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Everything posted by Beardyman

  1. They said that „outcome was impressive” and you cannot see that :-))
  2. And i was scratching my head for a month if i should spend 300 Euro for Virpil throttle ... 🤪
  3. WF Scenery Studio is best for Chinese airports, sadly no ZUCK
  4. Is it only 24 hours?, in P3D AS had no such limitation
  5. I have seen that after release AS had not so many positive comments, is it improved by now ?
  6. But it does not make much sense if local time is night and i move it back to day light, temperatures are so different and probably other parameters too. MSFS is a new sim but in some areas is weaker than those much older ones ...
  7. I am quite new to MSFS so my question. In live weather mode, if i move local time back by few hours, will i have weather that match time i have set, or only time will change but weather will be same as per actual local time?
  8. If no forum or decent info easily available for me, then purchase of this plane is delayed for unknown future 😕
  9. Long time ago TFDI had own forum, now i cannot find it on their page, only some Discord c..p. How to follow MD11 development, service packs log etc? Is it so that you have to be active user of 'social stuff' to be able to follow development process?
  10. David Calhoun salary is 30.000.000 USD a year. They pay such money to guy who is driving Boeing into abyss...
  11. Carenado among top 5 side by side with A2A and BS 🤪 - am i missing something ?
  12. I watch one YT content creator who continuously flies her after each update - he is disappointed each flight. I wish to buy MD11 but not with bugs for given money.
  13. Yep, quite pricey - do they provide better simulation than PMDG?
  14. I always have mixed feelings when plane ad says 'tested by real pilot' Are we talking about real pilot certified for this particular plane or someone who flies C172 ? We are talking about huuuuge difference.
  15. Maybe it is because XBox compatibility ? - also not a fan of ASOBO arrows
  16. Do you think that Black Square have added over 141.000 signs manually ? I do not believe - he had to find smarter and better way than ASOBO.
  17. Those things are not on 'my' list but are reported multiple times by many. If ASOBO have implemented AI for airport creation process and as a result we have multiple issues with wrong, missing, or displaced markings, then algorithm is wrong and have to be updated - 4 years not enough for this task ?
  18. ASOBO spends time and money for landmarks and cities updates, yet simple but annoying issues cannot be fixed.
  19. Another sim where developer sloppiness have to be fixed with 3rd party devs and our money. Those lamps in the middle of taxi way, airport cars driving taxi ways and even runways, trees at the end of runway - immersion breakers not addressed for years.
  20. Cannot say it is beautiful plane, nevertheless day one purchase 😄
  21. Fantastic plane became even better 👍
  22. People like to step outside even during critical flight phases, for me it is immersion killer but YT creators will love it
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