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Everything posted by PMDG777

  1. What that doesn't account for is the users that have both FSX and X-plane
  2. Can you access the PMDG website?
  3. Try disabling any antivirus or firewalls you may have
  4. Boy are we being spoiled by PMDG recently!!
  5. You guys do realise it's like 2:30am PMDG time?
  6. Are your graphics drivers up to date? Running FSUIPC (If so check it's the latest version)? Any FSDT scenery/GSX (make sure they're all up to date)?
  7. Doubt we're going to see Max updates for the NGX any time soon, the aircraft is too new and not enough data exists. Not sure why the systems need to be reworked on the 777, they're spot on as it is? By all engine variants I assume you mean the 777-200/ER with RR, PW & GE engines, in which case I agree I'm desperate for it! Full cabins in the 747 and 777 are going to kill performance and in this level of sim are not needed, most users aren't going to be looking at the cabin. For comparisons sake, have a look at the performance of the "other" 777 for FSX and see how it runs like a slideshow.
  8. Strange that it's crashing with no error reported. What other addons do you have installed?
  9. Hi Ali, Any chance of a screen shot showing your issue, without that there's not much to go by.
  10. Hi Peter, When you upgraded, did you download the latest installer from your PMDG account? Does the operations centre say you're up to date?
  11. It's done like that so that when RAAS does get updated, it's the case of pushing the new .dll which is a lot easier than having to reregister modules (requiring an uninstall/reinstall).
  12. Check if you have FXAA turned on, and try turning it off.
  13. Interesting, in Australia turns below 500ft AGL are illegal
  14. Anonymous (full names are required in the forums), In short, the hours are saved to the specific airframe's config so carry forward regardless if you've saved the flight or not. Please read the intro manual
  15. Of course PMDG could do things better, everyone could do things better, but it's extremely rude when people come into the forums and start pointing fingers at PMDG saying it's all their fault and they better fix it ASAP or else, when in reality the problem is caused by their own setup or something else out with PMDG's control (and then when it's pointed out that they should review their setup, they go on the defensive). For some reason, common sense has flown out the window here recently. I think the advent of 64 bit sims has resulted in people thinking that they don't have to worry about settings and a 1080Ti should be able to run every setting maxed out at 4K, when in reality all that's changed is the address space is now 64bit. Sure there's been optimisations in v4, but not groundbreaking optimisations that some people seem to believe.
  16. I'm glad you completely fail to see the irony behind this statement. Only for people pushing ridiculous settings and resolutions. Try lowering your resolution.
  17. PMDG have acknowledged all along that the geometry was deliberately made that way because of the HUGS. There's no secret to this.
  18. Likewise, you give it out you get it back. Numerous does not mean every user. In fact, the number of people on these forums reporting the issue is relatively small compared with the total number of people actively using the forums. Further, as I already pointed out but you completely ignored, I don't have any performance issues and many others have also said they have no issues. Again, it's your specific setup that's the issue. So no, it's not FACT. Are you trying to tell me that a GTX775M 2GB card in a 3 year old iMac running at 1440p is so much better than a 1080Ti that I don't get frame drops? So you'll be crying here when you're getting crashes in no time then. But that will be PMDG's fault too right? How do you know for certain that the only model changes were the lights, you don't. But of course, as you've displayed throughout this entire thread, you know so much more than PMDG. I'm surprised you don't have your own company! When's your 777 and 747 coming out for P3D? Oh wait. You can't walk into a developers forum and start accusing them blindly that it's their fault and their doing something wrong, without having any evidence (or a clue at all) about what's actually the problem.
  19. If you're suggesting that people manually copy old model files for an old sim version to a new sim, you're nuts. That's asking for these forums to be lit up with people complaining about crashes. The updates are for a reason, don't try and circumvent them.
  20. Personally I want the 777-200/ER with the 3 engine options. One of the most popular aircraft in the skies today
  21. Go to start > type event > open event viewer > left hand side expand windows logs > click application > find the crash error in there (has a red exclamation mark) and copy the information in the general tab here.
  22. Who told you that? The 747 and 777 can be used in both so why couldn't the 737?
  23. Welcome to the forums, full names required and profanity not required.
  24. I gave you the reasons why it's not been implemented, but you have your horse blinkers on and refuse to accept that a) the performance drop is caused by YOUR setup; and b) the work required to code the legacy light effects in would be too time consuming and not worthwhile. PMDG have already said it's not happening, so drop it and wait for LM to fix it and PMDG to optimise their lights.
  25. But I thought the A380 was coming out next week?
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