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Everything posted by vidha

  1. At SEQM (on of my favourite spotting places) there have not been ground traffic for a while. After v. 10, there is ground traffic, but it is off both laterally and vertically. Seems like bad ADSB streams with not exact coordinates have been added. They also come in too high.
  2. Simply that a new version point update 10.0.246 loaded into cache. Don't know what has been changed.
  3. Agree, well deserved and important also from time to time.
  4. Yes, but the datastream was very unreliable at ENGM at least when I tested it.
  5. I agreee something has detoriated, and I hope it will improve. PSXT is and has been a fantastic option, but it is only as good as the data allows 🙂
  6. Seem the RT stream is unreliable, that might explain the issues. The traffic at ENGM comes and goes as we speak. PSXT I guess require some sort of steady data stream.
  7. Then something else must be happening here 🤔
  8. Same issue here, at ENGM now. There are lot's of aircraft on ground in RT, but they do not show in the sim. I guess Nico will find out why soon enough 🙂 Edit: It seems that when I click data-label on many of these aircraft they have Category: unknown. Maybe that's why they don't show. I hope that it's possible to spawn them anyways, after all they have regcode, so PSXT should be able to match them to correct livery based on regcodefiles at least.
  9. Thanks for considering a change in how this works. I normally did not activate Learn mode, since ATM I'm not interested in static aircraft at all, but use only live aircraft all the time, also parked ones. Yes, the airport might be empty when I start the sim, but populates more than quick enough for me. I've been using both P3D and MSFS up until now, but I simply do not have the time anymore to maintain both sims. I have noticed some things in MSFS as you mention, the lights. A few other things in MSFS I've noticed, guess they must be fixed by the developer: Using the ObjectID "view object", some aircraft which is not arriving as they should is actually freezed in air (perhaps PSXT can detect this and delete them, and let them respawn?) Sound of engine is sometimes stuck in 100%
  10. Hi I noticed lately that several heavy aircraft as 777-300 disappear after being parked at a gate for about 30 seconds. I checked the enclosed airport-file, and the radius is too small for the aircraft-type. In earlier versions, this was fixed by PSXT expand the radius automatically, so the live parked aircraft do not disappear. Is this no longer active in the code as airport files are shipped pre-filled? If it is not, I hope PSXT can be coded so live aircraft remain parked at the gate when they park there (as before with the fixing of radius), even if there is no longer the need to log this in the airport file on the user-PC. Could perhaps PSXT override this for live aircraft parking? (MSFS contains a lot of correct GPS-coordinates for the gates, but they oftentimes have the wrong radius). Oh, BTW I only use the MSFS version now
  11. Are you talking about AIG? If so please ask these questions to the author vhaaland That is because Frontier has got a lot of new aircraft since 2021. So the AIG package is not quite up to date.
  12. It's been done already, and emailed to Nico. Guess it will be included in a upcoming update
  13. I have yellow in the UI for the Fenix too, and it shows this in the log: This is in the aircraft.cfg:
  14. It's not like everyone uses PSXT for flying only. When I spot at an airport for hours, I like to press flush when having a few live parked aircraft, so when new aircraft arrive I know there is no "fake" static parked at that arrival gate. After about half an hour, all parked aircraft are actually there in real life which is very immersive. I do fly also, and then the static based airport-files is valuable so you don't arrive at an empty airport, but gates pre-fillled with plausible aircraft at the different gates.
  15. I think the only way is to install the models and liveries using OCI the first time around. It is time-consuming, but the batch job and mark it to not download manual paints speed up the process. When that has been done, it is no problem til move the whole OCI folder with all it's content around. But when updating the OCI-folder, you should keep it untouched, as OCI might not work if you have changed to much. I would actually suggest to ask your questions over at the AIG forums. They are the best to help with who OCI works.
  16. AIG is still superior when it comes to livery and model variant selection as PSXT knows the correct livery for over 24000 reg numbers. So if you value that the aircraft in the sim has the correct model and livery, AIG should have priority. I did try to make some regcode-files for FSLTL, but gave up. One of the reasons is that FSLTL has no naming convention, when AIG has a structural naming convention. But most importantly, FSLTL has an inferior selection of engine variants and models with WL/SL vs no WL/SL. To make a regcode-file, I would miss a lot of models or liveries, and then you would have to fill in with AIG which is more complete. I do see a regression in some of the recent AIG releases, perhaps because there are fewer active painters.
  17. Agree, still waiting for an updated SAS. It leaves a lot to be desired in it's current state
  18. You are correct it seems to be missing now. But I did the file back in january, must have been lost along the way. I will update the archive, and send it to Nico. Will probably be included in a future update. in the meantime, here is the file which you can add manually:
  19. In the MSFS version, Flytampa originally had static aircraft. They have been removed in a recent update, but the AFCAD seems to still miss those gates. Then when using the MSFS version of Flytampa airport file, you will not get any parked aircraft from PSXT on those gates. Using the P3D version, you will.
  20. A little tip. I own both versions of FlyTampa, both P3D and MSFS. The MSFS version lacks a lot of gates compared to the P3D version, but the positions is the same. I use the P3D version from the P3D install overwriting the stock MSFS as Nico says, and then even the missing gates get populated 🙂
  21. Fantastic, Nico. This will be a very valuable addition 🙂
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