anything half-way, and we're not about to start now. Although we hesitate to put a number to it, we are targeting a window of 3 to 6 months for this extra work to be completed. When we have a stable alpha version with the new code, we will of course be releasing a version to our Early Access customers to become familiar with. Again, we thank you for your continued loyalty and patience; we promise to make this an aircraft worth waiting for. _________________ Creative Director and chooser of planes.
  17. We communicated to you three days ago as to our status. As well, let's be clear: Bill (aka n4gix), Tomas and Collin are working FULL time on this project. So it's not dead or vaporware. We have communicated this to our buyers on a regular basis. There are reasons for the delay in releasing this but... I am not yet ready to explain what those are.
  18. The bug that KenG is experiencing is not being looked at yet as we're not yet even in beta and, we are unable to reproduce it ourselves. It is, sadly, a low priority item (for us). We will get to it at some point. The whole engine/prop regime is missing as it's not yet implemented. Icing is not done. Passengers and weight is not done. Menu systems are not done. WAAS we're not yet sure as we have very little info on how exactly it works and we may therefore not do it. We shall see. The FMS/PL-21 setup is something we're looking at very closely right now for a variety of reasons. Not least of which is RNAV, LNAV and VNAV (and the whole AP) system not functioning properly. We may decide to redo it as we're not overly happy with what we have at this time. Colin.
  19. This is more like a Lamborghini or a Ferrari (or a Tesla) than a Ford and MANY people pay in advance for those. In fact,they're sold out before production is even begun. So, what you're saying isn't true at all... (We're not making a Ford here..) So, yes, while it's true that YOU may never have one (for whatever reason) many others are waiting... So, a quick update is in order... We have 3 full time coders working on this project. Tomas, Bill and Collin. ALL they have been doing is this for a long while. It's far more difficult to make a PL-21 fitted aircraft than we knew. We could probably release it now as it is and it would sell fairly well and even, possibly, be fairly well reviewed. But that's not what we want. We want the real deal. Thanks for your patience. Colin
  20. It's very true... But we are working on it every single day... The thing is VASTLY more complex that we realized at the start. We could put it out as it is now but... we want the full enchilada when it comes to engine control...
  21. If you're using the SP77, the FMS isn't operational and will have zero effect.
  22. You'll have to get on the support forums for this. Thanks,
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