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  1. I found that responding to "IRS selectors" with "NAV" during the checklist still makes the F/O respond with "now set" even though it was in NAV already. Same thing still for the generators and probe heat (auto position).
  2. Thanks, will update and report back as soon as possible.
  3. From what I can see, the items still don't work despite the update. IRS switches state reading Generators state reading VNAV button no command VSD no command APU bleed air switch "now set" Fuel reset is set to used twice instead of reset Autobrake setting to anything higher than off rotates the switch to RTO first, resulting in the amber disarm light illuminating and staying illuminated WX radar is set to MAP instead of leaving it on auto when turning on WX radar Flaps up command doesn't seem to work when within a script Is there a separate command for "your side start chrono" for the F/O to start his chrono on his side like it works for Airbusses?
  4. No. It was set to FL190, then F/O dialed way back down in order to go up to FL390.
  5. No worries. Will try this. The Vertical Situation Display that can be shown on the bottom of the Navigation Display. The switch to toggle this is located on the EFIS (the square switch between the minimums and altimeter dial switches that says VSD). A separate command for the F/O to switch this on on his side would be appreciated. Something plain like "your side nd show vsd/vertical profile". I also noticed some other issues. When I command an altitude to set in the MCP, the F/O seems to be unable to read the currently set altitude and dials it back to 0 in order to go from there up to whatever I've commanded. This is problematic since he will dial down past the current altitude the airplane is at (when in VNAV speed for example, the climb will stop and VNAV goes into VNAV altitude). Some other minor issues are that the F/O seems unable to determine the current state of the generators, probe heat switches, IRS switches and I think APU bleed and APU switches. During the checklist, he will hesitate and operate the switches and announce "now set" even though they were already in the desired position. Not too important but a minor annoyance.
  6. I converted all my scripts from PMDG's NG to use with iFly's MAX. I found a few, still outstanding issues: Oxygen check doesn't check oxygen, instead it moves the F/O's seat and armrests. Fuel flow reset puts the switch to used fuel twice instead of to reset once. Autoflight disengage lights are tested for both Captain and F/O. Personally, I'd prefer this to be separate commands for left and right side. No command for runway inhibit switch. Engine/APU fire test: The left overheat switch gets stuck in A position. Generally, the test should be: Both overheat switches normal Test switch to fault/inop Test switch to overheat/fire Both overheat switches to A Test switch to overheat/fire Both overheat switches to B Test switch to overheat/fire If that's too elaborate for MCE, perhaps it's better to just go with both overheat switches normal and test switch to fault/inop, then overheat/fire. Cargo fire test switch needs to be depressed longer to actually activate the test. "Transponder standby" command puts the right switch to altitude off instead of operating the left one that actually turns the transponder on and off (and to auto). "Reset rudder trim" command sometimes misses the 0 target (same in the PMDG NG). F/O is able to operate the elevator trim even with cutout switches set to cutout (maybe a limitation in iFly's SDK though). A command for the VSD for both sides separately would be nice. Chrono commands need to be mapped to the chrono button on the outer edge of the glareshield. There is no command for the VNAV button on the FMC (that replaces climb, cruise and descent). Recall is being pressed twice.
  7. This was the same for the PMDG 777 initially. It happens when MCE can't read the current flap position to verify the command, so it asks for confirmation to avoid setting flaps the wrong way. I'm sure that will be fixed like with the 777.
  8. I have never noticed any pitch up, only after this update.
  9. I think there is an improvement but I didn't notice too much. But I used 2k textures for FSLTL before so there was already a performance increase over default textures.
  10. The convention typically is that the PF will display engine indications on their side while the PM has the large ND. I think that's what the poster is saying. But I don't know if that's an actual Boeing recommendation or just common practice.
  11. Bearing in mind the usual caveat of whether or not the plan will materialize as communicated, I seem to recall they said LNAV will receive further improvement with the release(s) of the next 777 variants (which will then also be pushed into the 737). LNAV isn't finished yet, but then again they said that 10 years ago as well, lol. Though I'm not sure why they would make claims opposing the views of real drivers of the thing and say it's already accurate and how the real plane flies. Seems like a contradiction to the communicated development process of LNAV 2.0.
  12. Thanks for the work you do with MCE. Not sure what I'd do if it went away since I've have full airline specific SOPs scripted with MCE which transforms simming a lot.
  13. What are the plans on this considering the pre-release is available now?
  14. The FCU commands don't work for me anymore with the current Fenix version (altitude commands, etc.).
  15. They said the 737 will receive the same improvements from the 777, so I'm not surprised the 737 has the same issues that the 777 still has in this regard. Talking about LNAV improvements for, like, 10 years and then still not nailing it is a letdown. Though I still stand by what I said after the 777 release. It's better than it was before. It's not where it could (and probably should) be, but the F/D in the 777 is at least easier to follow now and it doesn't wobble as much as the 737 used to, even though it still does. They are coming closer but aren't nailing the touch down. What I always found odd though is that the wobbling in the 737 started after they pushed an update for it at some point. It didn't wobble before that update.
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