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About DaveS

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  1. Same. I would guess it's an MSFS issue or I think AIG would have resolved it long ago.
  2. Lol I know I have some I bought months ago and have yet to fly to. I have serious problem with not wanting to fly into default airports
  3. I wish in these instances the update wasn't forced so we could stay on an earlier version
  4. Taken from Microsoft own weather video from 2020: 32 layers with density, shape, fuzziness Full volumetric visible from any angle Updraft, dissolution, formation Native support of all cloud types Why were we presented video advertising this when it is far from what is actually represented; especially the native support of all cloud types. If that was the case, why do we only ever see cumulous types or some variation of cumulous?
  5. Yes I do have his version and definitely appreciate it..but yes getting top payware quality is hard to beat
  6. Am I dreaming? My home airport finally being made? So Awesome...thanks inibuilds!!
  7. i see this too I also occasionally get live traffic hovering 30 ft above their parking spots...see it mostly at flightbeam KDEN and LVFR KFLL. No issues with the Qnh either
  8. couldn't agree more..For me accurate sounds plays such a huge amount in the immersion and the main reason this plane sits in the hangar. Sounds have been a huge disappointment for me so far
  9. I don't use the default KMDW but I know they recently resurfaced runway 31R/13L and it is now taxiway H. Not sure if that is included in this update
  10. On their official forum people have been asking for an update. I simply responded "...a few days..." and it gets "flagged" and hidden. Their forums are pathetic
  11. another thing I noticed it the animation of the gear retracting in external view was extremally slow. I was passing 3,000ft before the doors fully closed. Granted I don't normally fly in external view but with a new plane I like the check everything out
  12. Thanks. I did move the ambience and environment full tilt right and also cranked my speakers a bit louder so that helped.
  13. ahh you are correct just need to zoom way in. From the default external view they can't be seen. Anyway it was addressed by someone on their forum who stated any issues will be fixed
  14. Is it supposed to be that quiet? Meaning hardly any wind sound. Maybe it's modeled like wearing a noise canceling headset? Also the strobes and beacon lights are missing. You can see them reflecting off the ground but the actual lights are missing
  15. I had this happen a while back. I fixed it by deleting the model behaviors folder and then running the update. I should create a new model behaviors folder
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