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  1. Took FOREVER to get my account to load, but the download is finally started.
  2. No need for a camera or TIR, I use EZdoc mainly for the smoother mouse look panning bound to a mouse key, view hotkeys and a little bit of dynamic movement.
  3. Thought about this one a bit more since i use SM3 but havent had to mess with it for a while. If you want to completely get rid of it, try the following. Restore your original ShadersHLSL subfolder in the root of FSX Restore your original WaterConstants.Xml in the root of FSX Remove ALLOW_SHADER_30=1 from FSX.CFG Delete all shader subfolders in Appdata \ Local \ Microsoft \ FSX Restart sim and report back.
  4. As far as I know, FSWC is NOT shader model 3 compatible. Not sure the exact files it modifies but my guess is that is the problem.
  5. Hasn't changed in a long time, PMDG NGX and the VRS bug.
  6. Dang why did I have to see this thread tonight, another hit on the CC...
  7. Be careful. if you pick up Flytampa Kai Tak you will end up buying all their other scenery, might get expensive.
  8. GTX 770 on 327.23 no problems, the previous non-beta release was a total mess for me but 327.23 has been rock solid.
  9. I had no problems so far but I will say I had not tested every configuration. So far testing your settings and everything seems great so thanks again!
  10. Thanks. Will test when I get home. The normal aes repair worked but I would prefer minimal changes to the aircraft config.
  11. UTX is the same way if you enable the smallest residential and rural roads. I hope they offer a similar tool to control the road density. If not at least I can keep using UTX for their covered areas and let the FTX vectors fix up the rest of the world.
  12. Its official. Global vector data & a partnership with PILOTS http://www.orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/64669-orbx-announces-ftx-global-vector-and-iceland-free-demo/
  13. It does with about 10 seconds worth of cfg edits. On my phone or I would link the thread. Head over to the unofficial orbx forum on avsim to find the fix.
  14. the ftx global vector lights are not working in your pictures. Only the lights annotated around houses in the landclass textures.
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