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Everything posted by PMDG777

  1. If by flight plans you mean saved flights, then no they cannot be copied across. If it's FMC CO-Route flight plans, then yes there should be no issues.
  2. You're dreaming if you think that's a light workload, above getting the NGX out.
  3. So you've now doubled the number of models, so your installer size has just jumped significantly, plus you have to recode the operations centre to recognise this change? Not to mention testing. Kyle would like that on his desk Monday.
  4. Obviously you need to fix everything wrong with the NGX, PLUS develop all new MAX -8,-9 and -10 models with all new cockpits, flight models etc. and STILL release it about 3 weeks ago.
  5. Thanks Stephen, your post is in the right place. Okay since that didn't help, can you confirm you're running the operations centre as admin?
  6. I've already said on this thread that having a legacy lighting system isn't as simple as you think it is and that PMDG did not think that the resources required to code that switch would be worth it, hence why they didn't do it. It's not just the case of a few texture files or whatever, the dynamic lighting is hard coded into the model.
  7. I'm running at 1440p on a GTX775M 2GB with dynamic lights and I'm locked at 30 on the ground or in the air with the 747
  8. Anonymous (Full names are required in the PMDG forums), I'd start by first disabling any anti virus scanners you have installed, and making sure any firewalls (including windows firewall) is set to allow the operations centre to access the internet
  9. You've posted the same thread twice. Yes they are undockable
  10. Would take up too much resources and cause performance issues. People get stutters when FSUIPC autosaves, this would do the same.
  11. Already been said it's updating for 64bit P3D only, any enhancements and fixes will come after.
  12. Alexander is correct, the limitation lies with the built in replay function in FSX and P3D being unable to display the animations of PMDG products. You could have less realistic control surfaces, but the 2% of people who use the built in replay will get animations, or you can have realistic animations (which the other 98% want).
  13. I can see that. Again, first and last names are required on every post. If you don't want to type it out every time, put it in a signature like mine.
  14. Really...? Literally the first page of the general forum. Also full names required, first and last.
  15. Anonymous (full names are required in the forums), This is a limitation of P3D and FSX and always has been.
  16. Scott (just so you're aware, PMDG require full names, first and last, in the forums), I think what Kyle means is that they have changed the method by which the chocks work (before it used to force on the parking brake regardless of the parking brake handle position), it now seems to work without forcing on the parking brake. FSDT need to update GSX to recognise when the chocks are on, it looks like GSX works based only on the parking brake status.
  17. Scott (just so you're aware PMDG require full names, first and last, on the forums), I don't think anyone is going to know except PMDG, have a look in the announcement latest update threads, any official news will come from there. PMDG need to make sure the installers and versions they give to Aerosoft are stable (because it's not as quick and easy to push an update through Aerosoft if something's not right), so any delay would be caused by that. Once PMDG do hand over the installers, I can imagine Aerosoft themselves will need a few days to get everything up and running and ready for distribution from there end. My guess is that it'll come next week.
  18. I think it was because P3D needs a model to cast shadows, and in the VC there is only a model of the VC (which is what you're seeing), there is no body, wings, engines etc. This was done to save poly's and save VAS/performance. As you pointed out, a low poly model was added to the 747 so the shadows would display correctly.
  19. PMDG make the SDK for hardware developers to utilise, if the hardware developer can't use the SDK correctly, then that's their problem not PMDGs.
  20. If you're having problems with a 1080Ti, then the graphics card is not the problem, but rather your unrealistic expectations of what settings you can push or you've crammed too many addons into your install or both. I run P3Dv4 on a 3 year old iMac with a GTX 775M graphics card and 2GB VRAM, I'm not having problems, why? Because I'm sacrificing things like AA and how far I can see a building in the distance so that it performs better. I care about the systems, if I want to look at the ground and out to the distance then I'll fly a C172. Sure it could be in another engine, but the flight model and the ridiculous amount of calculations wouldn't exist. You're forgetting that this is a simulator, not a game. Games are designed to look good, simulators are designed to provide accurate and realistic physics and models. If this was in the GTA V engine or similar, it would look great, but instead you'd be here complaining about how the flight model isn't realistic enough. You can have backend flight model and systems realism, or it can look pretty, but as it stands you can't have both, you need to sacrifice one for the other.
  21. It was a holiday weekend in America, chill. You're not the only support ticket you know.
  22. Well I distinctly remember in the last dynamic lights thread PMDG saying that it either wasn't possible or wasn't worth the time and code required. I can't find it anymore which is a pity.
  23. So if you turn DL off, the F22 lights don't light up the ground?
  24. The default F-22 doesn't have dynamic lights so is unaffected by that option being on or off.
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