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Everything posted by ShawnG

  1. You can use the Gps out function of the registered version of Fsuipc to drive garmin pilot, probably FF too, but if there's already an app for FF I'd just use that. My other question was whether FSX's autopilot can take instruction from the app. My guess is no. I guess i'll find out.
  2. noted. I'm currently using IGMapHD and FSKneeboard. Pricing seems identical to Garmin pilot at 75 per year. maybe I'll try em both and get two months to evaluate. I take it that these Ipad GPS's don't work in reverse, ie using them to drive the FS autopilot? or do they?
  3. Fair enough. I think we're saying the same thing actually. I've already used Flight1's return policy this week (fantastic BTW, it's partially because they were so cool about the return that I was interested in buying something else from their store) I've got some other addons anyway that I haven't given enough time to. but yeah, gonna pass on this, maybe I'll try the Garmin pilot Ipad app.
  4. It says you can get up to two additional licenses, and goes on to specify that you get an extra license of whatever gauge you already have. (because obviously you need a second license to run another copy of the same GPS on your computer... :rolleyes: ) That's my read, anyway. that's actually one of the things I read this morning that set me off... If you automatically got the other gauge when buying the pack... it would still be WAY too expensive, but it would be better, and it would make a little more sense to me. that would be a "better" deal. I really wouldn't want or need crossfill, really as well as the other stuff in the advanced pack. maybe the guy made a mint selling this software to professional sim setups, and doesn't want to cheese that crowd off by offering the same to us unwashed fsx guys for a lot less money. (boy did they get jobbed then) I can see that being a thing. I'd just like to pay a reasonable amount for the 530 and 430 together. 100 doesn't sit well with me for that. maybe the price will come down when mindcraft release theirs... competition is good.
  5. 50 isn't extortionate, I was ready to spend 50. I would be ready to spend a bit more than 50 to get the collection, and full operability (say 75-90) What I think is out of bounds, is expecting fans to pay the same price for a second gauge which contains the exact same code as the first gauge with a different gui. it's also a complete imbalance to ask fans to pay the same price again of BOTH gauges to have crossfill and a few other features. perhaps extortionate isn't the right word, but nothing else to my mind carries the appropriate level of my revulsion to happening on all this information, which had me incredulous enough, and then finding out that the developer isn't even around? what actually weirds me out the most is that I have seen flame wars on here of epic proportions for much more minor infractions of customer gouging, but I don't remember any about RXP. It MUST be an awesome GPS, I guess. Look, if you guys like it, more power to you. I won't try to sour the soup any more, I really wasn't trying to be a troll with this post, I may end up buying it at some point,but maybe I'll see what else comes around. Thanks again
  6. so you don't have any default traffic? I guess the things to try are making sure your default traffic bgl is still there, and making sure that you haven't mixed any freeware fs9 and fsx traffic (you can use either fs9 or fsx but not both) Default traffic density is a LOT less than MT5.4 too
  7. I fly all over the place. (And I'm American too, go figure, but still I like to sit my obese, celebrity obsessed butt down in front of a big bag of Fast Food, and a picture of George Bush and fly all over the world!) Q400, you seem like a pretty cool guy in general, but you have made about 1,453,576 generalizations about Americans lately, like most Europeans do (see what I did there?) I'm currently doing my world tour, where I'm trying to go everywhere, but even before that I love flying anywhere "bushy" so Alaska, PNG, Africa, the Outback etc... A lot of simmers like to fly where they know, nothing wrong with that. One compelling reason to fly the US is the availability of free Charts, and Nav info, but even then, I don't fly here very often except Alaska, but Alaska is just as far away from where I live as Europe is... I think one of the best features of fsx is flying the whole world.
  8. I've got a few carenado planes, most use the 430. got a few other aircraft that use the 530. my pref, especially If I need to use it as a popup, would be the 530. As I said earlier, I'm a fairly advanced user, In 8 years of flightsim, I've probably only needed official support a handful of times, not really the issue. The issue with being AWOL, and the other stuff I'm concerned about, is that there are developers I want to have my money, and developers that I don't. I don't know anything at all about the RealityXP guy (or guys/gals) I don't even know his/their name to be honest, but it seems the following is true: 1 developed a really good gauge which is the standard for the industry 2 does not provide support (anymore) 3 has in my opinion extortionate pricing 4 uses p3d as an excuse to charge "professional" fees for the same product. (not a P3D user yet, but I may be one day) I still want the gauges, but I won't be pulling the trigger on this one, I don't think. It doesn't really look like mindstar will have the same feature set, and even if it does, it may not have the same support from other third party developers that RXP does, so this is on hold until I can think about it much more. Thanks for all the replies everyone!
  9. interesting, thanks for HU on mindstar. it's settled then. I'll wait, buy the dash8 (that was plan B ) Didn't know about RXP's developer being AWOL, that's sort of put the big old hold on the whole thing in my mind. It's a shame, RXP looks really really good, and I'm sure it is. If the Mindstar thing doesn't work out maybe I'll be back to it, but too many warning bells were going off. thanks, guys
  10. It's already there. RealityXP has lots of features not found in the default, such as Navaid info, SID's and STAR's, Integrated flight planning, Integrated radio stuff and an autopilot that can fly curved approaches. I am not a novice user, I can and have added the default GPS to many planes, I'm just looking for something better, not apparently for two hundered dollars though...
  11. basically your traffic slider will determine both the amount of traffic in the air, and also the amount of traffic on the ground. I have mine set at about 26% and with MT5.4 that pretty well fills most airports up!
  12. Ok, I have some cash burning a hole in my pocket, and rather than spending it on my family's future well being, I think I'm going to throw it down on some Flightsim software. Nothing new there. I have been looking long and hard at RealityXP, and my only real information prior to today was listening to people on flightsim sites raving about it, and demanding integration for it from aircraft developers. I would like a nice realistic GPS, and it apparently integrates nicely with the new A2A 172 which I have. All sorts of other aircraft in my hanger claim various levels of compatibility too, and to be honest I don't even mind using it as a popup on some aircraft. Lets further assume for the sake of argument, that these are some of the finest GPS units to ever fly in flightsim (which it seems to be by the commentary) All was well, until I got out my credit card and went to the site. My main issue, is I have lots of aircraft where the 530 would be the best fit, and I have lots of aircraft where the 430 would be the best fit, and I have a few aircraft where they could work well in combo. the price for the 530 is 50 bucks. the price for the 430 is 50 bucks. Oh, and for another hundred simoleans they can sell me a package (worth the price of both units together) where the units will <gasp> work together! so that's potentially TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS to achieve what I'm potentially looking for. Am I really the only one who has a problem with this? Or am I missing something really basic? What makes it even harder to swallow for me, is that the two GPS units appear to have the exact same underlying software package, and differ only in the GUI. Don't get me wrong, I am willing to pay some money for a GUI, I understand how much work goes into a GUI, but if the underlying software is the same, I don't really want to pay for the same system twice. So, is it worth it? is there some sort of package deal available that I'm not seeing? Do you think I'm the idiot? If I only get one, which should I get? It seems to be a pain to configure for some aircraft as well, is it? willing to hear arguments either direction.
  13. What Orbx did had nothing to do with mesh. What they were talking about is unlocking something in fsx that enabled their textures to "mesh" together in a more realistic manner, nothing to do with elevation. ftx Global contains zero elevation mesh. So feel free to install fs Global mesh.
  14. I just flew a quick circuit... but It's very good, I will have to unlearn a lot of bad habits.
  15. http://www.airforce.mil.nz/gallery/download/airtrainerdownload.htm yes, the New Zealand Air force has an official fsx addon freeware for you... it's a version of the one you can get for ten bucks. the panel/vc isn't great, but it flies decent and looks alright. there are some repaints for it floating around as well. I don't have it installed any more, flew it a few times, it's OK.
  16. I'd love one as well, considering the 717 is the only aircraft I've ever flown on. (had a 40 year, no holds barred, heels dug in fear of flying until April of this year) As AirTran was a big 717 customer, and is now merging with Southwest, they're going to be few and far between. a shame, it seems a good modern plane with an exemplary safety record. Oh, yeah, er Perfect Flight has one available for FSX...
  17. nah, I'm gonna buy this plane, I fully expect to enjoy the hell out of it, but to say that nobody else should release anything unless it's accusim quality is just silly elitism. you're under no compulsion to purchase any of them, but I expect there will still be a variety of medium detail aircraft in the 20-30 dollar range, and I, among many, many simmers will be in line to buy them. A2A is doing pretty well, I imagine, so is Carenado.
  18. as opposed to just unticking the box marked "hybrid" ? you can still have FTXG installed without impacting the other regions at all if the Hybrid box isn't checked. the hybrid option is just there for the folks who either want to fly between Orbx areas and default, or don't want to be bothered with having to constantly switch ftx central all the time (me) it's not a requirement.
  19. Lol. I guess, under that reasoning, "I" can fix the problem myself. Orbx can't fix it. They aren't shader geniuses, they make really good scenery and they are pretty adept at overcoming the scenery and autogen limits of fsx. I guess you are saying if they drop all their scenery work and focus on learning something they know nothing about for the next several years, then maybe they can fix it? Their Ceo apparently was very firmly under the impression that if he just made all the textures and lighting strictly under the terms of the SDK SP2. Then he would be fine for dx10. Obviously that wasn't the case. Waiting on Steve's fixes, but Orbx is no more capable of fixing the problems than they are of developing fs11 or the next NGX. Not their thing. Looking forward to p3d v2 as well.
  20. Orbx can't fix the dx10 problems with the lighting. Steve's dx10 fixer is supposed to, and it's been said he will offer a specific fix for the black squares problem outside of the fixer app. So, nothing on the orbx forum about this one way or another, since the problem is a dx10 problem. Orbx did post some screenies today from the upcoming 1.1 patch they are working on which makes the lights brighter, and apparently visible from further away. They said they are aiming for end of month on that, but it won't be of use for us dx10ers until the dx10 fixes are available from Steve.
  21. you forgot about the green deserts...
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