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Everything posted by rojantrojan

  1. Hi Simmo.I assume you mean my comparison screenshot? Obviously the Google Earth screen grab was in there for reference just to see how well both X-plane and FSX handle placements of roads etc. X-plane 10 does a superlative job of this (I'm guessing that's where the OSM data has proven it's worth) and to be honest I think FSX copes pretty well for an older platform with it's use of NAVTEQ data, but I think it's landclass looks a little dated compared to X-plane 10's. But as you mention a fairer comparison would have been with something like 'Flight' which is based on newer technology.Very exciting stuff though. Can't wait to see more screenies hopefully we'll get more this week.CheersRhydian
  2. I can see what your'e trying to say Tom. I remember people saying the same thing when they went from FS2004 to FSX. "With all my addons why would I switch to FSX, because it practically looks the same etc etc".FSX with the latest addons such as ORBX look stunning. I remember because I was one of them.I fly with all of the UK VFR scenery, REX and PMDG addons, FSX looks absolutely incredible, (not bad for a sim released in 2006) The base X-plane 10 will provide the same sort of sandbox that FSX provided and I suppose like all flight simulator platforms will mature over time, as long as it gets developed by LR and by 3rd parties. Will X-plane 10 look like this when it gets to 10.70? probably not, I'm sure it will look completely different, for the better I hope. But to be honest the fairest comparison would be with 'Flight'. That is Microsoft latest and greatest and it would provide a more equal comparison. Not that I would want to replace my current setup. All these flight sims can co-exist alongside each other. When I bought FSX did I erase FS2004? Nope. When I installed X-plane 9 did I erase FSX? Nope! I enjoy them all in equal measure. Heck I even fired up Fly II the other day and after all those years still enjoyed it. A simulator, A very mis-understood sim Fly II, it was way ahead of it's time. Good times!CheersRhydian
  3. Here is a quick comparison from one of the screenshots at the main X-plane website. What you see in the screenies is Pismo Beech with Pismo Lake to the right hand side and Oceano County Airport to the left. To be honest I did this for myself to see what the differences between the two platforms - FSX and X-plane 10 would be like side by side but I thought it would be interesting to share. I stuck google earth in there as a 'reality' shot to add some clarity on what is there in real life. Unfortunatlely Google's texture data looks rather patchy, which is a shame but I can't do much about that. The other guest missing at this party is 'Flight' so until that is released we would have a much better comparison of all the platforms limitations and strengths.IMHO X-plane 10 should be marketing itself at 'Flight' rather than FSX. I assume that 'Flight' will use newer technolgy and better up-to-date data than it's predescessor. It will be interesting to see what it will bring to the table to our very niche hobby. By the way sorry about the low qaulity of the jpeg I was conscscious of how big the final image was going to be. Also my computer is a corei7 with an ATI 4870 card (it certainly isn't cutting edge, blimey I remember when it was pretty good though...booo!!!) so please take that into account when looking at the screenshot!!!
  4. I think PMDG is a landmark company in flight simulation and what they do for our hobby is... well it's incredible, I think the vast majority would agree. Sitting in their 737NGX for the first time a few months ago reminded me just how much I love being an aviation enthusiast. We really have never had it so good when it comes to systems modelling.Personally, I feel It would be a deep shame if PMDG didn't at least take a second look at what X-plane has to offer and what LR is trying to achieve with this release but I can understand PMDG's reason for being cautious. As good as X-plane is (and I am speaking as an X-plane 9 user, my simpit runs entirely with X-plane 9, check my link and as a FSX enthusiast) it still has a minority market share. Hopefully it's market will improve over time and LR are trying their very best (you can't helped be bowled over by the recent screenshots) to try and rectify that, but it still remains behind Microsoft in terms of sales and as PMDG is a business, a passionate business, I'm very sure (heck their CEO is an operating Pilot, how much more passionate do you want to get), but it's still a business, it's primary concern is to make a living for it's employees. An aircraft on the scale of the 737NGX is an incredibly complex task and it's a massive investment in terms of time and money. PMDG go where the user base is and that currently is in FSX. Hopefully X-plane 10 will level the playing field and that may persuade other developers like PMDG and others to sit-up and take notice...But...wait, this is where it gets interesting.The 737 Classic project which is currently in the works by Morten, Jan and crew is yet another INCREDIBLE landmark development for the flight sim hobby as a whole. What these guys are trying to achieve seems every bit as good as what PMDG have done. If you haven't seen this, it's certainly worth taking a look here:http://forums.x-pilo...lassic-project/Check out the overhead screenshot on post 154http://forums.x-pilo...dpost__p__26220If you scroll UP to read post 147, Morten has a very good explanation of the sort of functionality they are trying to achieve. I also read somewhere that depending on how successful the classic is they may be looking into the NG version as the project could share some of the code. That would be very exciting. And the night shot on this post:http://forums.x-pilo...dpost__p__27232A system video is presented here: Complex airliners can be achieved with X-plane, it's an exciting time to be a flight sim enthusiast. But I agree with what Goran said (I think it was you Goran I apologise if it was someone else) X-plane has to earn the respect of users and hopefully it will make large strides to do that with this new version. But obviously only time will tell.Just my two pennies (which isn't worth a hell of a lot these days!!!)CheersRhydian
  5. What about a helicopter, you may notice it then? I suppose it all adds up.
  6. Ha Ha..I teach 19 year olds. I feel old at 33. That's never good.
  7. Blimey, I never even noticed that. You're right that is.... sick!(PS. I'm 33 I can't get used to this lingo!) LOL!
  8. I noticed in the third screenshot that even the fence is casting a shadow. In fact it looks like practically everthying is. The roof of the building, the cars, the trucks, the trees, the level crossings well...everything seems to be. How do they do that without effecting frames? Realtime shadows on such a huge scale, and to think it's all number crunching. And here is another question, if an aircraft rolled into the shadow, would it effect that too? Would the shadow drape over a fuselage?
  9. Whoaa! Night shot. Look at all that traffic!!! I so love those brake lights. I can't wait to see this in realtime.I wonder if we will have railways over those crossings, I mean they are in XP9.I need a beer and a lie down!!!
  10. That's INSANE Tom! What excites me the most about x-plane 10 is the sheer scope of what you and your colleagues are trying to achieve. I have never seen this sort of detail before in a flight sim.Rhydian
  11. Holy Cow!!!! Now THAT is impressive! Just showed some guys in the office, who are not really interested in flight simulator and....well the word 'gobsmacked' comes to mind.Rhydian
  12. You could take the plunge on the new 8-core AMD FX-8 8150 Bulldozer processor, I'm sure that might help. It's not nearly as fast as the nearest Intel equivalent but I'm sore the multiple cores would help with X-planes AI. Thanks for posting Simon's video analysis, when someone takes the time to do a proper breakdown like that you really get to see the attention to detail and incredible complexity that has gone into this version of X-plane. I foresee exciting times ahead.Rhydian
  13. That's a fantastic comparison. Well done Manuthie. For default autogen which is 'straight out of the box', that is remarkably accurate. Rhydian
  14. I know this is an old thread from X-pilot.com and this 777 is still in development but have you seen this? It looks very promising.http://forums.x-pilot.com/index.php/topic/549-777-200er/page__st__120And their website here:http://www.xpjets.com/gallery/777-3d-cockpit/If you get the chance check out the engine spool up videos on the first link. They look very smooth. With the 737 Classic, Goran's 747 and XPjets 777 I think things are really coming alive for X-plane and I agree with some people here there is nothing wrong with liking both platforms. It's great to see FSX and X-plane development flourishing it's what keeps our niche market going.CheersRhydian
  15. http://www.x-plane.c...and-x-plane-10/ "OSM contains significantly better road data in every part of the world." http://www.openstreetmap.org/ Exciting stuff.
  16. Absolutely. Bought FlyTampa Athens today.Completed a flight from Bristol, UK to Athens. Athens is an absolute master piece. What to do you expect.......It is FlyTampa after all!!! Cheers
  17. Funny, I was thinking just last night about doing a flight in the NGX from FlyTampa Vienna to FlyTampa Athens. I was wondering whether to buy both (I had Vienna for FS9, loved it and really miss it) .Looking at your screenshots I am going to have to take the plunge. Their great shots by the way. Cheers P.s Hope your keeping dry in London!!!
  18. I had an activation problem on the first day. I must have tried it about 20 times but to no avail. But then the next day it was fine and it activated. I presumed that it was the server being busy with other customers. I feel for the guys who haven't had it activated for 3 weeks. On the 20th go I was tearing my hair out and i don't have much of that left either!! Rhydian Yeoman
  19. Fantastic program. I can't flight sim without it!!! Highly recommended. Rhydian
  20. Thanks for this David, it's very handy. Just printed and laminated v2 for use in my flight simming tonight. Cheers Rhydian Yeoman
  21. That's good news Tom. Solid as a rock! Rhydian Yeoman
  22. Get those analogue gauges out the way!!!! Time to fly some glass Rhydian Yeoman
  23. HA HA HA HA HA HA Ingenious! Rhydian Yeoman
  24. Thanks for posting that. Lots of memories just came flooding back. I remember my jaw dropping on the floor when I saw the systems modelling that PMDG had created for Fly! IMHO the Fly! series was way ahead of it's time. So sad that it had to end. I found these youtube videos if anybody's interested. Can't find one of the PMDG 767 or 757 though. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BPQNiyHM9hchttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hL6GUUvoEig&feature=related Still, we have the PMDG 737NGX coming out soon, looks like a simulator within a simulator, LOL! Can't wait! Cheers Rhydian Yeoman
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