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Everything posted by rojantrojan

  1. That journalist knows as much about Microsoft: Flight as you and I. They read off the press release just like everyone else. Oh and by the way he also says:"For some early screenshots of the game head over to CNET.com"Right... so where are they mr journalist? Surely CNET can't mean the screen captures of the video from the teaser site... Yep, because they make it up. I woudn't worry too much Leen. If MS release a screenshot and it looks like Street Fighter 4 with a cockpit attached then I will join you in worrying!!!CheersRhydian
  2. Totally agree with you. Outerra is at the moment more of a terrain generator with a couple of bolt on's like JSBSim's flight dynamics module as Peter mentions. It's seems to be developing at a very fast rate though. I think the developers said it may be more suited to something like Nomissoft's Airline Simulator where the graphics would be an additional plug-in rather than a fully stand alone simulator by itself. The question is in which direction are they taking this software. The developers seem to be mentioning something like a vehicle/world simulator hence the other vehicles seen in the video. I suppose what Outerra needs is a multi-million dollar company to step in and develop it with a team of programmers to make it into a flight simulator. Still... pretty interesting project though, especially since the Outerra team is so small. I read they may be able to add Open street map data to get roads into the engine. They are already starting to look at rails and rivers. http://www.outerra.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=99http://outerra.blogspot.com/2010/05/integrating-vector-data-roads.htmlCheersRhydian
  3. Thought this superb video was very interesting. http://www.youtube.com/user/lhrabcak#p/c/D2CCF9762373EA16/8/gf8YQ9WSdiwOuterra is looking more like a Flight Simulator each day. It looks like it has a lot of potential.Rhydian
  4. Great app for the iPad. Just out of interest, since Windows 7 also has touch capabilities is there any way of making software for it with similar functionality? Possibly running on a second PC? The touch interface on these new platforms are giving software a whole new lease of life. I am writing this on Android!Rhydian
  5. I wish Cascade Game Foundry well in their endeavours. I'm still a little baffled as to what they are creating, but one thing is certain it certainly isn't flight simulator.
  6. rojantrojan

    Android apps

    Totally agree. Looking forward to this myself. No idea how big the application will be. HTC need to update my Desire to Android 2.2 as soon as possible so I can stick it onto my SD card. It will probably eat up my internal phone memory otherwise. CheersRhydian
  7. Thanks for the heads up, I never realised they were hiring staff like that. Certainly sounds interesting. I agree with your statement in that thread where it says:If Microsoft intended to continue development of FSX why did it close ACES and dismiss its staff?I suspect that whatever emerges it won't be FSX+ as some seem to hope.I do wonder what they will come up with. Seems a waste to get rid of such a talented bunch at ACES. CheersRhydian
  8. Unfortunately it isn't Aerosoft, Outerra made that clear today. That's a real shame, their graphics engine is really shaping up. I'm surprised that we haven't had someone like Oleg Maddox (creator of IL2) being interested in filling the gap. Surely his game engine could be adapted for a civilian simualtor.I always thought companies would be queueing up to make a new flight simulator with Microsoft out of the franchise. I undertand that we are a niche market but there is money to be made, surely. Rhydian
  9. rojantrojan

    Android apps

    X-plane is coming to Android. http://www.x-plane.com/pg_X-Plane_for_Android.htmlAbsolutely love my HTC Desire. Rhydian
  10. Saw this today on the outerra website. Looks fairly impressive. I think they have been approached by a number of combat flight sims. I think even Aerosoft have contacted them but the communication between them dropped off. Shame. It could be the basis of a new flight sim. Rhydian
  11. I read that info about Aerosoft too on their forums. Unfortunately it also mentions this:I've been contacted by Mathijs Kok from Aerosoft already some time ago, but then he went silent. I can only guess he got averted by the fact that we are just a small independent developer (in fact we did it just in our spare time then) and we don't have any product history yet. Can't blame him for that either, we only have our demo work speaking for us but there is much money in it for Aerosoft. Additionally, he expressed himself on Aerosoft's forums recently that "as good as it is at what the demo's show, it is not what we need". It's a shame, especially after seeing this video in youtube: What the Outerra team have produced looks very impressive, but a new flightsim needs more than just a graphical rendering system. But surely Aerosoft with all their clout could acquire the company. Wouldn't Aerosoft need a team of developers concentrating on different depertments? Rhydian
  12. Very, very, jealous!!!Nice one.Rhydian
  13. Blimey!!! Now that is impressive! My cessna 172 isn't that impressive either plus it cost me a whole heap of cash to make it, and the other week i stripped it to make a new one! But I still love simpit building!CheersRhydianOld cessna project: www.cessnasim.blogspot.comNew cessna project: www.cessnaglasscockpit.blogspot.com
  14. Thanks for the clarification Dan. Personally I think being able to intergrate PMDG's wonderful software into your own homebuilt hardware would be great. Did I read somewhere that some flight training companies use PMDG software in their classrooms??? CheersRhydian Yeomanwww.cessnaglasscockpit.blogspot.comBy the way if you are looking for a HUD what about using Samsung's new transparent OLED screen. Give it a couple of years and you could build it yourself - make sure you have deep pockets though!
  15. Sorry, this is going to be a stupid question... :( IF there is an SDK, does that mean we may be able to use our own home-built hardware with this software? You see... I told you it was a stupid question!!CheersRhydian Yeomanwww.cessnaglasscockpit.blogspot.com
  16. Hi,You could try and use boards from phidgets. http://www.phidgets.com/products.php?categ...product_id=1012I think this is the particular board they use for B737 and A320 setups. Leo Bodnar also make boards for analogue joyctick inputs and switches which are very cheap and easy to use but they don't have the input/output for lighting I don't think.http://www.leobodnar.com/Hope this helpsRhydian
  17. Impressive videos. The night lighting is very atmospheric. I never realised X-plane could produce aircraft like that.Cheers for posting.Rhydian
  18. Hi,Can you point me to a link for the info? I looked on SimForums but can't find any info.CheersRhydian[Edit] Ooops sorry... Just found the link, looks stunning! http://www.simforums.com/forums/forum_post...&PID=187353
  19. Yes got another one again today. They are wasting their time, I won't be buying anything from them. Rhydian
  20. Hi,This is the other link I had saved. I can't remember where I got this from I think someone posted a link to it on Horizon simulations forum (UK photographic scenery) http://www.4thperrus.com/foros/index.php?topic=11500.0It has scenery for a number of areas in Spain. From what I remember this is how to install the scenery into FSX and I had it working on the last build of my machine. I'll install it again tonight to make sure it works. 1. Download all parts that you want - say Malaga 2. Make a folder in your main FSX directory called Malaga, and then make a folder within that and call it Scenery.3. Put all the files downloaded into the Scenery folder.4. Start FSX5. Go to Scenery Library6. Add Scenery Area.7. Point to the Malaga folder and then point to the Scenery folder.9. It will relaod the Scenery.cfg and hey presto you have a photographic scenery of Malaga in FSX.10. Please don't shout at me if something bad happens to your FSX!!!I hope this helps.Rhydian
  21. On the subject of free scenery have you seen this? Spainsh scenery, also free and also a big download. It's impressive stuff and the price is right. http://www.4thperrus.com/foros/index.php?P...p;topic=11494.0@ MarkThat's some impressive PC specs you have there. I have the Asus P6T myself absolutely love it. Haven't quite kitted her out with 24gb of ram though!!! (only 3gb...bah!)Rhydian
  22. Good post. I agree. I also hope that Airsimmer can come out of this and somehow pull out of this PR disaster. From what I have seen so far and if the CTD's people are talking about can be ironed out soon then they have a great product on their hands. It must be a very complex piece of programming for something so difficult to model. I genuinely hope it works out for Airsimmer.Rhydian
  23. LOL! Totally agree with you. Extremely impressive video. I would love to know when it is available. I notice on the forum at SIRX that they are waiting for clearance from the Italian 'Ministry of Environment' That was written on the 3rd of October 2009, so i assume they are still waiting for confirmation. Hence why it is free. It feels like it's too good to be true, doesn't it?Rhydian
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