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Everything posted by motishow

  1. Have installed the program and now the life traffic is awsome, but the only bad thing is that the ai aircrafts don't run inside the runaways, have tested on madrid airport. Anyone knows how to solve that for a good inmersion? thanks
  2. P2ATC says me that there is traffic at three o clock but there isn't. How can i configure it to match P2ATC information with real AI traffic simulator (FS2020)? thanks
  3. Anyone has problems with real IA traffic since last update?. I have the departure at EDDF (Frankfurt airpot) and there isn't live activity (no arrivals no departures).........i think thats incredible
  4. Anyone have problems to active the reverse trhotle after the last update? thanks
  5. Using P2ATC there isn't an option to request jetway conection , but how can we get fhis operative? All time whhen i arrived to assigned gate by P2ATC and i request jetway connection using the ingame ATC it says me that it's not possible :(. Anyone has a method to make the jetway functionally at the gate assigned by P2ATC? thanks
  6. that file doesn't exist on REX, you can't use that option , use NOA weather
  7. finally i get to work chatter with pilot2atc on fs2020 , but the chatter sound is too low, how can o increase it? i can't see the option at de p2a config thanks,
  8. Using pilot2atc and when i have arrvied to the gate at destination ariport, how ca we request jetway conection? i can't see the option on "say it" menu, and can't request jetway thanks
  9. can't make to work on FS2020, is the same procedure? thanks
  10. I have installed the last version of mod and ia ma using high graphics but the wipers aren't in my plane (i have tested with no rain , i don't know it they are active only with rain)
  11. I don't know if this was posted, if that sorry. Is there any way to change the frequencies used by ingame ATC for the real life ones? I mean ,in game Barcelona center frequencie is 119.45 but in real life/IVAO is 135.350 , any way to change that ? thanks
  12. tested with fs2020 and is awsome!!! the only thing is that i can't update the frequencies to match with fs2020 frequencies. Hope Mark can implement a easy way to update de frequencies
  13. I am using the app little navmap to make the fllight plans with SID and STAR but whrn ia export to MSFS the flight plan is loaded without the SIDS and STARS , anyone has the same problem and knows how to solve it? thanks
  14. I have done a short flight Malaga to Gibralatar using A320 aircraft, the cruise altitude was 10000 Ft , but the ATC told me to descent to 9000 feet on the approach and nothing more , the don't give me more descent instructions to land . Anyone has this problem with this airport? thanks
  15. the batteries doesn't start after pressing the two strat bottons
  16. i have some files thet where working when i had them into comunitty folder but now the don't work "error reading manifest.json file", what's the reason if they worked ok inside the comunitty folder?, how can i solve it? thanks
  17. can't turn on the battery master , the buttons don't do nothing
  18. In my case i have to restart because the first steep (starting batteries) don't work.......very fustrating
  19. After the last uddate i get crash when i finish the checklist and start the taxi, but if i start the fly firectly from runaway the game doen's crash, anyone has the same problem? thanks
  20. Thanks, problem solved, i have disabled "UTX exclusions for default scenary" and all i OK thanks
  21. after istalling DX10 fixer i don't have water in the coast , is like other scenare i am using photorreal scenary of Spain
  22. after istalling DX10 fixer i don't have water in the coast , is like other scenare i am using photorreal scenary of Spain
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