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Everything posted by mpw8679

  1. Is anyone having issues logging into simbrief with there navigraph account? I click on log in on navigraph and all it does is refresh the page.
  2. What's the difference between the TDS and PMS 750?
  3. Thanks for the info. I agree with you about the 737, I don't understand all the hate about not having a EFB and simbrief integration at this time. Never had any issues with navigating the FMC in P3d. I just checked and I do have a $100 credit with PMDG. So this is a no brainer. Just curious if I should wait for the -800
  4. Thanks for the info. I do have both a 2k and 4k monitor available. I have been eyeing the Milviz C310
  5. 38 inch widescreen is a nice size as well. Also a 40-43 inch 4K TV works well.
  6. Hey guys, I have been away from flight simming for some time now. Basically since MSFS was first released. Health, job, children, and life issues have kept me away unfortunately. Ready to dive back in. So a few questions. - My system is a 9700K over clocked to 5 ghz, 2080ti, and 32gb ram. Still good to go? Worth any upgrades? - Any mandatory add-on recommendations? - My favorite aircraft in P3d were PMDG 737, Leo Maddog, and any GA from A2A. Sorry not an Airbus fan. Recommendations for a tube liner and a GA aircraft? I do have all the Just Flight Pipers. But I was put off with there overly twitchy FM. - Any other suggestions? I mainly fly mid to western U.S. Thanks everybody!
  7. Hi Rob, I am a huge fan of your work.  I just wanted to let you know my appreciation you have devoted to the Bonanza project.  I am pushing everyone to donate.  I hope it makes it worthwhile for you to further develop for MSFS 2020.  If I can do anything to help let me know.

  8. You will notice unrealistic behavior on all there aircraft. Nature of the beast.
  9. Ya that was my problem. I logged in and didn’t close the window
  10. How long does the crawl online data process take for a first time install?
  11. Ok so probably a dumb question. What does the “to” represent?
  12. It will fly good. Milviz flight models are excellent. Better then A2A IMO
  13. Click on the support tab and u will see directions.
  14. I would buy direct from Milviz. U will immediately have any updates available.
  15. Ya the Redux is the newest version. The Comanche is along the same standard and the Baron is an older model. With that said the Baron is my favorite.
  16. Ron, possibly a little off topic but where does the twin commanche stand? One of my favorites back in the day. Is there an update planned? P3d compatible? I would love to see this plane brought up to current standards. Not that it is really lacking. I am happy to hear EDG is getting back in the game. U have been missed.
  17. Button version is here? How did I miss this? Thanks so much Bryan. I can finally fully enjoy the Q400.
  18. I meant the 670 or 770 minimum. I just upgraded from the 670 and it ran p3d good if u were easy on the AA and shadow settings.
  19. No I would stay with that cpu. Maybe upgrade your gpu down the road when budget allows. Or find an used gpu. Did u check out the classified section?
  20. Honestly with that gpu I don't think so. I would want a gtx670 gtx770 minimum.
  21. Thanks for the correction. I am most truly sorry.
  22. Just a heads up sp2 is available for the Aerosoft airbus extended. Includes TSS soundpack.
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