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Everything posted by madfred

  1. Just found this post. So sorry to hear about Roy's passing. I had the pleasure of meeting him many years ago at the FSWeekend at the Aviodrome in Lelystad, the Netherlands. We spoke about the B-25J he developed. I have had many years of joy out of that airplane. Rest In Peace. you will be missed.
  2. +1 Would love to be able to use AviaCDU with the ATR. Am already enjoying it for the currently supported FS2020 planes ;)
  3. The PMDG 737 for FS2020 v.06 has the functions for Fuel Flow "reset" and "used". but when assigned to any button or switch, the "reset" will "stick" and not return to "rate" when released. And the "used" function doesn't do anything. All other functions I programmed (and I have a LOT of them) are working fine. There is no "rate" function to be used for "On Release".
  4. If it was any of those the function of the buttons would also be affected, not just the display. The tablet is no more than 3 ft from the router.
  5. During a flight session with the PMDG737 in FS2020 I frequently see a message at the top of my tablet stating "Not Connecter, Retrying". At that same time the buttons for the CDU on the tablet still work, just the display doesn't update till 10-15 seconds later, when it catches up with what the CDU in the sim shows on the display. So, to explain: I see the message "Not Connecter, Retrying" on the tablet, I enter for example 370 in the scratch pad on the tablet: that shows on the CDU in the sim that I typed that value, and I can R1 press the button on the tablet to enter it in the cruise altitude field. The tablet CDU window still shows the "frozen" image from before entering anything, but the CDU in the sim shows the value 370 entered in the cruise alt field. My though: How can the tablet show the message that it is not connected to the sim (and the screen is frozen) but the buttons still work? If it was a connectivity issue through my network connection, then the buttons would not work either. I also use WebFMC with the Zibo in X-PLane 11 and don't have that issue there. Any ideas what could be the cause? I am open for suggestions
  6. Thanks Andrew, I'll add the lines to the Lua script till module v0.7 is released.
  7. Gear lever commands are not working properly. The gear UP command set's the lever to OFF. (as if it just goes one step up.) Gear OFF and Gear Down go to the correct position. I use the latest PMGD 737 module (downloaded a week ago.) UPDATE: and YES, I did check to make sure I don't have anything else linked to the gear lever positions in Linda as well as FS2020.
  8. Another very nice paint job, Don. Just added it to my hangar
  9. Thanks for the paint Ron, Downloaded and will take it for a spin in the morning, Jan, As usual another great cockpit. Looking forward to it
  10. I use Plan-G, FS Commander, and Active Sky Next on a networked computer. Each has a manual that explains how to set that up. Just take the time to read, and you will be okay.
  11. Ron, I too am looking forward to that repaint
  12. Lee, Butchering a site, run by flight sim enthausiasts, for being overloaded due to a highly anticipated release is not really the way to go. I was lucky to be able to download the c-47, but have yet to successfully post in the thread. Being registered or having donated does not make any difference. I am convinced that you are not "blocked". You just have to have patience, like so many others. So, step out of the heat, have a glass of iced tea, and breath.Life does not end because we have to be patient. I am sure you will be able to enjoy the new C-47 release soon.
  13. So last night (yeah really "NIGHT" LOL) I could not resist and and started up my flight simulator computer to give this update another try to see if I could get the device labels back. As stated earlier, I have a backup of the modules folder from before the 2.8.1 update. First I edited the FSUIPC.ini file to remove the [VRINSIGHT] listing that was added by Linda, after hitting the fix button. Followed the steps as listed in the install, and made sure ALL devices were connected. Loaded FSX and Linda and all was working except still no device names. Closed Linda, added the system/config-hid.lua file again. Reloaded Linda again, and..... Hurrah!! there are my device names. No idea why I had to add that file twice, but it did solve my issue. One thing I would suggest to be added to the Installation instructions, is to mention having ALL devices connected before upgrading to the new version. This was never an issue in previous versions, but certainly is important with version 2.8.1. Again, thanks for a great product.
  14. Thank you for the prompt response. There was one device (joystick) unplugged, as I had the yoke plugged in. I never have then plugged in at the same time, as they will interfere with axis inputs.It has never been a problem with previous Linda updates. But I was going to give your suggestion a try. Result: no more device error, besides the MCP error. But only some assignments were working, even though none of the assignments were showing on the joystick page (similar to another post from someone on this site) So I went back again (for the x'ed time, lol) and cleared all files and folders related to Linda from the modules folder. Then pasted the 2.8.1 version in the Modules folder and added the Linda and Linda-cfg aircraft backup from the 2.6.7 version. Loaded FSX-Acc and Linda. Getting the error that the device config file could not be found. I closed Linda, and added the system\config-hid.lua from the 2.6.7 backup (which does have the device names listed.) Now all assignments are working again, but the device names are all "UNKNOWN". Guess naming the devices no longer transfer's with an update, and we should also make sure to back up the Linda-cfg/system/config-hid.lua file. Also, if you do not have an MCP combo, Linda will throw an error, and you will have to reload Linda to enable the devices.
  15. Hello, First of all, congrats with the 5 year anniversary. I installed the new Linda 2.8.1v1 after removing all linda files and folders from the Modules folder.(YES, I did back up the aircraft folders). After copying back the linda and linda-cfg aircraft folders, I loaded up FSX-Acc, chose the default Cessna 172, and after loading the flight I started Linda. An error popped up stating that the device config file could not be found, Linda Tracer is grayed out. and the MCP states there is an error (I do not have an MCP). I have Linda fix the FSUIPC(even though I don't think there was an issue with the FSUIPC.ini file) The joystick settings show that the devices names that I preset are not being read, and also the Serial numbers are gone, After re-entering the device names, I can re-assign functions, but all the original custom assignments are gone. I can revert back to Linda 2.6.7 with no problems.
  16. I purchased the 377 +COTS as well, as the sale was too good to pass by. It is certainly a "Study" aircraft, and I love the thought of what the Connie will be in the light of that. By the end of this Summer I will have to take at least a month off from work, to dig into my most favorite aircraft, being: 1) Manfred Jahn's DC-3/C-47 with Jan Vissers VCC, and TuFun's sound pack, 2) A2A's Constellation. 3) PMDG DC-6B And by then I hope to have mastered the 377 + COTS, which is a masterpiece on it's own.
  17. Gonna try setting up the msflights.net software and will attempt to join. is that 7pm UTC? I will probably be flying the D-2, or MJ's C-47
  18. Since last Christmas I am a very happy owner of the GoFlight MCP Pro. I fly the PMDG 737NGX, and am surprised every time I add an aircraft to the hangar, that I can use the MCP with it, even on simple freeware aircraft. I am loving this mcp so much, that I don't understand how I have been able to do without it for so long. My next purchases will be the GoFlight EFIS, and one or two GF-166 modules for N AV and COM radios
  19. I am getting the same error, and last time it happened was this evening as I clicked to undock a panel in the PMDG 737NGX. Closing the error box, and re-loading Linda seems to keep linda working fine after the error.
  20. So very sorry to hear about your health. I wish you and those close to you, strength.
  21. Those links are still not working. Would be nice to get access to them again.
  22. Santa wae very generous to me this past Christmas. Under the Christmas tree I found: Goflight MCP-Pro (don't understand how I could have been flying the airliners without it for so long!) OrbX Global, Vector and OpenLC Europe.(OMG, Keep me low and slow, please!!) FSX-SE (not installed, but wasted the $5 for a backup, and whatever the future brings for fsx) I am a very happy flight simmer
  23. I have been using UT2 with the PMDG 737NGX from the beginning, and have not had any issues. I don't fly anything anywhere without UT2
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