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Everything posted by IanHarrison

  1. Glad you got it sorted. I think your action was, maybe, a bit of overkill. However, I have had my fair share of "Lo and behold" moments and as long as everything works in the end, that's par for the course.
  2. Or, alternatively, wherever you have decided to store your flight plans. Mine are on D:\Flight plans.
  3. Most important to run everything as Administrator.
  4. Do you have MSSTMSFT somewhere from a previous installation? If not, then you may PM me and I will send you a copy. You might run into some malware if you just download willy-nilly. Registering is quite simple, I will explain. Ian
  5. If he got it to work in V4, then it must work in V5. He's not doing something that is needed. We shall see, eventually.
  6. That would be my guess. Be interesting to see the screen shot. Don't understand why it won't run in V5 when it can in V4.
  7. Obviously, things are different in different countries! I had a full anaesthetic knock out for about 10 minutes while they injected a local (presumably into my eye socket, ugghh). Then went and had the surgery as soon as I came round. Can't remember the follow up regime, though. Too long ago.
  8. In case you don't have U.S. TV shows where you are, Chevy Suburbans are used by the FBI. And usually are seen in convoys of three or four.
  9. Rather not. You really don't want a convoy of black Chevy Suburbans coming down your road.
  10. I cannot see any of the figures on the right. If I enlarge them, it goes to the Imgur store page..
  11. Ha,bloody ha! My i7 6700k is still doing fine. No way I could even think of looking at a new machine on my pension.😒
  12. You didn't quote your bank account. (Note to evil alter ego, I need that to start my hacking process).
  13. No, I won't, as Pavlin is not a first language English speaker, I am feeling a tiny bit sorry for him. English has many nuances that cannot be taught.
  14. That is very interesting. I did a comparison and mine are exactly the same name and version number but completely different sizes and dates.
  15. So, what you are really saying, is that I should be able to get my Concorde licence when I am about 90 or so? Gives me something to look forward to.😄
  16. I might even join you! Will certainly help to keep my mind sharp, judging by your previous comments on the skills required.
  17. NOT TRUE. I cancelled my Ultimate sub.2 weeks ago, got a complete refund and then was able to sub. for just data.
  18. Thank you. I fly the PMDG 744 exclusively and have never had such a problem as described by the OP. That is why I made my comment. When I land, (after several years of practice), I now disconnect A/T and A/P for all landings, except in really low visibility.
  19. That would be interesting to know. From all the videos I have seen, it appears that the pilots use a non-A/T approach to landing. (I say appears, deliberately, as I can't see if A/T is on or off).
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